Friday, February 11, 2011

Drought hit three quarters together, Shandong Province Qilu harvest drought insurance

 Stable development of grain and agricultural production, is to manage inflation expectations and stable consumer price level, is fundamental to achieving stable and rapid economic development and social harmony and stability. Last year, the Shandong to achieve food production, Departments at all levels must proceed from the overall situation of the global and fully understand the importance of drought reap a bumper harvest and arduous nature of the drought as the current economic work, especially in rural areas a top priority and utmost efforts to strive for the best results, resolutely fight this tough battle fight drought and ensure a good harvest.

history of a rare spring and autumn and winter
three quarters of continuous drought has hit the eight wet years, Shandong province.

Since late last September
, Shandong Peninsula in the province outside the Department in addition, more than 140 days in most areas of basic no effective rainfall, low average rainfall across the province, much as the average number of days without precipitation, has broken with meteorological, hydrological extreme value since records began, is the most serious areas affected by drought. So far, meteorological drought has reached 60 years for a return, and quickly changed into farmland in arid, drought-hit area of more than 3,000 acres of farmland, 40 million people drinking water problems occur, a serious threat to sustainable development to the summer drought of production and life of some people .

since the severe drought in Shandong Province, the State Council is very concerned about the Lunar New Year's Eve Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to the province of Jining drought, and made important instructions. The provincial government attaches great importance to the drought, the provincial secretary of the provincial People's Congress Chairman Jiang Yikang, Provincial Committee, Governor Jiang Daming, Provincial Committee, Provincial Committee Chairman Liu, Vice Governor Sheng Fangzhi Managing Jia Wan Chi Deputy Commander has been to the drought and other first-line inspection and guidance. Provincial government at all levels of party committees and governments should put top priority as the current drought, and drought and explicitly requested Party and government leaders at all levels linked to year-end evaluation. February 7, the province launched emergency drought response stage ��, Currently there are 11 cities starting drought emergency response.

drought is the command. Effectively strengthen the drought in our province to implement the responsibility system, the Chief Executive is responsible for the implementation of drought relief system, focused on the implementation of rural drinking water safety of drinking water on the leadership responsibility system and reporting system, and levels of engineering and maintenance, water supply protection package, the situation is submitted to the and other responsibilities, ensure that there is no water to drink a case of people's situation.

drought support the province, the central two special funds allocated drought, the amount of money is the most drought-hit provinces. Drought is also a financial investment of the province the most over the years. December 8 last year, the central province allocated 20 million yuan serious drought funds earmarked for construction of drought and drought emergency purchase of equipment. January 31, the central province allocated 286 million yuan in emergency re-drought water subsidies for wheat and 2.5 billion purchase of equipment at the county level drought Service grant funds, the provincial finance, water conservancy, agriculture and other sectors of the night, the first time allocated For counties (cities, districts), to ensure the timely play a benefit. In response to severe drought, 19 January, the provincial government 50 million yuan emergency arrangements for drought-relief funds, earmarked for the drought emergency water project construction and equipment purchase of drought. Drought-relief funds to raise 644 million yuan each city, the province has reached 1.25 billion total investment drought, the drought provides a strong guarantee.

spring irrigation water around in order to maintain the goal of strengthen drought emergency water project construction and scientific management of water scheduling. Reservoir irrigation canal projects focus on supporting good job lead database construction and engineering repair damaged; Irrigation District, pay close attention to organizational strength to play with the emergency drought wells, expanded use of groundwater; Yellow River Irrigation gate in time before the dredging and channel dredging, as do spring irrigation Seedlings Good project preparation. Good drinking water and irrigation in spring around the co-ordination, strengthen water allocation to various types of water projects, drinking water, on the basis of ensuring the maximum protection spring irrigation water, industrial security operation, Paul ecological security, priority use of ground water, and actively lead tone of the Yellow River water, reasonable development groundwater, regulate exploitation of deep water, to make a scientific configuration, reasonable dispatch.

extensive self-help mobilize the masses, while drought, drought teams throughout the drought and farmers associations together with facilities and equipment procurement, investment drought. The central county of the province drought Service 125 subsidy for each county funding has been issued 200 million devices, 15 March a group of wells will be put in place an emergency purchase of equipment for water pumps, irrigation equipment, pull water equipment. Up to now, the province sent nearly all levels of working groups, steering group, expert scientific advice to farmers on first line, drought, water security wheat.

Sheng Fangzhi member units in the provincial government under the unified arrangements, strengthen ties of communication, focusing on unity, cooperation, working together to further enhance the drought. Growth of the seedlings do a good job of the agricultural sector, extensive Yellow Hewubumen actively Huangweilianxi, for the Yellow River water allocation targets, urge Yin storage of the Yellow River water; electricity, oil and other departments during the full protection of drought petrol supply.

the current severe drought in our province, and the trend was continuing. Provincial government requirements, and drought in accordance with Premier Wen Jiabao demanded, from the disadvantages of view, the best place to work. The next step will be the face of the province's drought is extremely severe test, drought and extremely arduous task complex. To further strengthen anti-drought, tough fight, good fight with determination and confidence of emergency, the drought is not removed, endless drought. To further implement drought measures: strengthening the monitoring and analysis, accurately grasp the drought, to speed up construction, scientific water allocation, the implementation of drought policy, strengthen guidance, materials and equipment to strengthen, improve drought services sector collaboration to jointly overcome the drought.

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