Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tears turn twelve constellations of what to do

 Aries Aries mm sweat
rarely sad and cry because their tears, mostly due to his efforts to obtain the desired results, and cried. Aries tears often proved a success, so they definitely tears the liquid is not sad, but the sweat of hard work.
Taurus Taurus mm water
tears look very lovely, and eyes like a puddle of water, crystal clear, crystal exquisite. And their tears are quiet as the water gently ,UGGs, so that the side who see children all heart. Taurus is their moment the tears fell the most quiet, beautiful moments, those tears intoxicated, like water, falling down, reflecting their souls.
Gemini mm ice cream
Gemini is the optimist, even in tears, giving vent to grief, when will people feel the tears into the sweet. their tears like ice cream,UGG boots cheap, coated with any depression regardless of the color, taste is still infinite good mood. This may be commenced immediately after the Gemini cry a little secret smile now.

Cancer Cancer mm feelings of snow is slow, quiet, and it is profound. meet crisis , perhaps others will sign Ben future for all purposes, but is still only doing silent Cancer dedication. However, Cancer will be sad and cry when they hurt, their heart will completely cold, and to Cardiopulmonary the snow as unbearable.
mm magma
Leo Leo is a model of individual heroism, while the hero of the standard is endless strong, even in tears the moment but also the atmosphere is heroic, not feminine mildly . So Leo is not the tears flow out, but ejected, with a deep, temperatures are still in the sad hours of venting the endless enthusiasm, like blazing lava.
Virgo mm rain
Virgo fine, let the tears fall like rain, sometimes sparse, sometimes close to tears as the mood manipulation, bit by bit, Huang Meiyu in April and July storms, and sometimes a person alone, sad the next month Sometimes a person's shoulder when pulling a pillow to sleep. and tears, absolutely, from autumn to winter, spring and summer flow.
Libra Libra mm spring
mind all the time in the pursuit of beauty, the tears is the best decorations, such as pure spring water generally quiet, silence, mixed with joy, joy with sorrow. Libra tears like an art, sometimes they shed tears, not because of sadness, but rather ordinary life in order to increase the movement of live United States, maybe the mind to think that time is Libra oil painting . However, when one day they shed tears, must be earth shattering, no trivial matter, when the tears is completely Scorpio mixture of anger and grief, destruction like a bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid.
mm sewage
Sagittarius Sagittarius Few shed tears because of sadness, perhaps to discharge to the reality of anxiety and unease as sewerage, as excreted by the form of tears. excrete finished Sagittarius to have a good mood and start the momentum again, shooter Block therefore the twelve constellations of the most emotional of the group will adjust its own.
Capricorn Capricorn mm hot metal
tears will not be crazy men Rouge of the North's both good and bad, and must be in the real world performance of their disappointment, when they shed tears, conveniently slide down also made up my mind, Leila, after it became the same motto. like hot metal, once solidified, like Capricorn faith, never change.
Aquarius mm water
constellation Aquarius is the second favorite cry of a group, because their thoughts, ideas always can not make a thorough understanding of the people around, or emotional dislocation, or underappreciated, eventually became full of tears. they are tears salty, hard to understand, but as the sea and the flow could not finish, I do not know where is the end of the horizon.
Pisces Pisces mm pearl
mind pure beauty, like a fairy tale of the mermaid princess, fish The tears and the most sincere feelings for the beautiful love, therefore, their tears crystal clear, the combination of the mundane world beyond the imagination of most. fell off, rustled, like a pearls, people can not simply be touch, have to let a little bit better Sunian immediately disappeared. If a Pisces tears for you, be careful to close at heart.

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