Monday, February 21, 2011

Four Theories of Educational Technology twentieth century II - behaviorism (behavioral theory) ...

 Watson behavioral learning theory
Watson is typical of early behaviorism, he used observation, conditioned reflex method, oral presentation method, test method, such as different experimental methods, obtained a lot about human feelings, emotions , thinking, personality and other aspects of theory, and the frequency of learning put forward by law, proximate cause of law and other learning theories.
one, Watson's life and writings of John
. Watson (John B. Watson, 1878 ~ 1958) was born in 1878 in the U.S. state of South Carolina, Greenville. He always start in school education. Huasheng Cheng confess hours is not a good student, a little lazy, disobedient, good fight, poor academic performance Well, barely upgrade. just entered the university after a local change in V Coleman.
1894 he entered the V Coleman University, he received a master's degree after five years. Then he chose the University of Chicago, to access PhD as a target. But in the study, his philosophical passion to disappear soon, and he even difficult to understand his mentor John Dewey's thought. However, under the influence of the Angel began to become interested in psychology and the Neurology Department as a second deputy. He also studied biology and physiology .1903 Loeb study, he received degrees in philosophy Bo soil, and got married. until 1908, he was a lecturer in the University of Chicago. In these years, he not only study and work, and done a lot of animal behavior experiments, and to demonstrate to the study of animal behavior as a preference to be tested. began to form his belief in the direction of behaviorism.
1908, when China Assistant Professor, University of Chicago students into the same time, he was given the official Johns Hopkins University professor positions. Although Watson is nostalgia for the University of Chicago, but the Johns Hopkins University laboratory to guide him over to the University of Chicago He also generous salary, excellent conditions for which Watson eventually came to Johns Hopkins University. He spent his academic career here, the most glorious years, until 1920.
a long time, Watson keep thinking about how to make psychology more objective, in a lecture in 1908 made his first public thinking on this issue, he should be cartel .1912 invitation at Columbia University, a series of lectures, in a speech he also talked about the issue during his .1913 Start .1914, he also published his first systematic exposition of behavioral monograph The response of young psychologists. two years later at age 38 when Watson was elected President of the American Psychological Association. It also illustrates one aspect of Watson's behaviorism in psychology has been welcomed by .1919 published his second The monograph, Hopkins University's position, so he interrupted his academic experience smash hit .1921 for Love Health and entered the business, he used behavioral approach to advertising. he found the growth of the learning curve bears a striking resemblance. a book published, this book is popular behaviorism Watson expressed .1930 Years of Health has revised the book, this is his last in professional psychology Love Health .1947 retired from business in Connecticut a farm in the last years of his life through .1957 of the American Psychological Association awarded him the honor in the text of a compliment to his work praised as is one of the enduring and fruitful line of research starting point. object of study - behavioral
Watson behaviorism in the Declaration as > Watson talked about the first act is a reaction can be observed in the body. This is the essence of the body response to human and animal adaptation to the external environment. Huasheng Cheng recognition, to psychology. But psychology to expand its usage. that is a simple psychology to physiological responses combined into a complex set of reactions, the simple association of musculoskeletal movement acts as a kind of way. Watson the reaction is divided into four categories:
1. the habit of explicit response, including the open door, playing tennis, playing a violin, to build a house, with people talking with people;
2. the habit of implicit response including conditioning cited cited glandular secretion, silent speech (that is, thinking), body orientation or attitude;
3. explicit genetic effects, including various human instinct can be observed and emotional reactions, such as grip, sneezing, blinking, etc.;
4. implicit in the genetic response, including the physical awareness of the endocrine system and circulatory system to the changes.
Watson summarized here, the overall behavior of the organism, and to distinguish these acts responses congenital and acquired the habit of response acquisition. Watson, that this distinction is very important, because behaviorism is to discover which of the learning process and ways to master the law of its formation, to achieve predictable behavior, the purpose of controlling behavior.
three theories of the behavioral Watson Research Methods
the following four methods:
1, observation
Huasheng Cheng recognized the important role of observation , he observed were divided into two categories.
is no help for a class observation, which is often speak of the nature of the observation. Watson, this observation can also be understood that the reaction from the stimulus and response and the nature of the action . but because of many phenomena can not be adequately controlled, and therefore can only be a rough and simple way.
other is the help of instruments of observation. Watson believes that the progress of all scientific means and equipment with the experimental improvements related. Therefore, to study psychology, behavior, follow the example of natural science, it is necessary to design effective control of sophisticated equipment to be tested, studied the behavior more accurately. This observation is in fact the usual experimental method.
2 the condition that the reflection method
Watson conditioned reflex method is a very objective way, he conditioned divided into two categories. One is used to obtain the conditions for the secretion of reflection method is used to obtain the conditions for a class of motor reflexes approach. Watson is not only formally included in the conditions of reflection of the research methods of psychology, but also the application of this method personally emotional children systematic experimental study.
3, verbal report method that
Watson , in the normal body, there is a non-existent in animals, even in the metamorphosis of the ability of humans is not perfect, that observe their internal body changes that occur and these changes oral reports. and, man for response to a variety of situations using the language more often instead of other sports to achieve. Sometimes, this even is the only observed reaction. It also decided on the people of not only possible, but the method must be an oral report. China Health Law of the oral report about the reported changes only within their own body, rather than psychological and awareness activities, which is not usually called introspection.
4, test method
Watson believes that with the development of science, pure and applied research between academic research is more and more, test method from the application of the method has gradually become a research method. He believes that the test method has been a major problem is that most of them are relating to the conduct and language, which makes people who have language deficits can not use this approach. Therefore, he advocated do not necessarily need to design and use clear language, the behavior of the external performance test.
four fundamental theoretical Watson The basic ideas are as follows
Watson on the feeling from his point of view of behaviorism, in his writings as much as possible to avoid the application of as a instead of illusion. At the same time that Chinese survivors, you can write a psychology, not stimulation to demonstrate the system formed out of a combination of innate response.
However, he later was canceled in psychology advocated the concept of instinct, that instinct in psychology, the concept is no longer needed. He said: Please give me a dozen healthy infants without defects, let me in my special world of education, then I can guarantee that, among these a dozen babies, and I can come up with a to, you can train him to become any an expert - whether his abilities, hobbies, trends, talent, career, and what race is, I can train him to become a doctor or a lawyer, or an artist, or a business leader, or even can be trained He became a beggar or a thief. Mushi stream of consciousness. He made the overall behavior of a person's life a chart from simple to complex, that the behavior of one's life is an endless stream of action flow, starting from the fertilized egg, with age becoming more complex. some non-learning Action will be gone in a very short period of time, and some is retained longer. Watson called this action flow chart view of his behavioral expression, and that the behavioral stream is through these actions to understand human behavior. action flow To observe the psychological behaviorism provides a realistic background.
4. on the theory of emotion
Watson believes that the type of emotion is a genetic response, including the mechanism of the profound changes in whole body, especially the visceral and glands of the profound changes in the system. but he believes that there is difference between instinct and emotion. If adaptation is caused by stimulation of the internal, and is confined within the main body, then this is emotional; if stimulation of the whole organism species adapt to the object, then this is instinct.
Watson, that human beings have three kinds of primitive or basic emotions is fear, anger, and honey. Watson conditioned fear response with the formation of the fact that the condition is to make the emotional complexity of and the development of mechanisms of complex human emotions are the basis of the aforementioned three primary emotions, through the role of evolving conditions.
learn more about the conditioned fear response, click the Little Albert) experiment the language was used, which is language; one is implicit in the language and customs, which is thinking. two habit of action is equivalent in nature, therefore, speech is loud thinking, thinking is a silent conversation. Here He also made an important idea, that is implicit in the language used by the explicit language used to gradually evolved. started the child alone continue to speak on their own, after the adults and the community's request, change the whispered speech, and finally becomes just within the lips appear. Watson noted that the contact of speech and thought.
Chinese survivors of the creation of the role of thinking explains. for all thinking creatures, he said The reason we get them, the reaction is due to the result of playing with words. people response to the words come and go, and finally get a new reaction model, which is the product of a variety of thinking.
Watson that the human form of thinking in addition to language, there are non-verbal forms of thinking. He pointed out that deaf people speak instead of using body movement vocabulary, and their words and thinking the same physical reactions are carried out . Even people who normally use the phrases were not always thinking, when a person is thinking, he not only place the language of potential activities, but also occurs with latent latent physical activity and visceral activities. and in The latter two activities take advantage of the time, they had no language form of thinking.
6. on the theory of personality that
Watson, personality refers to a response of all existing and potential assets (Assets) and existing and potential liabilities (Liabilities). the assets within the meaning refers to Watson:
first, has been the overall composition of the various habits, socialization has been adjusted out of the various instinct, socialized and have been training over a variety of emotions, as well as various combinations between these things and relationships;
Second, plasticity (the formation of new habits and changing old habits of energy) and retention (various habits established its role in the speed of recovery) the height factor. that is personal to the current or future ability to adapt to the external environment.
means the debt is not in the current environment, the role and prevent its occurrence has been response to environment change the underlying factors.
then Watson pointed out that personality is the sum of all the action is the final product of a variety of custom systems. personality can be changed. because it is the environmental impact of the formation, so the change human personality is to change the way their environment.
V. Watson theories of learning - learning law
1, the frequency due to (frequency) law
Watson believes that, other things being equal , the more practice a certain behavior, habit formation was more rapid. Therefore, the number of times in practice plays an important role in habit formation. In the process of forming habits, and effective action to keep down the reason, invalid reason for disappearance of action is effective action as an ineffective action than any number of occurrences of all, and this is because each exercise effective action always occurs in the end of the.
example to, in a very simple test situations, the organism can only make two possible reactions: correct responses (represented by R +) and error responses (expressed by R-). For simplicity, we assume R + and R-initial intensity is similar. After a series of attempts to happen is: R-gradually weakened, R + is gradually enhanced. Watson, the reason it produced this result, because the R-only half of the attempts occurred, and R + in each attempts have taken place. R + R-more than is due to R + R-occur more frequently than doubled. Watson, the number of times the reaction occurs as a response to explain the principles of reservation or eliminated.
2, proximate ( recency)
Watson law that, when the reaction occurs frequently, the latest response to earlier responses to be strengthened more easily, because in every exercise, and effective response is always the last response, so such a response the next a practice will more likely. Thus, the success of his distance from the reaction, as explain some of the reaction is retained, and some response was out of principle. in his view, must be used to respond from the recent success of the reaction time .
six, reviews
(a) behavioral psychology progressive
1. behavioristic psychology to promote the emergence and development of the scientific process of psychological research. In behavioral psychology before Although the experimental method has been applied to study the problem of psychology. However, a comprehensive and objective study of psychology and natural science requirements and implementation of behavioral psychology or from the start. Watson, strongly advocated the method of using objective and observable behavior of animals. This emphasizes the overall objective of the study and objective research methods. This proposition for psychology, although extreme, but it is traditional for the complete removal of the contents of consciousness and mental Studies of subjective and tedious nature of mystery and following and is, or has played a positive role. behaviorist psychology research into the natural science areas. Therefore, some scholars call it The Revolutionary change and shape are achieved through the learning process. Therefore, behavioral psychology attaches great importance to study the learning process. In particular, the initiative of students in China, so that behavioral learning theorists, on the conditions under the effect of reflective learning process of considerable depth. can say with certainty, behavioral learning theory reflective of deepening the study of the conditions to make a contribution.
3. Huasheng Jian never advocated objective research methods of psychology, object introspection method. This will undoubtedly promote the scientific process of psychological research methods. It's a lot of experimental techniques, such as quantitative stimulation, behavior modification techniques to study the problem of human behavior provides an effective experimental means for the laid the methodological basis of birth. . Watson biggest drawback of behavioral psychology, consciousness and awareness is the process of exclusion and other intermediary outside the scope of research in psychology, mental process people become unknowable some of the later followers (such as the new behaviorist known as the Hull and Tolman and others) deviant; also made him science in computer science and artificial intelligence, psychology, presented to the demands and challenges of the time, even more pale weakness, which had to psychology The Methodology of the study results deny the acts of integrity, purpose and cognitive; also deny the integrity of the learning process, purpose and cognitive characteristics.
3. Watson attempted to identify human and animal uniform patterns of behavior, but also because he does not consider acts of integrity, purpose and cognitive characteristics. Therefore, his behavior confused animal behavior and the essential difference between human behavior, denial of awareness of human behavior guidance, control and The role of adjustment, denies the essential characteristics of human behavior. makes some of his psychology psychologists called the 4. Watson's behavior Pavlov did not like. He borrowed the term Pavlov on the conditioned reflex, but not put forward any innovative ideas. He proposed learning law and the factors that affect the learning process does not go beyond the traditional association psychology and animal experiments psychological research. his lack of a systematic learning process, in-depth study. Therefore, his not a sound view of learning.
II system behavior theory
Hull Hull is the use of the basic principles of psychology research on the importance of learning system representatives, who believe that learning is built on the drive the basis of reduction, the emphasis on learning in the , 1884 ~ 1952) on May 24, 1884 was born in Akron, New York. most of his childhood was spent in rural Michigan. His body has been a bad childhood, visual acuity and poor with family poverty, so many times interrupted formal education. During this period, he had a single room in Michigan, taught school for a year .24-year-old year, he has a lame leg due to illness. Although faced many difficulties and unfortunate, but Hull has been doggedly pursue a career, and success.
Hull initial inclination is to become a mining engineer, and in 1913 received a bachelor's degree in the University of Michigan. but then He began on the philosophy and psychology, became interested in, entered the University of Wisconsin graduate student, and received his Ph.D. in 1918, when he was 34 years old. Then he taught school for 10 years in 1929, he applied as a Yale University research professor, and leading the school, President of the American Psychological Association, 1945 by the American Association of Warren Medal of Experimental Psychology.
Hull a wide range of early interest in the study. He has studied systematically investigated the impact of tobacco on intellectual function, attitude of people and animals test, concept formation, and hypnosis and so on. He has spent 10 years full time to study the problem of hypnosis, and published many papers and a monograph .1927, the Hull first read the writings of Pavlov its systematic and scientific research work impressed, thus conditioning and an interest in learning problems. This is Hull last - a is the most important area of research. on behalf of his work in this area are: Organism) (1952).
Second, Hull's theory of the formation of the background of the system behavior
Hull made a total of mathematical formulas used to express the 17 Public (postulates), and believe this can explain the Public learning and motivation problems. Hull's mathematical theory of system has two background:
(a) Hull firmly believe that although the majority of scientific discovery through observation and experiments, but sometimes through the process of logical reasoning can also be found. Einstein proposed by mathematical theory of relativity, is a good example. Hull that the proposed interpretation of the genuine interpretation of a logical necessity of the characteristics of a scientific theoretical system is the interpretation of a large number of interrelated composition. Therefore, behavioral theory should be from the basic principles of conduct or public in the derived. proposed Public purpose is to use rigorous logic (mathematical formula) to those who can not directly verify the mediator interconnected, and put them in the event with their foothold in the environment (anchorages) link (Hilgard, 1956).
(b) Wood Worth (RSWoodworth), published in 1929, version), the suggested ), also depends on the organism (O). Wood Voss argued that psychology should study all the activities of the whole person, rather than only or only study the behavior of consciousness. He believed that human activities, including both driving force and mechanism . drive engine system, the mechanism can be converted to drive. Wood Worth the view of the significant impact of Hull. In a sense, Hull's theoretical system, can be seen as -R the ultimate function is to solve the problem of biological significance. When there is a need for an animal (such as in need of food), making it useful for this reaction is positive activities. As far as it engaged in any activity, the amount the number of activities That is irrelevant, as long as such activities can increase the opportunities for its survival on the line. assume that the animals engaged in activities, access to food chance to make a response, it eliminates the need for food, so as to solve its biology sense of the problem. In Helsinki it seems, if the need for this reduction process as a learning system, it be nice!
In fact, the animal becomes an automatic problem solving system, namely: the ; will lead animals to events, activities, animals will gradually restore the necessary acquisition of specific behaviors. animals in solving the problem of its physical, but also gradually learned to adapt to environmental requirements. Hull, but the organism can not learn this The stimulus - response association, as his starting point for learning system.
drive to restore the above analysis, Hull believes that first of all have to learn the system drive (drive, referred to as D). Look at Hull Then, when the state animal in need, whether it is hunger, thirst, pain, or other physical problems, will produce a dynamic state, Hull referred to as behavior - not any particular act, but simply act. This is why we can hope to make our animals to their response to the various.
Second, the learning system should also have strengthened. If To be restored animal drive, and learn some kind of response to address the biological significance of issues, strengthening is essential. After a series of attempts, the behavior of animals will be more effective, and be proficient in solving some environment issues, that is, animals some kind of reaction formed the habit (habit, referred to as H).
this way, we come to Hull two basic learning system concepts: (1) motivational state associated with the need, Hull called the drive (D); (2) generated by enhanced stimulus - response association between, Hull called habit (H). which leads to the best Hull underlying assumptions (Hull, 1949):
SER said that the stimulus S which have the potential size of the reaction behavior of R E, which has been learned whether the reaction of a likelihood.
SER = DtH experiments show (DH experimental)
so, according to the mathematical formula, the behavior is the behavior depends on two variables - Drivers and habits - the function used alone or drive itself can not tell us behavior of organisms, which have strength. For example, a rat in the maze walk slowly, we do not know in the end because it has a drive but not a habit, or because it has become accustomed to, but did not urge it quickly drive response. because in both cases, actions are likely to produce the same intensity. Therefore, one observation is not possible to simply drive to make judgments and habits, but through a series of observations, coupled with the use of a these assumptions, the behavior of organisms is possible to determine what factors determined by.
Hull further that the different needs we can put a different drive as the source. If the organism is not an act of bias in , then it would just need to drive the different sources can be multiplied by the existing habits. For example, we can predict that a hungry rat in the acquisition of a reaction, hunger does not necessarily make it this prerequisite for the reaction species. If we fast to water deprivation, this rat will continue to make this response, because it is now a new drive by the driving source. This leads to the force (generalized drive) layer of meaning, that is: not related to drive a variety of sources will help drive the increase, leading to the increase in acts of strength. For example, a hungry rat, if it is coupled with thirst, afraid, or other drive sources, will be more likely to respond quickly.
2. habit (sHR)
although Hull does not use energy to drive as its theoretical system restore point, but he is only to show that the study organism is carried out in order to survive a further extension of trial and error. In fact, he is most concerned about is a learned habit.
Hull that included learning the basic structure is used. sometimes become accustomed to learning synonyms. in Hull's system, the drive is very general, does not point to specific acts; and habits are very specific. In fact, all the specific sexual acts have been attributed to habit. He passed the stimulus ( S) and response (R) written in the habit (H) in the lower left corner (sHR) to emphasize this point. Therefore, the habit (sHR) showed that stimulation of a particular tendency to cause specific reactions.
Hull that the formation of a drive to restore the result. systematic observation and measurement, but also requires some basic postulate (the best way is to use mathematics), the basis of these basic postulates, can be theoretically deduced from the experimental results. If the interpretation of the observed results are consistent it shows that this postulate is reliable; if the interpretation is inconsistent with the observed results, it is necessary to amend the Public. Hull life is to do so, so, his theory has been continually revised system.
Hull later found that the animals do not drive to restore the situation, and sometimes also have to learn. This is the most convincing proof of Sheffield, who came from a series of research reports. For example, Sheffield and Robbie (Sheffield and Roby , 1950) found that if rats drink saccharin in the destination box, you can make it learn to walk the maze. They also found that drinking saccharin strengthen the role played by water, to eat other foods than the strengthening effect is also larger. However, saccharin Water does not contain any calories, it is impossible to restore physiological needs. Therefore, the Sheffield that is not constituted to strengthen drive or need to restore, but in the completion of sexual activity, the reaction to complete to eat. So, instead of looking to strengthen as is the drive to restore (drive reduction), as it is sensitive drive (drive induction).
In fact, Miller and Dollard Hull students (Miller and Dolard, 1941) in the early 40s Hull's reinforcement theory made an important amendment. because, in Hull seems hungry animals ate the food, the drive has been restored immediately to improve the behavior of strength. However, from the physiological point of view, animals food needs ...

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