Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Photo rapid development of sustainable and stable Central Road - Dayu if Chile

 Improve the understanding of the situation to grasp the market countermeasure efforts to maintain steady and rapid development of central enterprises continue to Li Rongrong, head of the central business speech at the conference (August 15, 2006) Comrades: The meeting of heads of central enterprises the main content is to convey to learn Premier Wen Jiabao's work report for three years while listening to the SASAC's speech, informed the first half of the economic situation, summed up this year, enterprise reform and development of the central announce the 2005 performance evaluation, the researchers deployed the second half of work. the State Council on the meeting is attention. We specialize in pre-made a report to the Vice Premier Huang Ju, Vice Premier Huang Ju made important instructions, the first half of the central enterprises fully affirmed the work of the second half of the work of specific demands. We must seriously study and understand the full implemented. Here, in accordance with the SAC and the SAC Party committees in discussing the views of three issues. First, in the first half of economic operation and development of the central enterprise reform this year, all localities and departments to seriously implement the central government policies to push forward the work, the national economy has maintained steady and rapid growth. 9.1443 trillion yuan in the first half of GDP, an increase of 10.9%; scale industrial added value of 3.968 trillion yuan, up 17.7%; Total fixed asset investment 4.2371 trillion yuan, up 29.8%; total import and export 795.7 billion U.S. dollars, up 23.4%; disposable income of urban residents and per capita cash income of farmers increased by 10.2% and 11.9%. in the first half, the central speed and efficiency of enterprises grows, economic and social development made a positive contribution. steady growth in production and operation, sales to production to a higher level .1-6 months, the central enterprises to 1.07715 trillion yuan in added value, up 16.8%; to achieve sales of 3.74338 trillion yuan, an increase of 20.6%. in market demand driven by rapid growth, the central business and marketing major products were significantly improved. iron and steel enterprises steel production grew 12.1%, 6 at the end of inventories fell by 21.2%. automakers automobile production 20.9%, 19.1% increase in sales, production and marketing rate reached 96.7%. economic efficiency continued to improve, maintain steady growth in fixed asset investment .1-6 months, the central enterprises realized profits of 351.65 billion yuan, up 16%. the second quarter, one of central enterprises months have exceeded 600 billion yuan in profits, April monthly profit of 63.41 billion yuan, breaking through last December in a single month profit of 63.34 billion yuan in the historical record, in June monthly profit of up to 68.42 billion yuan, a new high. the first half of the central business investment in fixed assets grew 27%, an increase of total fixed asset investment is lower than 2.8 percentage points, investment mainly concentrated in the mining, transportation, oil, petrochemical, power and other economic base industries, business owners to invest in industry the proportion of 97% or more, invest more reasonable. a substantial increase in taxes paid, contributions to the economic and social development and further show .1-6 months, the central enterprises have paid taxes amounting to 323.94 billion yuan, an increase of 17.3%. coal Oil Transportation Company to expand production and market supply capacity increased significantly for the economic and social development provided a strong support. Shenhua and China Coal are two coal production rose 14.5% coal, power supply two power grid companies rose 12.27% , the five power plants generating capacity increased by 12.5% year on year, crude oil production in the three major oil companies at home and abroad rose 5.8% year on year increase of 26.7% natural gas production, water transport companies and airlines, respectively, year on year turnover growth of 7.2% and 12.6%. Military enterprises in the time and quality and quantity of military research and production tasks at the same time, actively explore the civilian market, substantial economic growth, scientific research, production capacity further. all walks of central enterprises in all economic and social development has made important contribution. central to further enhance awareness of corporate social responsibility, the State Grid, China Aluminum and other enterprises social responsibility report published the whole of society, and establish a good image of the central enterprises. the first half of the central business development has made significant achievements, there is a better macroeconomic environment favorable factors, it is the central enterprise cadres and workers to forge ahead, worked hard results. the face of fierce market competition, the central enterprises in accordance with the requirements of scientific development, strive to change the mode of growth, by strengthening management and technical innovation, to promote the reduction The efficiency and energy saving, and achieved remarkable results. Sinopec means through the use of information technology, the implementation of centralized purchasing, procurement and configuration optimization of crude oil and other means to reduce the cost of million dollars. China Telecom and other telecom equipment continued to increase centralized bidding and procurement of materials, major equipment prices dropped by nearly 20% than before. Baosteel carry out the signed letters of responsibility down the assessment, and levels of responsibility for cost reduction, and in accordance with the principles of a comprehensive clean-up associated with market transactions, reduce costs 1.65 billion in the first half. Air China actively promoting fuel-efficient measures, through the introduction of the computer flight plan, the implementation of route optimization, and other measures to increase the intensity of the second release of the first half to save fuel costs 090 million yuan; the same time through fuel hedging, effectively locking the floating oil prices, reducing fuel costs 2.2 billion. Chalco alumina per ton of the first half of the comprehensive energy consumption fell 22 kg of standard coal per ton of aluminum ingot integrated power consumption dropped 206 kwh, aluminum production decreased by 31.8% overall energy consumption, save energy only to reduce the cost of a 210 million yuan. Huaneng with Management Year depth to promote energy saving in the first half to keep the coal consumption per kilowatt-hour advanced level of 346 grams of standard coal, lower than the national average of 28 grams, equivalent to saving the cost of 2.745 billion yuan coal. in the first half, the central enterprises to conscientiously implement State Council of the deployment, according to the responsible persons at the end of the central requirements for the work session, a great deal of painstaking work, the work has a new progress. (a) deepen the reform, enterprise management mechanism to further conversion. shareholding reform continued. the work of international capital markets as financing function recovery after the first in the domestic A-share market listed companies, and successfully issued 6,000 million shares. Poly Real Estate also successfully listed A-share market. China's first building in Hong Kong second issue of shares listed in Hong Kong, China Aluminum issuance of new shares. in the first half, the central enterprises in the Hong Kong stock market to raise total funds 6.77 billion Hong Kong dollars, the stock market to raise funds in the territory of 440 million yuan. a number of large state-owned enterprises in domestic and overseas listing further improve the corporate governance structure, strengthen internal management, the operating mechanism improved. in Hong Kong Stock Exchange is only 13 months of Netcom in Hong Kong earlier this year in February to be included in the Hang Seng Index constituent stocks in foreign capital markets establish a good image. state-controlled share-trading reform of listed companies made steady progress. As of June 30, 837 in the country in the state holding listed companies, 735 have been completed or are starting the split share reform, accounting for 87.8 %. in the 187 central enterprises controlled listed companies, 152 have been completed or are starting the split share reform, accounting for 81.3% of the total. In the national focus on promoting the inclusion of the 39 central enterprises listed holding company, 28 have been completed or are starting the split share structure reform. state-owned companies to establish sound and the Board has made new experimental work progress. Currently, the state-owned companies to establish and improve the pilot board of directors has reached the 16 households, has established norms Board of Directors of the enterprises to continuously improve and standardize the operation of relevant systems, just included in the pilot of the enterprises are also actively seize all our work. Baosteel establish a standard board, the timely introduction of the operation of the Board of Directors of the system, pay close attention to improving the standing of the Board under Committee and the chairman and general manager of the authorization system, give full play to the role of outside directors, independent directors to ensure that the views of the Board of Directors for decision-making levels. At present, Baosteel has been the SAC Board of Directors granted performance evaluation, decided to pay Select the relevant managers and the major investment decision-making authority, the Board created the conditions for further play. separation of main and secondary business to accelerate the pace of restructuring work. As of the end of June, a total of 76 shunt the central concentration of high overall program and the implementation of restructuring program was review approval, the implementation of restructuring program involving 4,863 units, 77.2 million surplus personnel shunt placement. Sinopec, Anshan, Shenhua Group, China Metallurgical, CSR, Baoshan Iron and Steel, Tokyo Electric Power Company and other 15 central enterprises efforts to promote greater progress than fast is better. central enterprises generally speeding up the labor, personnel and distribution system, market-oriented reforms. SASAC was established, there have been 157 enterprises in the headquarters of the central authority or company to carry out the second and third grade open recruitment competition. the first half of this year, Prudential will pass all of the 47 middle-management positions open recruitment of the whole of society, the introduction of talent, improving the overall quality of managers. China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group, implement a full competition for employment headquarters, subordinate units with the overall labor contract, professional and technical posts of important mechanisms for the introduction of competition and establish corresponding assessment system, effective in promoting the formation of internal competition. (b) strengthening the financial fund management, corporate management has a new improved. central enterprises to explore the implementation of financial information, financial budget management, centralized management of funds and other measures to further increase the investment and financing, financial, cost, material procurement, security and other important financial matters, management and control efforts. in the closure of the oil money taken operation, focused on income and expenditure and debt management measures are merging more than 8,000 bank accounts, debt reduction in size of more than 1000 billion yuan, the daily absorption of idle funds more than 500 billion yuan. Aerospace engineering start-up costs, from product design The source, step by step to establish the cost of the project organization system and the responsibility system. in the CPI, the coal enterprises to further improve the financial management system to achieve the Group's bank accounts, unified management, unified management of bank credit, to standardize the monitoring income and expenditure of funds unified surplus and deficiency fund transfers. Resources, Minerals, and other enterprises in the continuous improvement of the overall budget management, strengthen supervision of budget implementation, allocation of resources to improve the ability of the Group; China Railway Construction, shipping and other enterprises in the establishment and improvement of the responsibility of accounts receivable collection system, the back section has improved significantly; Nuclear Industrial Group, Aviation Group, a non-performing assets of enterprises to strengthen efforts to clean up and revitalize a part of the assets; China Aluminum Industry, Ordnance, weapons and equipment and other enterprises to explore the implementation of the Chief Accountant appointed rotation exchange system , increased the child belongs to the financial supervision. central enterprises under the general strengthening of the business performance of assessment work, and through the directional indicators, to promote the improvement of enterprise management. Many of the central enterprises to strengthen investment in high-risk management of the business, strengthening the high-risk business of clearing and risk control. some of the enterprises operating in violation of certain securities companies quit the comprehensive trust management before exposure to business, trust management to recover some of the principal, to restore the economic loss; some companies strictly control futures, options and derivatives, investment, and improve the high-risk investment business regulatory system and strengthen the professional operation and timely monitoring, and some do not have conditions or do not conform to relevant regulations had been removed the business. the central enterprises to actively promote the building of the legal advisory system, according to decision-making, operation and management according to law, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests has been improved capacity and the initial establishment of the legal risk prevention mechanism. At present, the central enterprises have set up corporate legal affairs organization, 120, accounting for 72.3%; General Counsel of the system has been implemented in 42 households, accounting for 25.3%; in the legal affairs of the staff have been 10,000 people. central enterprises have been established by the business person in charge, led by general counsel, legal department and the business sector to participate in the work of the legal risk prevention mechanism, established a pre-guard, the main things in control and remedial law, supplemented by corporate risk prevention system. (c) promote technological progress and independent innovation capacity continues to increase. The central SOEs attach great importance to technological progress, scientific research and development, product innovation, process innovation and the introduction, digestion, absorption and then increasing the intensity of innovation, and achieved remarkable results. Last year, the central enterprises to a total of 10,031 patent applications, granted patents 4948. Sinopec , oil, weapons and equipment, industrial machinery, aerospace a group, Baosteel, China Aluminum Industry, Electronic Information Group, steel IAS, National Grid has a number of patents and other enterprises among the top 10. ranked first in the petrochemical applications in 2005 Patent 1,037, 824 granted patents. central business last year, the State Science and Technology Progress Award 3, 44 second prize, respectively, of the total award of 30% and 28%. This year, the central enterprises in technology innovation, made new progress. double elimination part of the equipment and products on a regular basis, accelerate the process equipment and product upgrading, technological innovation capabilities continue to improve, the first half of a large number of major equipment development phase of the task targets, developed the first successful large titanium frame parts and other aviation forging of new materials. Qinshan Nuclear Industry Group in April this year, two projects have been completed and acceptance, to achieve a self-designed, self build, self-management and independent operation. Southern power grid construction in Guizhou to Guangdong HVDC transmission project, equipment independent of the rate of 70%, completed the world's first plus or minus 800 kV DC transmission project in the early key research projects. Shenhua through self-development, digestion, absorption and innovation, and formed with independent intellectual property rights of direct coal liquefaction technology and catalyst, and other core technologies. China Netcom and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University set up a National Engineering Laboratory, and promoted the enterprise as the main Combination. ASTRI coal, steel IAS, colored, Wuhan Post ASTRI, Shanghai Medical Engineering Institute, textile and scientific research institutes and other research companies for the industry to make a positive contribution to technological progress. (d) to actively explore overseas markets, international cooperation has made new progress. overseas energy resources development achieved new progress. a number of central enterprises to fully analyze the international market risk, according to the international market rules, and actively investment business into the country to 23. CNOOC completed the acquisition of oil and gas projects in Nigeria. Minmetals and Codelco jointly develop copper resources in Chile, Chile received the next 15 years of about 85 tons of electrolytic copper supply. colored Mining Group in accordance with the China Southern Power Grid led and launched a comprehensive development of the GMS power master plan, and speed up in Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, the development of power resources, the progress of investment in construction of power stations. international project development and export of large complete sets of equipment have made new breakthroughs. Central Construction enterprises actively once selected the U.S. billion U.S. dollars, up 42.9%, of which more than 10 million U.S. dollars of 24 large projects, contracts accounted for 66.2% of the total contracted overseas. General Technology Group efforts to open up the export of large complete sets of equipment, and Iran signed a 175 million worth of railway bus project. Machinery Industry Group in the first half complete sets of equipment construction project contract amount of $ 3,120,000,000 of new, close to the amount of new contracts signed last year, a record level. (e) education campaign to consolidate and expand the results of Party Construction further strengthened and improved. in accordance with the requirements of the central party committee and the SASAC issued experience and practice, establish and improve the party members in the continuously improve the quality, and increased the capacity to solve problems, leading groups to maintain a good mental outlook. the core of the central role of the political party organizations in enterprises to further develop, in improving the corporate governance requirements of party decision-making on major issues involved in business methods and measures, Baosteel and other companies have done a lot of party committees in this exploration of positive and useful work. central enterprises cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations continuous improvement in the Iron Works launched the ; Tibetan flag red, actively promote, publicity and ideological work and corporate culture have improved, factories and further democratic management, staff quality engineering and construction of highly skilled personnel to promote in depth, these are for enterprise reform and development of a strong support. central enterprises in the first half achievements, both full-year target for the completion of the foundation, but also for the sustained, rapid, coordinated and healthy development and make a positive contribution. the State Council on the achievements of the central enterprises fully affirmed. Premier Wen Jiabao listened to the work of the third anniversary of establishment of the SASAC report noted that the overall quality and competitiveness further enhanced; enterprise restructuring and gradually standardize the transfer of property; state-owned assets supervision system, continuous improvement, monitoring and supervision to strengthen the basic work, in practice, explore and have accumulated some good experience, state-owned assets, economic obvious benefits. good catalytic role. In this, on behalf of the SAC and SAC committees, gratitude and sympathy to you! In affirming the achievements, we should also clearly see that many of our work there are still many gaps. Some reform of central enterprises is not big enough, the company behind transformation of operational mechanisms, management tools and methods are still with the administrative color; some idea of the central business development is not very clear plan on paper only, there is one-sided pursuit of speed, the tendency of blind expansion; some basic work of the central business management is still very weak, there are many loopholes and hidden dangers. especially the part of business, there are still some outstanding issues. First, some companies over-reliance on debt expansion. in the first half of central enterprises liabilities increased by more than asset growth of 76 enterprises, more than 10%, 26 households, more than 30% have four; debt equity growth increased by more than 84 enterprises, more than 10%, 53 households, more than 30 32% of households. liabilities of these companies growing too fast increasing business risks. Second, poor cost control of some enterprises. in the first half cost higher than the corresponding increase in sales year on year revenue growth of 68 central enterprises, accounting for 41% of the total. from increased cost structure, cost of sales year on year sales growth higher than 93 households, which rose higher than the corresponding cost of sales revenue growth rate of 10 percentage points, 10 households, an increase of more than operating expenses 50% of the 20 households, administrative costs grew more than 30% of 25 households. Some companies increase labor costs too high too fast. Third, some enterprises have large accounts receivable. the first half of the net accounts receivable of central enterprises the amount of 606.62 billion yuan, an increase of 14% of sales revenue accounted for 16.2%, which accounted for sales of accounts receivable accounted for more than 30% of 60 households, accounting for 36.1%; total sales revenue receivables increase over the previous year, 77 enterprises, accounting for 46.4% of the total. Fourth, increase the operational difficulties of some enterprises. the first half of a total of 11 central enterprises in the red, enterprises suffered losses totaling 2.52 billion yuan, up by 470 million yuan loss . part of the profit efficiency of enterprises continued to decline, 1-June realized a total profit of less than 2,000 enterprises, 23 million households, of which there are profits fell 3. on these issues, we need to see less, but also depends on to the potential, as long as the efforts to improve the work, the central enterprises to tap the huge potential there. For the central enterprises should attach great importance to carefully analyze the reasons, research to develop countermeasures, in the second half of the work earnestly rectification. Second, the second half of the Situation and the central focus of enterprise reform and development work of the CPC Central Committee and State Council attached great importance to economic work to do in the second half, General Secretary Hu Jintao, Premier Jiabao and other central leaders of the current economic situation many times, and do the work of the second half of deployment of a request. In general, the second half of the central enterprises are facing good opportunities for development: the international economy to maintain rapid growth, the world economy and trade to maintain a high growth; domestic market demand, consumption, investment, export demand will continue to maintain strong growth momentum, coal, electricity, oil and transportation of the effective supply for economic development provides a strong support; macroeconomic policy more proactive continuously strengthened macro-control effect will be further demonstrated. but we should also be clear to see that reform and development of the second half of the central enterprises still faced with many uncertainties: this year, international oil prices continue to run high, tight global oil supply will not change the pattern of short-term, international oil prices also has a lot of uncertainty sex; steel, automobile, electric power, nonferrous metals, building materials, chemical industry production capacity and changes in market supply and demand, but also we need to pay close attention. We must follow the policy of the central government, Deng Xiaoping Theory and ; as the guide, fully implement the scientific concept of development, more attention to the adjustment of economic structure and changing the mode of growth, more attention to saving resources and protecting the environment, pay more attention to social development and people's livelihood, more attention to the institutional mechanism to resolve deep-seated problems, serious to do the work in the second half. (a) intensify reform, to urgently address the problems left by history. deepening reforms in the second half of the most important task of central enterprises. central enterprises must seize the current business situation is better favorable opportunity to joint-stock reform and improve the corporate governance structure, focusing on continuing and accelerating reforms. First, to speed up joint-stock reform. shareholding is the main form of public ownership, central enterprises in accordance with the requirements of company law, and further speed up the stock, Corporate Reform. should actively seek the overall restructuring, the overall market breakthrough. have the overall restructuring of the introduction of strategic investors, listing requirements or the overall quality of large enterprises, to accelerate the overall restructuring, the pace of the overall market. do not have the overall market conditions and restructuring has been a central part of the assets listed companies, should take a unified core business assets, operations, and Make the goal of listed companies, through to increase their investment, acquisition of assets, etc. All the good core business assets into the listed company and gradually achieve the overall market. Second, establish a sound corporate governance structure. to steadily improve the state-owned companies to establish a pilot project the Board has established the Board of Directors 7 pilot enterprises, to seize the standard operation, and earnestly carry out the duties of the board; other nine pilot Enterprises should pay close attention to preparatory work for the early establishment of a standardized Board of Directors. with the conditions of the central enterprises and holding companies, a positive reference to the practice of the board of pilot enterprises, establish a standard board and management decision-making power to achieve the separation of improve corporate governance. Third, do a good job holding of listed companies tradable share reform of listed companies and funds settlement takes work. has not yet completed the split share reform, holding the 27 listed central SOEs to speed up the split share structure reform, to play a tape Blue chips on the split share structure reform of the leading role. funds of listed companies involved in the 7 occupied central enterprises should strictly follow the requirements of the relevant documents, pay close attention to repay the funds to implement plans, occupied by the set deadline to repay the funds of listed companies. Fourth, do enterprises of their social work and the separation of major secondary industry restructuring. seize the completion of the second half focuses on the second batch of central enterprises to operate social legacy of the work, the enterprises should accelerate, for as soon as possible. the central enterprises, especially some of the traditional industries The old state-owned enterprises, to seize the current favorable operating conditions of a good time to make good use of national policies, actively promote the separation of main and secondary business restructuring work. Fifth, continue to do policy based closure and bankruptcy and restructuring cases in the work of rescue. to follow closure and bankruptcy of enterprises nationwide general planning policy and . reorganization of the central business turnaround casework, to further clarify ideas, to speed up the organization and implementation, strive to be completed before the end. Sixth, to further deepen the internal reform of enterprises and effectively change their operational mechanism. actively explore the market allocation of human resources, and promote enterprise open recruitment of senior management positions and competition. continue to establish and improve an effective incentive and restraint mechanisms, implementing the transparency. (b) strengthening the enterprise management, focus on cost efficiency efforts. strengthen the management is to promote sustainable and stable development of key measures. In the complex and volatile market environment, the central enterprises to maintain a sustained steady and rapid development, we must in the management , hard work, hard effort. First, attach great importance to cost control. to establish and implement the cost responsibility of management objectives, organizing the implementation of full, the entire process, all elements of the project cost control, increase of cost and budget control assessment and incentive mechanisms. innovative fund management and financing, reduce the overall national strength and financing costs, improve capital efficiency. strictly control the growth rate of labor costs, continue to do the total wage control and management, standardize the benefits, subsidies account raised and released. vigorously promote energy conservation, strengthen procurement management, to compress inventory. Second, the innovative group management, improve the Group's control. to raise awareness of strategic management, development of scientific and rational strategic planning group to improve strategic execution . actively promote the overall budget management, a really good job of budget control major business matters, establish and improve budget implementation results of the examination reward and punishment system. actively promote the construction of financial information, and improve capital management and a unified focus on settlement. by sending property to subsidiaries representative, chief accountant or financial director, and strengthen supervision on major issues and subsidiary control. should attach great importance to enterprise integration and optimal allocation of internal resources, in an effort to shorten the chain management, and enhance the important sub-market competitiveness of enterprises. Third, strengthening the internal control system construction, improve the comprehensive risk management. in accounting management, performance management, financial management, audit procedures and audit and other key aspects of internal control, establish a standard licensing examination and approval system, the responsibility associated sign systems, internal audit system and system of accountability and other important system system. strict rules investments, guarantees, mortgages and other matters of administrative privileges. to enhance foreign investment and state-owned assets supervision and take effective measures to avoid risks. To further improve the risk prevention mechanism of corporate law, corporate law advisory system to accelerate the construction of strengthen the legal arguments before major decisions and audit checks, according to the law for the decision-making and management of enterprises according to law to provide effective protection. (c) vigorously promote independent innovation and enhance core competitiveness. Independent innovation is the driving force behind the development of enterprises, enhance the independent innovation capability, enhance core competence is the central enterprise survival and development, and improve core competitiveness imperative. the central state-owned enterprises as the dominant economic force in China, has the responsibility and obligation to set an example of innovation to do. First, increase scientific and technological investment to accelerate new product research and development. to continue to rely on major projects, promote the localization of major equipment, and constantly improve the level of technology and equipment. to combine the actual business, increase investment in research and development to ensure that the needs of enterprise innovation fund. in particular, to seize a substantial increase in economic efficiency capital adequacy relative to the favorable opportunity to put into focus as soon as possible to enhance the independent innovation ability and improve the sustainable profitability up. The second is to accelerate the development of high technology. central research institutes and industry R & D institutions should play the comprehensive advantages, to take industry common, key technology research and development, design task, as the industry technology innovation base. actively explore technology diffusion mechanisms and channels, the use of patent licensing, technology transfer, technology shares, etc. to accelerate the industrialization of technological achievements, and constantly improve the productivity of major scientific research results into level. to focus on joint research cooperation, strengthen cooperation with multinational corporations, world-renowned research institutions and technological exchanges and cooperation, broaden horizons, make full use of international scientific and technological resources. The third is to do We should actively promote creation, utilization, management and protection work. to strengthen the awareness of intellectual property rights, efforts to achieve technological innovation to create intellectual property, intellectual property rights to promote positive interaction between technological innovation. speed up enterprise application and industrialization of the outcome of intellectual property rights, sound institutions and Intellectual Property Management system, strengthen independent innovation of intellectual property protection. (d) strengthening resource conservation, and promote growth pattern. resource-saving and long-term development of national strategies to achieve a reliable guarantee for the development of the central enterprises an important part of science. central enterprises must adhere to the new road of industrialization, the development of recycling economy, protect ecological environment, the formation of low input, low consumption, low emissions and high efficiency saving and growth. First, the implementation of national energy-saving work around the conference and the State Council's decision on strengthening the spirit of energy conservation to create a resource-saving enterprises as the main carrier, improve resource conservation planning, and actively through technological innovation, restructuring, scientific management, standard tapping the potential of such measures to strengthen internal management, and constantly improve the level of energy consumption. key energy-consuming enterprises to the practical implementation of energy efficiency measures, efforts to complete the conservation goal, give full play to the energy saving aspects of the demonstration effect. The second is to strengthen the international advanced level of the industry standard, to identify gaps marked by efforts to improve the efficiency and utilization of resources input and output of water ...

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