Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I have some views on the current education

 Hello everybody!
My name is Bing, stranger in 1968, is now the capital of an ordinary bus employees on the front. I am very happy to born in Beijing in this beautiful city, and grew up here. I deeply love my hometown, I deeply love my country, I sincerely hope that my country can be prosperous, standing in the world power.
as I know, my country from 1949 So far, despite a few detours, but the time in which the past few decades, especially the reform and opening up, people's living standards have been a leap of change. people's lives and living environment has undergone rapid changes. achievements are obvious to all I do not want to say too much, I just would like to talk with the people's living standards improve the negative effects.
ancient civilization of China is recognized worldwide, splendid culture, long history, all China in the world showing the location of hearts of the people. But the people turned to see is China's modern history, backwardness and poverty, war and famine, was insulted and being trampled upon. these situations in the new China was founded, has been rapidly reversed, China's rapid economic development has been the world's recognition. but the hearts of Chinese people, ethics, values, outlook on life, but did not get a good turn. So Deng Xiaoping once said: I think that education is not scientific and cultural knowledge, education, education should be thinking of is how a man of education. If economic development, but it does not follow the development of moral standards, or the quality of the Chinese economy have not kept pace development, even if the economy further development, science and technology further developed, or is it equally despised by the country, the same can not improve their position in the international community. as soon as possible to reverse this situation and economic development should be an urgent need to share.
Now I simply look at the analysis of the root causes of educational failure, first of all say that family education.
the chaos of modern Chinese history, people from different aspects by the idea of the different effects of a code of conduct, or due to the war, and so various reason, makes China's modern history, generations of formal education can not be normal operation, how to correct a man's education system is a fatal blow has been made to correct a man's education has become a blank.
how to properly the life of teachers is that parents first, that is family education. As the process of China's modern history is chaos, which words and deeds of education is also devastating. For various reasons the impact of modern Chinese history in the family can say to four generations of three generations that had not been formal education in life. Now the parents do not know how to correct situations in life, to educate the next generation. As parents, the cultivation of their own decision, and now it seems to have in our minds the existence of parental education, but because of the parents and the parents of these parents, do not know how to behave correctly, that family education is not now achieve the desired effect. so educated do not know how the descendants of the same right life. As a result of generations of ignorance (the ignorance does not mean an insult to the people, but the lack of proper education in life, not intentional wrong people), will together with the rapid development of today's economy. on the way I do not know where to go? just like a person driving a motor vehicle does not drive a motor vehicle, as the first exercise of very slow driving a car, you can make do with the master of words. With the vehicle to enhance the quality, speed acceleration . As driving skills did not improve, on the contrary due to the previous generation of people for the experience of driving a slow car to educate the next generation, it will lead to major accidents. not only hurt yourself, but also hurt others, hurt the community. need to change this reality.
say school education. The teacher is the gardener, watering the flowers of the motherland. In this peace, the teacher is represented by the country's future, the hope of society. teachers responsibilities are threefold: First, the preacher . Second, by the industry. Third, the doubts.
one, preaching that the right way of life
Road, the correct way of life. to preach the first place where the demonstration of its importance. people were living in the community, do not know how science and technology, do not know the skills to survive, you can always learn, to keep. But the life of the standard will begin on the date from the sensible, if you missed this period of education. grow up, do not know what is real life, If allowed to go its own way. When these people made some of the wealth after a certain social status, because they do not know how to correct man, like a sharp knife, if placed in the right hands, will improve the ability of the person to to help them correct behavior. But if not properly placed in the hands of life, which would deepen the razor harm themselves, harm others, harm to the community. indicates the importance of preaching.
Second, by the industry
by the industry Education is the imparting of scientific knowledge and life skills education, this education was on the second. people live in this world, of course, to have a means of survival. on the basis of the right man to master a certain means of subsistence. grow up to be the correct use of these means to achieve the goal in life. just like the above-mentioned cutting edge, the razor is a means of survival, thanks to preaching, the means of survival now rests in the right to life of people hands will be very good for their own benefit, the benefit for others, for social welfare.
Third, doubts
doubts, not only refers to the cultural knowledge of the doubt, it is the right of life FAQ. Mengmeng do not understand when people entered the school, they are a piece of paper, can be said that all the places, there will not understand the time, when the first teacher is the school of education. the importance of the Enlightenment is the problem this time got the answer, make life-long memory of this man, and in accordance to do, form their own view of life. If the failure of elementary education, in order to change the future even more difficult.
education of today: < br> As mentioned earlier today a family education, parents do not know what their life is right, the same would not know how to properly educate the next generation. with the wrong methods of education, draw the wrong results. this error The results go to educate their children, and only mistake. Are they not the right way to educate future generations? The answer is no, they also want the right way, but they do not know what is the right approach, but also do not know the correct way to exist, that their way is the right way, this is scary.
today's school education, general education, scientific knowledge is, that is, by the industry. the lack of proper education in life . Of course, schools now have the political class and ideological and moral education classes, because that is more patriotic education, and socialist education, generally from their side of things distant, students will know what to do. The closer to the ideological and moral education life in the communist education. I personally believe that education is not impossible these education, but on the basis of the right man can be. The two are not contradictory. the whole of China 1.3 billion population, the first thing education is the right man, education is achieved only after communism. If a person, even the man did not know how to correct, but also talk about communist life. again present Chinese regime has been fairly stable. If the early communism, In order to seize power and the communist education of the words. today's society has entered a virtuous and stable development stage, this stage should focus on the proper education, proper education of life, which is Jiang Zemin's truth. If we fail, Social Status:
due to rapid economic development, and how to correct a man's education, due to historical reasons, has lagged absolute, it can be said that without this education. the right man, if the time in the economic underdevelopment , looking not very important. because of economic backwardness is caused by the relative equality of people, people living in the equality of the heart for there is no comparison. director home to eat the steamed corn bread to pickles, the workers home to eat a pickle on Wotou. so people do not have any desire, there will not be thinking too much. In addition, when an underdeveloped economy, people are mostly food and clothing and bustle, there is no energy to think of other issues, the relative stability of people's lives.
Today is different, with the economic development of the widening gap between rich and poor people. resulted in some people the cost of a meal, and some people's annual salary equivalent. This imbalance resulted in people's minds, imagine imbalance The state must be the state of disharmony. In addition, as generations of people have not been subjected to proper education of life, from small to make today's society, from the old to the young, there are lack of education in how to behave. because they do not know how to properly life, social evils with the economic development, as well as the increase in personal wealth, more quickly apparent. makes the existence of social instability in China, due to the impact of this uncertainty is even more accelerated the appearance of factors of disharmony. If left unchecked, will not only affect people's lives, it will cause social instability. see the right of life is an urgent need for education.
government assess the situation and have also seen this, Premier Wen Jiabao put forward in time the concept of harmonious society . but I can say that the Government saw these problems, but also want to change, but not an effective method. so for now no matter what people have to use money to measure the problem. People have problems, you always said : all. money should operate around the life, the reverse is now living but in the money spinning around. in the hearts of the people as representatives of economic development is a harmonious society. But society is definitely not the accumulation of wealth, more importantly, the right man, right living.
This abnormal situation is not our government do not see, encouraging the timely discovery of the existence of the problem. President Hu Jintao put forward Eight Honors, the concept of life can be said that indicate the correct direction in life. If people are in accordance with the requirements of Eight Dos and Don'ts of people and things to do, is the right way to solve the above factors of disharmony can achieve the purpose. However, these positive values have been proposed since then, people Some do not understand, some do not know what to do to reach the result of eight honors and eight disgraces. good target brought up, but the lack of education system, or the corresponding education system is not perfect, the truth is not very educating people easily acceptable. how to educate people how to Eight Honors and Eight Shames according to the criteria to do to become an arduous and long-term task.
there is no correct, complete, simple and easy to accept it and what materials? answer is positive, not looking around, the Chinese ancient civilization since ancient times. civilized manners, ethics, traditional Chinese virtue. I can issue more than reason with emotion, the reason why we can see that the problem is because that the Chinese traditional culture bright spot. since ancient times, no one read it, and so far no one knows what it is to talk.
I am in contact with a chance to philosophy. I can charge, I understand I meaning and specific educational method, is a good man to educate people how to correct the textbooks. If the people can be the right man, naturally there will be a harmonious society, China's natural to social stability and people's lives happy. natural environment Nature's beautiful. But the Government to do such work, the government has the obligation and responsibility to educate their people better the right way to live.
of: Bing
April 2028

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