Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chen Yuan-phase was originally my husband the head of the Church

 1958, the main reason the name of prison. He left us for nearly 22 years, according to one view, it is supporting the family does not go on the. However, the living God has done what I rely on the afflicted and comfort, Psalm 23 has become my real experience.

the trial began, my mind full of worries, irritability, and God has been unreasonable: who is too heavy for me not afford ah! Praise the Lord! He actually told me that the hardness of people speak, and I heard the Lord tiny voice: I fell down before the Lord answered: the Lord took my hand tight, and these burdens are not like me.

long years in 22 years, I experienced all sorts of trouble and severe test, but also through the main lead and a rich wonderful grace. Now I talked about from the four.

one ever-present pressure of life ─ ─ see the hand of mercy to support the main

caught her husband go after my family and I became anti-** family, everyone is afraid of repercussions and brothers and sisters and I can not avoid travel. I took my six children, a large 17-year-old, small, only 6 years old, and elderly mother to move to somewhere else to live together. At that time I did not work, cost of living there is no source of food for the family, such as river water as the base set, and after a few days to dry. Until one night, no rice, and her mother went to her house the next day ready to escape the famine, I, on the silent prayer: eat, or to drink in the hot water thermos! You are God's children too!

next morning, six five-minute difference to someone to knock on the door, and open the door and saw a woman I do not know,UGG boots, she asked me and my husband's name, I said, Yes. She said: My tears flow out immediately, the main ah! Thank you, you know my difficulties, and you carry my burden, you do not drop the ball. At that time, fifty dollars is a large number of her mother without the daughter's house, I bought a corn, coal briquettes and other daily necessities, enough to last for some time, and my personal experience it is true and the main living Lord.

suffering makes me more and more intimate with the Lord, who, although far from me, the Lord is close to me. Each prayer is with the Lord face to face like traffic, I need the Lord said, the main achievement for me more than I ask or think. Later, I got a job making eighty cents a day, is a full attendance, but twenty-four yuan a month, a family of eight to remove food and clothing, but also to supply children's learning costs, this amount of money enough how use? But the wonderful way the Lord with all kinds of wonderful that I lack nothing. How many times, I will do when leading a poor supply of my man cave is the beginning of God. I can not say anything in detail, to mention only a few things here: a small four-high school, and later became technical schools, the need for a sixteen yuan four corners of the slide rule, this thing is not the lack of school children, but I only earned a day octagonal money, a family meal, not enough, how can I afford to buy expensive things! I prayed to behold. So got home from work, and something happened, an envelope on the door, opened it and saw the twenty dollars.

cold weather, the little six did not cotton shoes, I pray this thing, coming back from work saw the letter on the door, of which five dollars.

Lord What a wonderful love! Grace how rich! When I moved I do not know the name needed to complement my lack of limbs, these brothers and sisters I have never seen, they used the code to send money to me, I received a letter thanking the money according to the original address, the results are coupled with the letter people This is calling them to do, so I do not thank anyone, do not look up to anyone, just thank the look alone and wonders of the Lord.

release in almost a few months ago my husband, a girl holding a burden to my house and asked my name Ming said: Send your husband, and the contracted people in need, packet prepared for your life. Zhang, Zhao two have such a big girl and asked her: She turned to leave, I catch up with her on the back. Open the burden of a look, a large package is twenty bags of milk powder, the package is twenty Bible packet twenty dollars. At the time, was a carpenter working my own eyes saw it, heard my conversation with the girl, deeply moved to say: friendly. sent so many things to stay not here with the name, I believe in Jesus, right?

II ─ ─ mind the stress of work close to the Lord, the Lord gave me strength

my work in the construction sector, according to this weak woman I really can not do the job. I find this job to pray Lord, Lord, help. Began, the leaders, or friendly, I only did three days of hard work to do to be selected to the office and warehouse property. The things that God give wisdom and strength, and I did everything a good thing, leadership and the masses are satisfied.

But good times never last, ** start, Full House Manqiang the poster reads: transformation. After a few days do not, the political group talked to me: the , a local dry ten and a half months or two months, will transfer to the shop and go elsewhere. I first use the car to push tiles, from loading dump a fixed, pushing one hundred and fifty per trip, each jin is seven hundred and fifty pounds weight, fifteen minutes to push a trip. This is not done in my life; then sieve the sand, there are fixed, wet sand on the difficulties encountered, the screen does not survive, the body of light sweat, the hands not of life; and push the stone, which live more difficult, I The sweat pouring down like a shower to general,bailey UGG boots, hand towel around his neck a twist on the water. Thank the Lord gives me strength, that I not only competent, but also all over the work done. The most difficult time in the winter the twelfth lunar month, the construction of the pool wall. We need to work on the ice, wipe hook The gaps, scale is ten meters, which do not believers crying cold, cold feet and some people can not stand to sit on the ice in tears, they can not complete the task. Some hook wiping eight meters, some seven meters, but I have the Lord, relying on prayer, although the cold was able to endure is maintained, I not only complete the task and over, actually hook wipe thirteen meters. I really appreciate:

III ** ─ ─ Lord of the pressure is not given a spirit of cowardice, but of power and spirit

This pressure is not limited to the body, but body, mind and soul with the pain of strangulation.

cold ─ ─ both units were on the anti-** I know the families to look at me coldly, and even looked down upon me. Did aforetime, and I pay good people who are far away from me, even taking a face to face, to resort to back towards me, as the Bible says: allow me to attend, the meeting would not let me speak, and even the prizes I do not work come to me. Once the whole group was rated as advanced units and made a prize area, to accept the award of the day, the whole group of nine persons lined up to accept the award stage, until sent to me and myself are over the door. Always, I felt my face, fever, heart I prayed:

not only been deprived of my rights, and even the kids into trouble. Distribution of primary three school in the city, and his classmates from the neighborhood committee was informed that their report to the unit, and only three small I did not notice, I took to school for questioning, the answer is: City.

suffered siege ** ─ ─ pressure tight after the first song, a little later the first large. But me and the children affected by the pressure of the general,Bailey UGG boots, I personally has suffered even heavier pressure. I was besieged more than six months and told me to criticize religion, nineteen of the group threatened not to rest until I pull over. Each time the siege, they are aggressive and derision for me, and I curl one's lip shook his head: You fall in your lap? I pray with eyes closed, no longer speak.

forced ─ ─ they account for a total not a renewable one, forced me to divorce her husband to show a clean break and anti-**. They take turns every day trips to pressed me, I still do not speak, just to shake his head in reply.

framing ─ ─ they do not have this drum Babing off, but throw the most treacherous, the most vicious attack to me a count. Later they said: Frankly the party's policy is lenient, and resist the strict, to be honest and complete account of clemency for the people. When my heart to wake up near the main one, the Bible says: Spirit, but of power and spirit. people, if not corruption, the money come from? They said: vain things, together up against me, my heart is close to the main arms, Meng Zhu conservative. So they tortured me more than six months and did not find it from me what handle to the

more than six months at this time, I have not seen a smiling face, all eyes look at my Nose bridge vertical. Suddenly one day, a young leadership than my eyebrow smiley hi to me, said: corruption, he knows, I can not Hucai talk nonsense. really no problem. the organization decided to still call you to manage the affairs of the original. A really corruption, and so and so is decentralized, and we ask you to believe in your reinstatement.

IV ─ ─ flesh tempt the Lord, are all rejected

husband sentenced to life imprisonment, I was only thirty years old. Units and there were people I introduced the object, said: The method they use is simply a tactic used by Satan tempted Eve, is the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and fame status. Some gave valuable clothing, gorgeous scarves; Some give money; also for me to write a divorce certificate; promise I used a small break room for a cell floor, and said to marry him, I earned all the wages under my parenting, ┅ ┅ brothers and sisters! This test is severe, Satan is evil means. An anti-six children with his wife **, although the father of the child are like orphans, although the husband, wife, as widow, all alone at the foot of any step was torn, full of suffering. Just lure the next nod, a book signing divorce, the status can be changed immediately, raise the social status, not only put off the family members of anti-** hat, but also to meet the physical enjoyment. But the love of my Lord will not let me do that, his spirit in my heart and gave me strength, so I do not like Adam have transgressed the covenant (Hosea 6:7). Because we got married, had a covenant before the Lord, promised the wish:

they told me both hardware and software, means dirty bad trip and a trip to my home run, I would use a serious attitude, the eyes of cold treatment, and told the woman not to use the native dialect Che tea. One night, I finished sewing clothes for children, is already midnight, just lie down and sleep for someone to knock on the door, shouting my name, sounds like an office, a man surnamed Wang, at this late hour to Mengen in no way serious, and I silently prayed to the Lord, do not sell it to him, even knocking Dai called about thirty minutes long, the end result I ignore him and go back the next day in the office, he has been looking at I do not talking, and I pretended not to so the same thing. But soon he was ill, sent a worker came to me and statistical account for him, I refused, the man later died.

79 years I retired, recalled over the years, I deeply experienced the Lord with me, ┅ ┅ though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, fear no evil ┅ ┅. live insane asylum, and some patients paralyzed in bed,cheap UGG boots, and some committed suicide. As for me, The. . (Psalm 68:56)

when my husband was arrested, the youngest child was only 6 years old, came back to his 79 years, our six children are all married and each have a child, now three generations of young and old twenty-four The children also because the Lord's grace, work and study are good.

had four companies with paid employ me, or even neighborhood to find out I will work to mobilize director, I have refused. The rest of my life I became fully dedicated to the Lord, to live for. I am being warned the Lord so much grace, by the brothers and sisters so much love, how can we not take advantage of their lifetime to serve the Lord and preach the salvation of the Lord's great too!

(sister paper interviewed by the Haven, finishing) phase Yuan Chen Liang Huizhen the wife, at 1:00 on August 2, 2010 celebration day at home.

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