Monday, December 20, 2010

Venture in exchange for six-minute speech, What you want

 Last week's interview, on the DEMO CHINA's. For entrepreneurs, now lived in an era of infinite possibilities, DEMO is not just a platform that brings together many with the entrepreneurial passion and dreams of people , which represents the entrepreneurial spirit of this age and dreams.
(interview) six-minute speech in return venture, you want to What?
Moderator: Sohu Business Channel interview guest editor of the Prince resumed
: Xiong Xiao Mr. Pigeon (IDG executive vice president and global president of Asia)
Miss Yang Yin (IDG love odd Exhibition Co., Ltd., Executive Vice President)
Mr. Ai Yamin (Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, Deputy Director) < br> guests wonderful views:
Yang Yin: DEMO for entrepreneurs to provide a broader platform for entrepreneurs inspire enthusiasm and potential
Ai Yamin: Tianjin Development Zone, is not only the industrial area, is a successful business park, the success of Innovation Park
Prince recovery: DEMO represents the entrepreneurial spirit of this age
[Below the text of the interview on-site Record]:
host (Sohu Business Channel Editor Prince recovery): Good morning you Sohu users are welcome to Sohu guests to visit chat rooms.
interview is about to begin, please wait friends.
thank you to pay attention to our interview today, but also thanks to the chat room today, the China Business Journal and a reporter in China Computer World friends, give us a presentation of today's guests. One guest was the executive vice president and global IDG Asia President Mr. Xiong Xiaoge, IDG love odd Exhibition Co., Ltd. Executive Vice President of Miss Yang Yin, and the Tianjin Development Zone Vice Director, Mr. Ai Yamin. because Mr. Xiong Xiaoge rushed over from Vietnam this morning, bad weather in Beijing, the plane was delayed, and now we have not rushed to the studio, it should be things never come easy.'ll start our interview, one will bear Mr. Xiao pigeon came, would express his views on the core of DEMO.
we all know that venture investment in China this year is a very active year, but also for China itself, many full of entrepreneurs who are looking forward to a dream was able to find the funds to make their dreams come true, this year we have seen a lot of Web2.0 websites and other new technology-driven venture projects continue to find their own funds to start to start to success.
the same time we will see , a lot of feel good project control, but suffer from people who can not find financing for development, looking forward to venture into, and help them succeed together. This should be a lot of people, I believe that in the interest of the users we interviewed, A lot of people should be our potential object of interest. If our readers, you have a business project and hope to find venture capital to realize their dreams of the elite crowd, you can focus on today's activities, concerns DEMO CHINA, then prepared the classic 6-minute speech, show your potential and advantages of the project, you may as this 6-minute speech to success. Next, we will focus on venture capital and DEMO CHINA 9 month in-China activities, start today's interview, because the bears Mr. Xiao pigeon did not come, a lot of questions will focus on aspects of Yizhu Ren and Yang president. We begin to chat, so the total came after Bear, to his views add to the mix.
many people are concerned about the risks of investing , but many people do not understand DEMO, DEMO CHINA do not know of, the first president of a brief asked Yang DEMO DEMO CHINA basic conditions and circumstances.
Moderator: Sohu Business Channel Editor Prince recovery Photography / Sun Guohua
Yin Yang (IDG love odd Exhibition Co., Ltd., Executive Vice President): netizens, the host is good, very glad to have this opportunity with our friends in the Sohu exchange DEMO this project together. DEMO is the IDG has been done in the world for 16 years brand development in the United States has been very good, we can say a piece of DEMO and the Silicon Valley economic growth, DEMO is in this environment after 16 years of progressive results. In 16 years, there are many familiar products are success of the support of DEMO, DEMO is very important in the choice of projects is a feature of all the items are to appear first in the market, for example, the familiar Palm Pilot, Skype and so is the first time appearance at the DEMO, Yahoo, google, project is also the first appearance in the DEMO.
DEMO through the 16 years from the point of view, several hundred projects in more than 10 billion dollars in venture capital to these projects, the project in September last year until now , almost 3 billion dollars in capital investment projects to the DEMO in appearance. DEMO this time to China, is the first time out of the United States, we choose the first international event held in China, chose China venture capital market that China attaches great importance to the . It also indicates that this market is not lack of creativity in China, but good ideas on how to market to the problem of how to combine success with their own problems, which is why we get the DEMO to the cause of China.
We want everyone in China to provide such a platform, have the opportunity to venture capitalists, strategic investors, the majority of the media face to face opportunities. We also hope that through our professional services, so that China can make a start-up companies can get faster the opportunity to take off. DEMO CHINA for entrepreneurs is a very good chance, at the same time is also a very good investment opportunities at home, from the current survey data show that, in the hands of venture capitalists is very ample funds , and they could not find a good project, can not find a good team, we not only include those items of broad areas of IT, including hardware and software equipment, including biotechnology, application of technology, there are many new projects DEMO stage can be to a new development, we hope to provide a broader platform for everyone.
interview guests: Miss Yang Yin (IDG love odd Exhibition Co., Ltd., Executive Vice President) Photo / Peter Sun
Moderator: Venture Capital looking for business projects, but many people venture capital can not find the particular good, exciting projects. But for many people who have entrepreneurial dreams, and feel that I have such a good project, how to find venture capital, on both sides of the butt, is the need to DEMO this platform. to my understanding, venture capital can not find the right project, which may be many of our business is not very mature about the project. Please talk about the Young President, from your point of view speaking, DEMO future in love what kind of project? What kind of project is moved by venture capitalists, decided to put this money to you so that you develop? have you talked about, may not be very specific, our readers may special attention to this topic.
Yang Yin: DEMO more attention to the project are several criteria, the first is the first time published in the local market, which means it is a new project. Investors are often able to find a more good new field, that is, we are talking about innovation, you need to have their own things, but in this market is the first.
second, the target market we are very fancy significant impact, we want to select These projects are on target existing market share have a huge impact. in a very mature field already, although you also have a good project, but will not change this field to the existing market structure, the project is not The.
third aspect is very important that a strong team management, team management is the innovative idea, the idea came out to do, how to market, to have this capability, the management team to innovate, which also we are very fancy.
last one is viable business plans and customer support. This is the standard we have chosen a few items.
DEMO not fancy items such as large-scale channels and markets have been The beta, or a simple upgrade or enter the saturated market, the market share will not change too much, there has been widespread speculation in the project. venture capitalists, institutional investors are also concerned about what we are concerned about the project DEMO . DEMO to the entrepreneurial team, in addition to providing a better platform for other, we have ways and services. Perhaps the Chinese have a good market for these enterprises, but how to put a good idea to let more in line with market demand, with mature marketing method can into the market, this could be our DEMO before the whole event to these start-ups include a range of services. We selected items, through professional training and to create, to make the project better in the investment business before the performance. investors see a lot of items every day, maybe a good idea to you, because your packaging and your presentation is not good, all of a sudden be gone into a sandy beach. We very important is to DEMO pick out the gold, grind, presented in this arena, so that more investors to know more media to help them, they reported.
Moderator: DEMO build a platform to improve business and communication between the effects of investors.
Yang Yin: help entrepreneurs learn to show their.
Moderator: asked some entrepreneurs concerns, if passed, would like to get venture capital DEMO, now just an idea enough? or the idea has begun the implementation phase has begun outlined, such as the establishment has started up, in the practice areas, DEMO is not very great importance?
Yang Yin: venture capitalists look at the project time, more attention is the idea and you can market the ability to demonstrate this ability you the best way is that you already have certain results, this is the best method. If you do not have the opportunity to do, But you put your ability to persuasively to the investor perspective, investors will not be completely rejected.
Generally, investors are now looking at the risk of project, do not like 98, 99 , 2000, when looking at your idea. Now there are many opportunities to put them in front, they need to see your practical ability. If you have the actual operation ability and generalization ability, has been proved, and DEMO this ability to put out, you get a better chance of venture capital. We do not rule out completely that only an idea, but have the capability, but also have the time and ability to achieve the team. Now venture capitalists is growing, look at the project when, after the bubble period in 2000, when the bubbles settle down later to see something more.
Moderator: Now ask Aizhu Ren, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone on the DEMO provides a great help, and you have a good strategic partner, we are concerned about the venture capital field in terms of your exposure to one of you, but to do management, high-tech field of technological development zones in Tianjin The position is very important, we have seen many reports from the terms of your work situation,UGG boots clearance, combined with technical development zone of Tianjin to talk about the growth of the current high-tech projects and their funding needs.
Ai Yamin ( Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, deputy director): Good morning you friends, very happy to be here today, a guest Sohu Finance Channel, there is a communication opportunity. First of all simply to Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone recommend users look to you We are the first countries in 1984 approved the establishment of the zone, it can be said at the time was an innovative first zone or .20 years, the development zones in China has become a very important economic phenomenon, the whole of China is now the Class sizes are five thousand zones or more probably, in many places, the development zone have become important economic growth point, an important area of economic development, many places have become an important means of economic development.
20 years of history in Tianjin Development Zone is a business history, we are confident that the same entrepreneurs, recalled 20 years ago, the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone is on wasteland in a wilderness, and we were very well aware of the modern industrial less, on the development of modern industry know very little about how, when we know very little about the market economy. After 20 years of development, we have reached an industrial output value over 280 billion this year, GDP over 76 billion, is a very successful industrial area. We also experience the great entrepreneurial success in business. the new century, recently there is a very important thing for us is a great thing, that is, May 26 the State Council issued Document No. 20 issues related to development and opening up views Express the third pole.
Interview Guest: Mr. Ai Yamin (Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, Deputy Director) Photo / Peter Sun
as an important part of Tianjin Binhai New Area, Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area is to seriously study This file is understanding, is considering how to seize opportunities, how to meet this challenge, can do better. our understanding of Tianjin Binhai New Area of Tianjin Development Zone, or is specifically required by the State Council document, in the future development of our To adhere to the starting point and wide field with particular emphasis on technological innovation and independent innovation. very clearly point out why we and the IDG cooperation with IDG why the activities to promote the DEMO CHINA.
Yin Yang: This is why we did not choose Beijing , Shanghai, we will select the reason for the city of Tianjin.
Ai Yamin: Figuratively speaking 16 years ago DEMO If you want to do in China, will choose in Shenzhen, because it was the hottest place in China, the most TOP where, if I am afraid that 10 years ago, Pudong New Area in Shanghai, and 16 years later, DEMO 2006, the first time it's activities outside the United States or the activities of the first elections in China in the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, we think that both its necessity and an opportunity for us. can not seize this opportunity, can do our work, which we considered in the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone of things.
We all know that science and technology The most important innovation or project, the project is the lifeblood of technological innovation, the project is the most important people, have repeatedly told Young the total, and some people can like pure gold, like gold, like, it is easy to light, it is easy to attract venture investment and to attract institutional investors, attracting everyone's attention. But the general also said Yang, a lot of talent, as many projects as the sand sometimes, like diamonds in the rough, is buried in the sand, buried in the mountains, we need to have some form of , there are certain activities to tap the real gold. DEMO this event is very suitable form.
engaged in scientific and technological innovation in our time especially for us to promote technological innovation and promoting entrepreneurship in terms of, first, the mechanism of innovation, DEMO The mechanism also conducted in-depth research, it is quite distinctive, and even a little dramatic way, say, 6 minutes played Speed, this may not necessarily be particularly objective, particularly scientific, but it has a benefit, inspire entrepreneurs to the largest of his enthusiasm, his potential, the core of his nature of business projects to tap out as soon as possible to the form of 6 minutes to let him show it, the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and the quality of entrepreneurs is also the first A related challenge.
If a person has a good technological genius, a very good business genius, but not in 6 minutes in real terms in his projects, ideas, manifested, attracted others, and it should be said is also a shortcoming, first we have this fancy DEMO.
Yin-Yang: Actually, this is the test of ability in marketing a product to market, market activity, including the end-user, on the channel for investment business marketing is very important aspect. by DEMO 6 分钟 this form is also investigated in addition to a team of innovative ability, the ability to turn it into products, marketing capability is not there, focus on the ability to focus, to the best thing out of the ability to show.
Moderator: 6 minutes This also attracted a lot of attention. Aizhu Ren, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone with the company, you now what kind of businesses and Technological Development Zone in Tianjin , general economic and technological development zones have some high-tech incubator project, you have here is what kind of projects such as platform for success with DEMO, and how to demand them?
Ai Yamin: I would like to talk about in depth, we have gone through 20 years of business, a very successful industrial area, the year the industrial output value reached 280 billion this year, production of mobile phones may be to 9 ten million or 100 million. our region as a small place, the value of electronic information manufacturing industry accounted for roughly the same industry 7%, accounting for 25% of the profits. All of this, including the familiar Motorola phone now we in the production, Toyota's car We get production, Samsung's mobile phones, monitors, where our production. All of these are the image of industrial areas, industrial areas are the contents of the last ten years know that we are building a good industrial area, while adhering to While industry-based, with particular focus on technological innovation and independent innovation, the last ten years has done a lot of efforts to develop a policy to promote the development of high-tech industries, has invested more than a decade more than one billion, to foster scientific and technological innovation projects to give a variety of preferential policies.
current high-tech industry development zone in Tianjin, the output value of industrial output accounted for 62% of the whole, this ratio is relatively high. We have more than 30 countries in all ministries and provincial-level approval of the R & D centers, related to IT, bio-medicine, where new materials, new energy, and so a number of areas, in broad terms, in these fields have played some very good role. We have hundreds of startups, Some entrepreneurs are very good, we should say we are not satisfied, we know that bring business in the country, bring technological innovation, we want most is in Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Chengdu, Wuhan, Nanjing, Xi'an and other such cities. we talk about technological innovation in the country, talking about innovation, we feel very hot. relative comparison, or the Tianjin Binhai New Area of Tianjin in technological innovation, in independent innovation, entrepreneurship, or the temperature is not high enough, not active, This is also the great efforts and cooperation to engage the activities of DEMO.
this event held in TEDA, Tianjin Development Zone is by no means only for the entrepreneur, the potential for science and technology projects in Tianjin Development Zone, more Tianjin-oriented and more, for the country. We by Sohu Business Channel, also sincerely welcome business friends all over the country, young friends, industry friends, we can take this opportunity or activity before or DEMO DEMO event after the Tianjin Development Zone has been available to the Tianjin Binhai New Area, we focus on the more extensive. TEDA future is not only a successful industrial area, is also a successful business park, the success of the Innovation Park, we hope that can do that.
Moderator: Thank Aizhu Ren's introduction, by your description, I feel that the growth of high-tech industry in China has bid farewell to the era of thriving, from the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, the growth process can feel the high-tech industries in China, is now flourishing in it, and have more excellent new area is on the rise. you just talked about in the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone has more than a hundred high-tech innovative enterprises in China These high-tech innovative enterprises in terms of their demand growth is very strong, but from the financial support, although the country has a wide range of support policies, but the real development potential of enterprises, capital can not always be problem. you as senior managers of economic and technological development zone, with your own situation, China's economic and technological development zones are now facing financial confusion have any idea, or the current through the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone and DEMO cooperative manner, to can not find a better mechanism for docking with the venture capital?
Ai Yamin: Yeah, that actually we are talking about science and technology innovation system reform issue, but also building a good scientific and technological innovation system problems. so many years of work indeed feel very confused. Here is the first project, as Yang Zonggang just said, can not simply be an upgrade version, you are not able to go to a saturated market. If this is the project, to be honest, you difficult to attract venture capital, and you have great difficult in the future explosive, but also great potential for growth.
first major project here, as technology entrepreneurs, as the scientists themselves have to dig work on the project, must take your project idea you want to have to catch a unique and valuable. Second, the Government here must clarify their role, now that the Government does not focus on technological innovation, not to foster innovation is wrong, the Government should take great efforts to create an environment to encourage innovation, foster innovation, but the government hired too many arranged on behalf of the Government invested a lot of money too much, or even free money is Destructive Enthusiasm, now we have found more concerned about the care of the project, often less than satisfactory growth, the more we pay attention to the place, and some projects are often very good growth. I think the Government will have to figure out their role, the Government must do to do things to do should not do not do it, mainly to do to create a relatively good environment to develop more favorable policies, while many outside of the enterprise to solve problems, such as some R & D center, the half past one would have no income, half past one Council itself could not feed themselves, the Government should spend some money to support such R & D centers, these centers have the technological achievements, technical skills and technology service capabilities, to a large number of start-ups are very important, are able to provide help The Government should do such a thing.
while the government should do more and DEMO, IDG cooperation, and create an atmosphere of it, so that more projects can be relatively good cohesion, the relative concentration of the past are more good projects is centralized pool Beijing, Shanghai, and now here appeal to these entrepreneurs, these technology entrepreneurs, we'll give you to the Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone, Tianjin Binhai New Area for more than the future, in the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area can or can form a relatively Tianjin Binhai New Area concentration of the atmosphere, so, venture capital firms that they would rush from. venture capital firms have a very important requirement is relatively concentrated, not the same as he and other industries, other industries may seldom agree, venture capital firms peers may help each other, encourage each other, and competition and cooperation. I think Ye Hao Silicon Valley, Zhongguancun Ye Hao, because the accumulation of a lot of start-ups to focus a lot of venture capital in order to have development.
Moderator: Many of us entrepreneurs, concerned about the DEMO may be more concerned about is the 6-minute speech, we know that this 6-minute helped many enterprises to success, including the Palm Skype Tivo in the DEMO platform are all grown up, in terms of China's entrepreneurs They need the power of example, need to share this story, the passion to inspire his heart or desire to board the DEMO business platform to display their talent and won him the favor of investors. Yang always can not look back at the history of the classic DEMO The 6-minute presentation of success stories, case by telling them they live, how to get this opportunity, how should I do?
Yin-Yang: The first time doing the press conference, journalists have a question for us , 6-minute set of Americans say the practice, the Americans feels free to open, can do anything on stage, for example, in our DEMO 6 minutes, there is to do opera, has to do with their own pop songs written by his product introduction, there is that talk show, of course, this is an example of the failure, and even hired a very famous in the outside corner to do his speech, there have been so, but the end result is not the best, because not the team say here, the feedback information and convey the spirit of place is not so. Chinese people before the public in general need to have the courage to speak, you see the speech is holding a manuscript in the study, there is now PPT after There is more accustomed to the above PPT to talk, at least the end of my heart there can be read according to that. DEMO have a principle rejected PPT, rejected the traditional form. then answer this question, I say do not underestimate the Chinese people creativity.
interview guests: Miss Yang Yin (IDG love odd Exhibition Co., Ltd., Executive Vice President) Photo / Peter Sun
speech at the DEMO table above, Asian, Chinese entrepreneurs are more ethnic Chinese in Silicon Valley Successful entrepreneurs everywhere, they are not saying do not have the talent, too many forms in China, to China to see a show this form is much lower than in the rest of the world may be more abundant form. The key is to tap lies in how to release themselves, the most wonderful things show it. not you are a music genius, do not need to use music in a way to tell, but you may still have very good technology products. DEMO to you to provide the most advanced technology, such as physical projector, the essence of some of the most different from other places to compare, do-site demonstration.
I had a site, the biggest feature is the ease of use, you can scene within 6 minutes out of a website, the site is very beautiful. or the exchange with the audience following, because to use a person can easily call up, this product can be used very well. These products can be useful. on weeks end, I told Mr. Xiong Xiaoge a business trip, Hugo Shong, Mr. immeasurable. start doing Win in China point extracted to show to everyone, these are can help us to prepare accordingly.
DEMO but 6-minute speech aside, we will have a share in the field area. in 6 minutes to attract investors, many other investors the remaining time to your booth will communicate with you, at that time could be better, more detailed display of your product. We also provide a forum for investment opportunities, you can talk with them products.
Moderator: 6 minutes is the stepping stone.
Yin Yang: Yes, in 6 minutes how to showcase your strengths, to attract the eye ages, attracted the attention of investors is very important.
Moderator: Can no longer talk about other success stories, how much they invest.
Yang Yin: Our site has a recent issue of video data, because Sohu is a very good partner, we have to introduce the subject of a special DEMO, project manager for the following 6 minutes of the clip to clip the classical part on the web, you can want to have a sense of entrepreneurs how to behave. We can visit our website: . cn watch it! recent issues of both, opening in February this year, the project is the ice cream machine, is a possible impact on traditional markets of high-tech enterprises. ice cream machine does not use the full 6 minutes, he is characterized in 45 seconds to make ice cream in that lets you eat ice cream like Haagen-Dazs's hard, but allows you to adjust taste, did not do the technology can do on-site ice cream soft ice cream like McDonald, his impact on the market is very large, and the cost is greatly reduced, its performance is very simple, everyone would come to trial, he stood in the field of ice cream, to give you what you want to do the scene, some nuts, recipes and accessories you can choose from was very nice very good, on-site presentation to investors.
DEMO can be seen from this point is not confined to the bare area of the so-called Internet, there are many new business models as long as they can in This stage show. This year the domestic access to investment, of course, IT is the biggest proportion, accounting for 67%. Another part of the service industries, including financial services, media services, retail services, education services, access to the amount of venture capital is very large, accounting for 16%, in the health service and our access to the amount of bio-medicine is constantly increasing, the ratio of nearly 4%. There are many traditional industries are also growing proportion, as long as there is an innovation The idea to have a very good excitement to explore the market, are concerned about the project DEMO.
interview guest photo (from left: Miss Yang Yin IDG Love Strange, Executive Vice President of Convention and Exhibition Co., Ltd.: Tianjin Economic and Technological Development, Mr. Ai Yamin Zone Deputy Director; Right: Sohu Business Channel Editor Prince recovery) Photo / Peter Sun
Moderator: some of our entrepreneurs, will feel the reason they are very concerned about the DEMO, because they have been very successful in the U.S. experience, DEMO, after all, is the first time to China, DEMO can not be replicated in the Chinese market success like the United States, how to ensure the DEMO of this platform in China like the United States has that kind of quality. I on behalf of all entrepreneurs ask a question How do we ensure the quality of screening programs and how to ensure that our DEMO to our entrepreneurs to provide opportunities and space? how to ensure that we come to the venture capitalist is the best, most influential?
Yang Yin: First DEMO this guarantee the quality of our brand in the entire draft process, we do not pick the same way with the United States. In the United States has a full-time chairman, Chris Shipely, talk about her many projects each year, on the stage of these projects on. In China the way we take is based on an expert team approach, the expert team includes venture capitalists, the elite of various industries, from accounting firms, law firms composed of media institutions as well, these people are outsize, there is technology director Mr. Zhang Jingan Times, United States, DEMO, chairman of the investors, judging team to visit China from all aspects of the project. the expert team, also introduced and compared with Chinese characteristics Mr. Ma Lin of Beijing Science and Technology Commission and Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Commission of the Director, Science and Technology Commission of China assumes a very important role, that is, support for innovative enterprises of these innovative projects is very voice, but also the help of their to ensure multi-channel sources of the project, through our website, through the Sohu Web application, from the last week in all major cities that we do road shows, road shows also by the local Science and Technology Commission and the support of various development zones in the zone and Science and Technology Commission of the project, there are also recommended some of the better projects come up, we had draft.
some of it is in China's surrounding areas, including projects IDG India will have to send back some projects, these projects through at least two round of screening, first round selection by the project team members to see is in line with our standards. The second ... if your project

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