Friday, November 12, 2010

Mo featuring a middle-aged Buddhist Chan Yu

middle-aged Buddhist Chan Yu: Zen master with his disciples to go out, see a dog too slow mule carts, barking at the side, kicked away by mule. Jackson: Do not self-righteous, to do things beyond their scope, will recruit people dislike.
Buddhist Chan Yu: remove distractions, calm water, human nature will appear. does not obtain peace of mind, but blindly pursuing human nature, that just as the waves sweep aside the Qulao Like the moon in water.
Buddhist Chan Yu: the dawn of the ring not because of bells and drums, the moon is not to illuminate the path according to Hui. Nature has its own laws of operation, everywhere Jie Shifo method.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Master the salt thrown into the cup, the water was bitter salt, more salt thrown into the lake, the water is still pure, sweet. said: pain is the salt container decisions salty, you would like to make a cup of water or a lake ?
Buddhist Chan Yu: Buddhism is the Buddha's words, Zen is the Buddha Mind, the two aims are the same, if persistent in the text, find words sentence by sentence, do not know the mind is the Buddha nature, after all, not enlightenment .
Buddhist Chan Yu: pack dogs used to come to the temple offerings, there are times when the eggs swallowed by mistake Bloodstone, a moment to Duteng up. Zen Master: You can not understand things by intuition, or be in trouble.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Jing-ming and image thousands of poor, purity of heart and supernatural panacea. Chan Yu: To eliminate the bossy crafty and fawning disciples to be his left a path, if not escape its place, just like a plug Shuxue, mice without path will crush all the important artifacts, greater disaster.
Buddhism Chan Yu: If it were not enjoying the blessings they deserve, from the harvest is no reason, so much that someone deliberately set the trap, this time it will fall into the trap if the short-sightedness.
thorns under the foot easily, the moon turned hard to the next curtain.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Life was originally a puppet show, as long as they affect the puppet master of line, volume and let them free from other people around, even if this game can jump out of a field
Buddhist Chan Yu: people only go to the heart of the dirty air, and the compassionate embrace the world, the world will embrace him; people only deal with things with compassion, reducing internal friction of life, can develop healthily.
Zen Buddhism Language: monstrous waves, boat's not afraid, very afraid of the ship down outsiders; banquet was scolded, gallery of people do not care, I was speechless outsiders. it is a gentleman trapped City, the heart must do outside the detachment.
Buddhist Chan Yu: If the town had Gudu, a drop of water is not stained -
Buddhist Chan Yu: Buddha: What is the world's most precious? disciples: and has not been lost. Buddha is silent. After several years, tremendous changes. Buddha asked the answer was: the world than being the most valuable have!
Buddhist Chan Yu: A Zen Master asked Professor Zen Zen tea into his cup to overflow to continue. Professor: diffuse out. South implicit: you do not first empty your cup off, how I you said Zen?
Buddhist Chan Yu: 1, may be great, be strong, gas should be soft, the heart should be fine .2, when a person's language and behavior With good motivation, the joy it like a shadow followed him as.
Buddhist Chan Yu: fun in a calm look at everything, you will save a lot of worry about things; cold keep a look-up when the heart, you will enjoy a lot of real fun. < br> Buddhist Chan Yu: Zen temple ground in sprinkling some honey, and many flies came, as has been reluctant to take the honey stuck his foot, could not fly, Jackson commandment encyclical: Greed is the root of many disasters. < br> Buddhist Chan Yu: Meteorological to Gaokuang, but not sparse mad; mind to be careful, but not frivolous; fun to be tranquil, but not Pianku; conduct to be strict, but not intense.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Zen Poetry - : person is not bitter and frail, flawed human nature is the real pain. the world of the evil mostly intact from the hands and feet, heart defects caused by people.
Buddhist Chan Yu: 1, knowledge, experience to heart to become their own intelligence .2, our biggest enemy is not others, but ourselves.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Zen Master: Who strength is big stomach and legs? disciples: foot, feet can move a stomach. Zen Master: If the stomach does not provide nutrition, feet moving too move? things their own merits, not an absolute one said.
Buddhist Chan Yu: six: days, people, hell, beast, ghost, Asura. precepts: do not killing, no adultery, no lying, no drinking, no stealing. These are also the ways of the world Buddhism.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Never hit the ear often heard, often whisk the heart of things in mind, is the Jinde whetstone of practice. If words sweet words, everything Kuaixin, he gave this life buried in the toxin in the carry on.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Butterfly admire the beautiful flame lamp oil basin. person who blindly worship the so-called halo, and fallen down like a butterfly would.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Battle Monk enforcement dogs sometimes threw dead chickens, dogs thought to eat the greedy slip, clip the clip is being protected from weasels broken leg, the Zen Master: She Tunxiang people lack, greed good wife to move.
Buddhist Chan Yu: A man lives for decades, too little time actually doing things , and then hard-working people who only a third of it. explore the true meaning of life with intelligence, with the resolve to organize the life time.
Buddhist Chan Yu: When you have wisdom, and with the wisdom of thinking about the vagaries of life, will gradually away from the troubles. head space I, who is also the most dangerous man.
Buddhist Chan Yu: a dynamic, often thinking, behavior, pure, right and wrong, self-restraint, mindful of such a man-will be physically and mentally health. Buddha said: those who can master their own destiny is happiness.
Buddhist Chan Yu: always keep in mind contentment, benevolent, gratitude, tolerance. respect elegant, courteous villain. The real tip is to reveal the wisdom out, the real power of compassion is the wisdom to promote
Buddhist Chan Yu: Zen Master asked the large beads: how much for a major? A: No margin. asked: how small, trivial, A: see. Q: large non-marginal, small as seen, what where is? Zen Master asked: Where is not it?
Buddhist Chan Yu: If it were not enjoying the blessings they deserve, from the harvest is no reason, then more is that some people deliberately set the trap, this time it will fall into the trap if the short-sightedness.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Jiangyangdadao incense giving money to the Temple, requiring lodging, the Zen Master: It can not be done, because all that I bleach to get you will be black, very difficult to get along with different types of people together.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Master Lecture: bird afraid of bird fallen from its nest, nest moving lower every day, and therefore a disaster occurs, people are Zhuozou a bird. over-indulgence is harmful not love
Buddhist Chan Yu: We should be like an elephant, as in the battlefield can withstand the poison arrow to continue fighting. We also can tolerate an insult to our people and hostility and to maintain inner calm silence.
Buddhist Chan Yu: What is the most valuable it? is love. to sacrifice when the enjoyment of those who love to give, always very happy and live meaningful.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Zen led donkeys wander, and suddenly slide into the cliff donkey, Jackson clutching donkey tail, may be struggling donkey, Jackson had to let go: you win it! Zen Master sigh: aggressive competitiveness in everything okay?
Buddhist Chan Yu: Zen and the teachers a break in the cup broke. He asked the teacher: Why must people die? Teacher A: animate is the death of all the world. Ikkyu said : Your cup dates of death to!
Buddhist Chan Yu: one Zimingqinggao, frown upon earth, to find Jackson complained, Jackson: that be magnanimous, to understand the inclusive National Cheng Kung University.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Zen Master Lu Gen doctor asked Nanquan: Families with one stone, when sitting, when lying, like Juan did the Buddha, can? Jackson A: Yes. a stone that is a Buddha, a Buddha and that is a stone, is nothing but a heart.
Buddhist Chan Yu: The Kingfisher in the temple to seek a safer place, then no one can climb the rock on the waterfront building nest, a few days after the waves swept away. Jackson: Because the hearts of the enemy, it is the enemy
Buddhist Chan Yu everywhere: for enriching the Pure Land, when the net of their heart, with its purity of heart, that Fotu net. saints seeking heart do not metion, the fool does not seek the heart metion; wise aligning the body is not stressed, the body is not fool-aligning adjustment.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Take a deficit at the original without problems, one-third may also wish to give way. only to see Willow Spring green, yellow chrysanthemum autumn see also. With good behavior motivation, happiness will follow him like a shadow of a camel.
Buddhist Chan Yu: A wise man knowing about the total inaction and fool the body tied to mediocre. no difference between things, preference for any false attachment. all day thoughtful too hard, so why not committed a big mistake? taken from the three ancestral Sengcan . , then there are monster legend, and everyone with fear. Jackson: rumor is the most terrible monster.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Acts: How to get the knowledge? only the first division to press into the water. Teacher: You are now What is the most hungry? Act: Air! Teacher:! knowledge should also have such a strong desire
Buddhist Chan Yu: Do not criticize others in a third front, not behind that of others ill. smart will not relax themselves, they learn through hard work, so that their wisdom.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Do seeds such as fruit of the grandparents, so the difference between karma, and everyone is different brake. Vang Pao such as heart, heart see all colors, and everyone is purity of heart, therefore, to clean brake to see. If up to this logic, virtual credit fee, in addition Xiangqiu, there is no place.
Buddhist Chan Yu: convertible speeding, sharp turn at several passengers were thrown out, lying on the ground cursed. Poplar: those that were thrown, and most did not because of his foothold. Zen: a disaster caused more by their own Buddhist Chan Yu
: intelligence and wisdom are different, otherwise why the makes the cycle of life and death, the lifting of trouble.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Zen Master asked God Shanseng Password: Please say a matter of life and death. Zen Master asked: When did you died? Answer: never. Jackson said: neither had, and that only know the person died and one back to the Buddhist Chan Yu
matter of life and death: a thief to steal, dig bread dog, the dog has to bite his leg. thief: to give you bread, a quick bite me yet? dog, said: Because of Do you want to buy me, I judge that you are a villain! Zen Master: A wise man tell right from wrong.
Buddhist Chan Yu: fleas living on dogs, smell the smell of sheep jump, but was unable to breathe the thick wool Mende and finally starved to death. Jackson: determined depth study of things before.
Buddhist Chan Yu: In the theater, shouting fools joke: Fire! Results thousands flocking to the door, crowded, many people trampled. Jackson lamented: nonsense endless troubles.
Buddhist Chan Yu: lion tried to grab the rabbit, see the deer come, they go after deer, the deer did not catch the rabbit also ran. does not meet the narrow interests to pursue a more big hope, will end up empty-handed.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Only return good for evil, is the end of all the grievances of the party. with the moral to probation, not to students from the resentment heart to complain complain about never gains an enemy. < br> Buddhist Chan Yu: Gold Rush team walking in the desert, gold filled pocket, we tired bear, only one person happy to walk, accompanied by: Why are you so nice? he said with a smile: I want at least ah !
Buddhist Chan Yu: monk position kozo tune the bell, so he went to chopping wood. kozo excuse: I knocked very time ah. monk: ring the bell to wake up all beings, your weak knock the bell , to do is superficial.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Life on the hillside of stone, the envy of the bustling mountain road, it rolled down his results suffered abuses and is defiled. Zen Master: contentment, not looking at this mountain that high mountain.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Butterfly admire the beautiful flame .
Buddhist Chan Yu: Q: Are all the people are Buddhist monks? Buddha said: All sentient beings have Buddha nature, Buddha is to teach all beings have Buddha nature to understand this, not life and death, back pain, not to teach all people have become a monk.
Buddhist Chan Yu: the responsibility of the faithful for life, if the evasion of responsibility, such a life is wasted. To right and wrong when the education, not to this world as right and wrong.
Buddhist Chan Yu: The Lion : Why put me in a cage? Monks: so we are safe. Lion: So, your mind is paralyzed, the cage will one day break! Master: be prepared for adversity.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Why do most people get not happy? because his feelings are wrong, mind mess bitter, everything suspect, others distorted the intention of being very far away from him.
Buddhist Chan Yu: competition is in order not to compete, the competition is temporary a driving force; truly indisputable and able to make unremitting efforts to see things already, the realm of quiet temperament.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Young people good things, he had hidden guilt, shame, shame at people, and finally not declare that the secret things he heard, not to say I .- card useless. hen said: It is the money could be it! Phoenix: Where the money can not buy things, and will lose its value.
Buddhist Chan Yu: high; the sea not the small streams, which gives it depth. need help, not to forget the little things. without seeking to do good, magnanimous heart; intention of doing good, awesome.
Buddhist Chan Yu: smart people of good start from the accumulation of small, spring, summer autumn and winter, sustained the end result of people filled the entire story rather than merit.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Q: Which is the Buddha and what is the law? two ancestral wisdom can be A: Yes Xin Shifo, the heart is law, law Buddha Fuji. Law and the Buddha was no different in this, but people dedicated only difference between hard
Buddhist Chan Yu added: giving good moral character, to help the public Qinjuan, behavior flawless, is the most auspicious - relatives and friends, behavior without blemish, is the greatest good fortune.
Buddhist Chan Yu: The best virtue than compassion; the sweet peace of mind than happiness; the most pure essence of truth than the understanding of impermanence. < br> Buddhist Chan Yu: Buddhism is the Buddha's words, Zen is the Buddha Mind, the two aims are the same, if persistent in the text, find words sentence by sentence, do not know the mind is the Buddha nature, after all, not enlightenment. < br> Buddhist Chan Yu: Q: I can not afford this will stop all thought, such as sea water can not afford to wave, whether this is the Buddha nature? A: Non-Buddha, is the role of knowledge and awareness of their brains.
Buddha Home Chan Yu: do not end enmity with the villain, the villain has its own deep-seated antagonists; not flattering to the gentleman, a gentleman not because of mutual affection and give you what personal favor.
Buddhist Chan Yu: peaceful mind is the Way . How special do not. heart, not artificial, not hypocritical attitude of life, is a completely self-revealed truth, in this mine of their true nature be free of the heart.
Buddhist Chan Yu: ask for advice Medicine Mountain Zen master asked: How can not to be confused outside the border? Yaoshan: allow external circumstances to come and go, what relationship? ask for advice by: no. Yaoshan: What external circumstances make you confused?
Buddhist Chan Yu: Japanese Hugh Jackson: one of the live in progress. apprentice: What is progress? be closed answer: better today than yesterday and tomorrow better than today, a little better every day, that is progress.
Buddhist Chan Yu: horse take the lead, fast people a word. Jing Chuan Deng recorded No Guaai void. Expand Bianshi Fang, fashionable concept itself. a bowl of thousands of meals, travel thousands of miles alone. see less people blue eyes, white head and ask.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Remember you prosperity, no mouth all day stop; for the Family as thyself, it may be honest and integrity; that the most lovely smile, the family immediately see the light; patient was allowed to keep rain off sky grows bright
Buddhist Chan Yu: a month, a cool breeze in summer and winter snow. If there is no big deal to hang my heart is a good time world. Language: Master Lecture: small fish caught by a bear, seeking their release, saying automatically send home a few years later, the Bears hope that it will not be the opportunity to discard large vested interests. who truly live now is has a life
Buddhist Chan Yu: monks climbing a mountain, a disciple fell to seize the thorns, the hand was cut. Jackson: thorns used to attach other objects, but you attach it, of course, ask for it, do not rely on can not rely on people.
Buddhist Chan Yu: the rich are suffering, no money is also hard; also hard for busy, busy is also hard, hard world with which people do not it? more impatient, more will feel the pain, why not suffer when temper?
Buddhist Chan Yu: a monk proud of the unique Park monk said: heart, Buddha, sentient beings emptiness, no enlightenment, no facilities, no subject. independence park about playing Monk, Monk was furious, independence Park: all emptiness, where would such a fire?
Buddhist Chan Yu: The solitude. can Vientiane Lord, not by seasons wither.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Tan Yin To the old, rage disease, ignorance to death, but three of enlightenment. human aging, angry people sick, obsessed would take away life, elimination of the three drugs to get the true meaning of Buddhism Buddhist Chan Yu
: Master Lecture: bird afraid of bird fallen from its nest, nest every day moved a little lower, and therefore a disaster occurs, people are Zhuozou a bird. excessive indulgence is harmful not love.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Hui who are even for a moment, close to Homo sapiens, can speed solutions Bodhidharma, Tang Wei as a third party to try. fool unconsciously, and self enemy lines; artificial Zhuwu industry, by setting all the consequences.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Fear no wisdom, only the quiet wisdom of mind will be in full bloom Lotus. desires people worry about the outcome, people involuntarily desires.
Buddhist Chan Yu: Lotus because of its universal function of the large and Xiangpiao, if life in the public service, given that this life is happy. his own well-being in other people's suffering, it is a sin.
Buddhist Chan Yu: 1, greatest achievement in life is going from failure to stand up .2, the world can not wait two things: First, filial piety. Second, do good.
Buddhist Chan Yu: a Buddha called living fear, no evil and fear, even fear no public Wade. 

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