Thursday, January 6, 2011

Western dining etiquette

 Eat Western food, the first of the six M
is as the restaurant's facade, the boss has always attached great importance, with the best fabrics to do the cover of the menu, and some even marked with a soft sheepskin variety of beautiful patterns.
how the point of good food, there is a trick to open the menu, see Which dish is named after the hotel, will be able to take the, you know, Which chefs do not put their name to a joke, so they work hard to make the dish, and will definitely delicious, a certain point.
looking at the menu, ordering to eat Western food has become an essential process, the kind of lifestyle. a band, play some soft music, generally a small restaurant also play some wonderful music. However, here the emphasis is on music of the to the level br> Western attention to the environment elegant, harmonious atmosphere. must be accompanied by music, with white tablecloths, fresh flowers placed, all utensils must clean. In case of dinner, lights dim, the table should have a red candle, creating a romantic , charming, elegant atmosphere.
fourth one is the Western food is mainly a feel for the very few to do business in the Western table. Therefore, Western Chamber, little red in the face of the scenes appear.
fifth is the ; eat with knife, left hand fork, the food cut into small pieces, then sent to the entrance of the knife and fork. Generally speaking, Europeans do not change hands when using the knife and fork, has been using the fork in the left entrance of the food delivery. Americans After a cut, the knife down, right hand fork of food into the mouth. But whenever the knife is a must not send materials imported. Western banquet, the host will sit adjacent to the arrangements of men and women, pay attention to ; the Western gentleman, will show the attentions of the ladies.
sixth is United States, we eat Western food, is the nose, so we very nose; only the Chinese people know your great dinner with his tongue. taste of Chinese food that is not the same par.
qualifying position of Western and Chinese dishes are arranged in a large difference between Chinese food and more use of the Round Table, and Western food is generally used long table. If you go to the restaurant with two men , men should be invited to his own right hand lady, have to be careful not to let her sit on the aisle side of people coming and going. If only one position against the wall, should be invited to President seated man sitting opposite her. If it is two couples dining, ladies should sit against the wall position, Mr. Lady was sitting across from each. If the two men, accompanied by a lady eating, while women should sit in the middle of the two men. If two same-sex meal , then the wall should give them the location of the elderly. Western also a custom, that is: each person seated or left their seats, should be left out from the seat. held a formal dinner, the seating arrangement in accordance with international practice : The level of the table meeting location according to the distance from the main table and the right high left low, should be put on the table times tables times more than a license. the same table is also in accordance with the level of seat-seat distance from the master may be. Western customs arrangements for men and women cross- Even if a couple is also true.

banquet dining etiquette formal dinner if you attend if the hostess to dinner napkins shop in the legs is a sign of the beginning. napkins implies the beginning and end of the banquet, the West about Ladies first principles, Western banquet hostess is the first order, the hostess does not sit, others can not sit, the hostess in the legs to spread his napkin that we can start. Instead, the hostess put napkins on the table on, is a sign of end of the banquet.
started eating, the dishes do not get too much Sheng, plate after eating the food if not, you can then take, meals are advised to open a shop in the lap napkin , folded after the meal on a plate on the right, not on a chair, folded square and should not be mistaken for not used. Cazui can not wipe the napkin.
as the attendant at the food, to be added again when the waiter brought the time taken. In case I can not eat or not eat the food, serving as a waiter, the owner of their food, do not gesture, not to reject, it is desirable on a small plate and said , enough. a time, not to rush to get their own second. not around the food table, take the left end, so that someone else feeding. the other is the master, we as a party should not be invited to take the initiative to Levin. to be polite to eat , chew with their mouth closed, do not sip the soup, eat, do not make a sound. If soup is too hot, cool before eating can wait, do not mouth blown. the mouth of the fish bone, bones do not directly outside the spit, with Yanzui napkins, hand out, or Qingtu the fork, on the food tray. eat the food use of food to mouth, not the mouth of opinions on the food. elbows can not be stretched far apart. Do not have food in the mouth speak. Tiya, cover mouth with hand or napkin, do not walk and teeth. leftovers, used utensils, toothpicks, should be placed on the tray, not to put on the table.
Ms. meals location
handbags in Europe and America, women seated, it is common on the feet directly to the bag on the floor. because of their handling of the bag is so, so, give the bag placed on the table for them, is very rude behavior.
Therefore, in addition to evening wear, small hand bag, other bags can not be on the table.
then, handbags should be placed there? may have a lot of people are not used to give the bag on the floor on time, you can give the bag on the back or between the thighs and the chair (under the napkin).
If no one sitting next to him, but also can be placed in a chair, or hung on the bag rack.
on Western food in order
arrangements with the lunch menu is very different. to organize the banquet, for example, nearly 10 kinds of Chinese food dinner cold dishes in addition, they also have 6-8 kinds of hot dishes, plus dessert sweets and fruits, it is extremely rich. and looked at a 6,7 Although Western Road, it seems very complicated, but generally only one each, for many people, the point is still relatively unknown Western food. The following is serving the Western order, ready to eat Western food for friends as a la carte reference.
head, also known as appetizer plate, generally cold and hot appetizers of the points, the common varieties of caviar, foie gras , smoked salmon, cocktail cup, butter chicken cakes boxes, Bureau of snails.
can be divided into broth soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup 4 categories. oxtail soup varieties, each style cream soup, seafood soup, clam soup, American, Italian-style vegetable soup, Russian borscht. French onion soup.
side dish fish dishes and often eggs, bread, cake boxes dishes are known as side dish. Western eating fish dishes with special attention to sauces, varieties Tartar sauce, hollandaise sauce, hotels juice, white cream sauce, Archbishop of juice, juice and the United States sailors fish sauce.
4 . entrees
meat, poultry dishes are the main course. One of the most representative is the beef or steak, meat dishes flavored with terms used in the main Spanish sauce, thick sauce fine, mushroom sauce, white Agnes juice. poultry dishes of raw materials from the chicken. ducks, geese; poultry is the most chicken dishes, can be boiled, can be fried, can be grilled, can Jiong, the main sauce with curry sauce, cream sauce.
vegetable dishes can be arranged in meat dishes, the same can also be served with meat dishes, vegetable dishes called in the Western salad. and the main course with salad also known as raw vegetable salad , usually with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, asparagus and other produce. There is a class of fish, meat, eggs produced, and generally do not add sauce.
6. dessert
Western desserts are eaten after the main course can be counted as the sixth dish. from the true sense, it includes all the food after the main course, such as pudding, ice cream, cheese, fruit, etc..
drink coffee with sugar and coffee are generally light cream.
not necessary all-point, but eat too much instead of rude. a little restaurant level are welcome to guests only point appetizer. appetizer, main course (fish or meat, choose one) plus dessert the most appropriate combination. a la carte dishes from the previous starting point is not, but most want to eat first, as the main course selection, matched for the main course soup.
use cutlery to eat with knife and fork when
should be fixed on the left fork, cut with a knife the size of a small mouth, dipping sauce into the mouth.
American way of eating all the food is first cut into small pieces, and back to right hand fork to eat slowly. But if eating meat is juicy dishes, gravy will flow pond plate, and unsightly. So it is best to cut a bite.
how to use knife and fork
1. meal, plate in the middle , then the knife and spoon placed in the right side of the plate, fork on the left. general right of literate people, drinking Western, it is natural to use the right hand with a knife or spoon, take the left fork, cup, also used his right hand side.
2. placed on the table knife and fork, not more than three at most. more than three course set menu, must be placed after use with the serving knife and fork and then place the new knife and fork.
3. knife and fork from the outside to the inside in order to use (that is, pre-order from outside to inside by using the order of display).
4. Meals are generally right-hand co-ordination, that knife into a fork in pairs of use. there are some exceptions, the soup, then just spoon on the right with his right hand holding a spoon mm. eating raw oysters are generally eaten with the right hand fork oysters.
5. forks have different specifications, according to different purposes decide the size of its dimensions are different. eat meat, regardless of whether to cut, have to use large knife. eat salads, desserts, or some appetizers, use your knife in the number. Cutter with a fork or spoon general The size of the change. soup, use your large spoon, and drink coffee and eat ice cream, then with the trumpet is appropriate.
6. taboo for others with their own utensils to dish cloth.
7 . can not be wearing a fork food imports, but should scoop up the food import. Of course, now the rule has become not so strict. Britons take the left fork, fork tip down, tied up the meat, into the mouth, if is the burning rotten vegetables to eat vegetables appropriated fork knife on into the mouth, the same way Americans meat, and then right down the knife, fork for fork tip up, into the meat Here, no knife, scoop up the meat, into the mouth, eat the same way burning rotten scoop up the vegetables to eat.
8. such as eating a dish does not need a knife, fork right hand can also be used, for example, Italian eating noodles, use only a fork, no other dishes, then with his right hand to grip the fork'd simple and convenient. no chunks of meat to cut it, such as vegetarian dish, but do not cut the vegetables and staple food, then, reasonably can also be used right hand fork to eat.
9. To be safe, not to find fault when holding a knife and fork. speech or conversation should be on the knife and fork on the plate before decency. It is also next to the A person respect.
10. fork and spoon can be imported, but the knife can not put in the mouth, regardless of whether there is food on it. In addition to the requirements of ceremony, the entrance is dangerous knife.
Western knife display meaning
fork in the Western, the knife and fork the placing is also a meaning, your meal may wish to convey through the placing of a knife and fork:
1. I have not finished eating: the dish did not empty, if you want to continue eating, the knife and fork open-minded about a triangle, then the waiter would not take your plate taken away.
2. I have run out of food: You can place your knife and fork parallel the same side of the plate. At this time, even if there is something your plate, the waiter will know you have finished eating, will in due course your tray.
3. Please give me added food: plates is empty, but you want to eat, the knife and fork open-minded, was about eight shape, then the waiter will give you added food.
Note: Only add meal at a banquet permit, or may be added in the consumption of that dish when applicable. If only one of each dish, you do not need to put the dishes in this way.
seasoning sauce using

with Ma Luobu sauce, mint gum, raisins gum, mustard, apple sauce, cranberry dill sauce, the first with a spoon to scoop into the plate. and then wipe the meat with a fork oil consumption. liquid sauce, such as mint, cherry or apricot duck sauce, to be poured directly into the meat above.'s best to water less, this will not affect the parent's overall taste of the meat. eat egg rolls and biscuits with the pectin, jams and preserves to use spoon to scoop the butter on the side of the plate, and then wipe the knife flat small piece of bread or egg rolls on. If there is no spoon, a knife before taking pectin, first rub the edge of the plate. eat curry, you can put peanut, coconut, chutneys and other condiments on the plate after mixing with curry consumption. chutney can be eaten as a side dish, do not mix.
salt and pepper to taste food
first, then add salt and pepper. first chef salt or pepper is impolite performance. If the salt shaker on the table, the use of salt inside the key, if not, use a clean tip access. the food to be dipped in salt and butter on their plate or tray in the side. If you provide a hand salt shaker, you can Yong Shounie take.
then according to tradition, use a fork to eat salad, but if you block too much salad, it should be cut so as not to fall from the fork. before eating salad and fruit with the blades and rust and black. Now the use of stainless steel knife to change this situation. eat iceberg lettuce usually want to use a knife and fork. When the colors as a staple food to eat, do not put it on the plate in the . to put your own butter plate, leaning next to the main dish. usually a piece of bread or omelets to salad on the fork to push the plate.

to the bread and butter, egg rolls, biscuits or toast on To butter knife, and wipe a small piece of bread and butter only. Do not rubbed butter into vegetables. because it is considered an insult to the cook.
1, when the toppings on your front, taking part of the meal spoon butter into your pan. If there is no butter dish, a staple food in front of her plate. Be careful not to put toppings directly into the mouth. If you want salt on top, in Next sprinkle plate ingredients. dip ingredients with your hands to eat.
2, olive into his mouth when eating, spit into the concave of nuclear first hand tight, then put the plate.
3, pickled pickles with sandwiches eaten by hand, with a knife and fork when the meat.
4, dill, parsley and cress, as part of the meal is to use fork to eat. If the above is not covered with salad ingredients or the sauce, then they can eat with your hands.
5, a thin slice of lemon is used for decoration; lemon wedge or lemon half to squeeze juice. thorn in lightly with a fork meat. the juice squeeze into the needs of the food seasoning, (generally are made of cheese cloth covering the lemon half to prevent the juices scattered).
how to use the finished dish napkins
points after the first period before the food sent time to open the napkin, fold one third of the inward, so that two-thirds of tile in the legs, cover your legs above the knee part. best not to put napkins stuffed collar.
back even half a meal Then eat, napkin should be placed on the surface of your chair seat, it means the signal is to tell the presence of other people, especially waiters, you are out a little something back to still continue to eat. napkins to put on the table, that is, mean the end of dinner.
the napkin it can rub anything? mouth it can be complacent. eat Western food, if people keep up to talk, be sure to use a napkin stained mouth stick first, then talk to others speak . napkins can Cazui, but can not wipe a knife and fork, it can not wipe.
eat salads and soups in the Western liturgical
eat soup tableware is generally used
soup plate or bowl. soup bowls, with the children both with and without the children. to use the spoon to drink soup. hold tablespoon writing pen similar approach with grip, not too tight nor too loose. hold the position should be appropriate to handle the in the upper part of the ideal, elegant and natural look.
position into the soup, to keep the body upright, head do not get too close to the soup plate, the woman with long hair should be careful not to fall into the hair in the soup plate, so that is unsanitary nor attractive. send soup with a spoon to his mouth, and not bow to go with soup plate. Be careful not to make soup or to flow out from the mouth drops in the soup plate soup outside.
voice into the soup in the food , do avoid sending the sound to the mouth Xiliu, if the soup is boiling, you can wait a while longer to enjoy, not the mouth, leaned in soup plate fierce blow. Even if only a little soup soup plate, and do not give the soup back plate mouth. soup plate can be tilted outward so that the last few drops with a spoon scoop. If the soup, then the last few drops can be poured into the mouth.

eat salad as appetizer salad plate is ideal to do the first choice, both refreshing and appetizers, salad orthodox Western General acidic juice, that is trying to achieve this effect. westerners not used to eat before a meal of salad with sweet.
eating utensils Sheng salad salad salad plate for general use, flat plate can be deep-dish. generally nice restaurant to put on the knife and fork, even if some people used to just use a fork without a knife. As with the staple food during the meal with salad, salad plate on the left side of main course dish, then generally put a fork.
large leafy vegetables to meet the time, first with a knife and fork, folded, and then use a fork entry.

fish eat the fish very tender and fragile, so the restaurant equipment often do not prepare special knife and spoon. This soup spoon with a larger than normal and relatively flat, not only splitting dishes, but also to scoop up food and eat with sauce. To a mixture of vegetables to eat other foods, or use a fork as well. For the fish bones, fish gills in the vicinity of the first stab a knife in a straight line, the tip will not pierce, piercing half can be. will pick the fish open, upper body, from the beginning, under the knife on the bone, cut open to the tail direction. tick off the bone and moved to the corner of the plate. Finally, then tail cut off.
mm eat meat, Western etiquette
(1) cut from the left.
French cuisine in the meat used in cattle, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, etc., are much more, but also by way of conditioning divided into the burning, baking, steaming, boiling and so varied. opened the menu, grilled lamb chops, roast duck, braised beef, and so the name of every dazzling array of meat dishes arranged together, and eat like a hundred thousand odd , mouth-watering.
must remember that the first row of dinner meal method. steak dishes can be said that since ancient times, representatives of the meat dishes, steak dishes of eating naturally for other meat dishes basic form, so the best effort of the next point. point with the steak, the first thing the waiter asks barbecue degree, Ke Yi way you like food supply.
degree of raw and cooked steak in the Western said mature (MEDIUM): the central section of cut steak, 50% see as red meat, with a small amount of bloody water, is the best tasting steak into several.
7 mature to the fully cooked (WELLDONE): cut steak see only one section of the central narrow red, bloody meat nearly dry, is the percentage of public choice.
XXXXX mature: no blood, juice, cut out after the incision was pink, is new to the people's choice steaks. < br> Well done: cut a small amount of clear exudate after the gravy, meat becomes slightly harder, is generally not recommended option, but religious people right.
all white: is fully cooked even further on the basis of layer after cut of white meat, individual needs and is not recommended.
Westerners eat more raw taste of the steak, because of this oil is moderate and slightly bloody steak, taste is very delicious.
Asians 7 prefer mature, because the fear of seeing blood in the meat, so that the bloody little as possible.
meals to fork the meat fork from the left to live, and then with a knife along the right side of the meat fork cut, such as a cut of meat can not eat, can be directly cut with a knife and then smaller, bite-sized meat, just cut, and then give it away directly to the mouth of a fork.
(2) press and hold the key is to use the knife the intensity of meat.
to easily cut the meat, we must first loose shoulders, and, indeed, to live with a fork meat fork. and then with a knife gently and slowly move back and forth. force the knife point is stretched in went out, not when the knife back.
+ (3) will be made sauce on a plate inside.
point row meal would be with a cup of sauce. in formal occasions, sauce should be a self-access, the service was not the trouble.
bowl first to get the plate next to the sauce to spoon when taking care not to drip sauce tablecloth. can not be directly poured in the sauce steak, we should take the appropriate amount on the plate inside, and then feed the meat into bite size dipping sauce to eat.
sauce with two tablespoons of about the most appropriate. get finished sauce, will be Tom spoon sauce on the side of the bowl, and pass the next person.
(4) not all of the start into a piece of meat, or all the delicious juices will flow out. If live meat fork to the right of the left never started cutting meat; be difficult to cut the meat. because of his left hand fork, so the cut is basically starting from the left.
Do not cut from the right. If you cut too hard, will result in the cutting plate collision with a great sound. lean forward position is difficult to use a knife.
(5) have dotted all of the vegetables eaten on the steak side vegetables not only for decoration, but also based on balanced considerations added. countrymen cress leave the city, if not really do not like, it is best not to rest. to take advantage of the sauce and soup on the menu plate inside, placed next to each other alternately with vegetables and meat eating.
how food
bird feeding bone: first the wings and legs cut off, and then using a knife and fork to eat body parts. You can put wings and legs eaten with the fingers, but can not take part of the body.
chicken: chicken first half. the chicken legs and wings with a knife and fork action from the link to open. and then use a fork to hold chicken (chicken breast or chicken wings), with a knife the size of the meat cut into appropriate pieces. twenty-three a time cut. If the occasion is formal, not so accessible, and knife and fork, simply do not move. If you are in an informal setting, you can small hand-pick the bones, but can be used in a hand.
Steak: with a fork or knife into the beef, pork or lamb row center. If the ribs have a paper sleeve, you can hand to seize, to Cut the meat on the bones, and so as not to make the hands greasy. in a formal setting or dining in a restaurant even if packets have paper sleeves can not eat with your hands and gnawing bones. These things basically used the extra for decoration , and did not let you eat a meaning sharp. In addition, in an informal setting, only the bones, not soup to eat when you can get up and gnawing.
fish: first with a knife and fork to cut the head and tail down on the plate edges. and then with the tip along the fish bone the fish split from start to finish. Then you have three options: 1, fish bones slide
2, the separation of flat fish, remove fish bone
3, thrown off the top piece, then finished eating boneless If the small bones of the mouth, with the thumb and index finger Niechu, people would not even like fish eat small fish head, and eat fish cheeks are very fortunate.
eat bread, torn into small pieces
first with both hands, then the principle of the left hand for eating.
eat hard bread, not only laborious but also with Shredded Montreal will be out of bread crumbs, this time can be cut in half with a knife first, and then torn to pieces and eat by hand.
avoid the cut with a saw-like bread knife should penetrate the central part of the first, to close their body parts cut off, and then turn off the other half of bread. cut the bread available at the time fixed, to avoid audible.
earliest form of the wine table manners in the West, is now increasingly common for the international community .
early into the restaurant, wait in the waiting area should be led desk staff with a bit, can not find their sole discretion think fit into the seat at the table. If you do so in Europe, there may be requested from the restaurant.
When the collar desk staff to the seat, the President should be allowed to be seated, and give the best view of the seat, Ms.. because the Europeans think that the right is large, so as far as possible the right of men sitting President.
When you need to call attendant, do not clap or play the finger by the way, just slightly raise your hands to. This can also test it in the restaurant service. Shigeyanse usually as long as the customer, a good waiter will He served notice that you need.
drinking is generally the order of: first drink liquor, after red wine; to drink young wine, the year after drinking old wine; to drink a light wine, strong drink alcohol after ; first drink it wine, after drinking wine. Of course this is just a general rule, not absolute.
wine, you can browse the wine list first, consider their own interests, budget and wine list, whether there is a pleasant surprise of discovery.'m not sure if you short, you can turn to waiter, tell him what you have ordered a dish, what kind of drink or like to drink wine and asked him to recommend or advice. If you want to happen to wine The wine list is not in, ask more careful, including producing, year, especially the price, so as not to exceed your budget.
points over the wine, the wine waiter will take over, to let you confirm, inspection Ming is behind the open bottle in your side. open a bottle, the waiter should first check the cork to you, you sniff the cork to see if there is odor, and whether the exception. If everything you try to start a nod wine.
waiter will pour some wine in your cup. now show you the time tasting skill. in accordance with tasting trilogy, look at the news after the last sample. When you try the wine, unless the wine has obvious deterioration, or not any requirement for wine, but can not, need to touch the glass by hand, to indicate do not want to drink a can.
open a bottle of red wine etiquette
: sealed cut with a knife, remove the top part. then taper gradually align center will spiral into the cork screw , and then fasten the bottle, and then slowly pull the handle will steady, pull the cork.
wine waiter: Do not open the bottle immediately after drinking, but to dry for a while, the smell of wine, more alcohol . mature red wine only half an hour early enough, old wine is often the structure is relatively weak, for as soon as the drink bottle to the residue.
pour: The best bottle wrapped with a napkin, so as not to hand temperature the wine warm up. Cup for the degree of one-third of capacity, so that wine can be at the fragrant cup.
Wine Tasting: the first concept of color, and then shaking, then smell the wine. Finally, of course, is . Generally speaking it is sip wine in the mouth to stay a while. goods over the wine is best to give time to look back at.
drinking small details
(a) the general order will be pouring wine waiter, the waiter will come pouring, then, do not get hands-on glass, but should put the glass on the table by the waiter to pour. If you do not want to give you a waiter pouring
, then use your fingertips would touch the edge of the glass to do not want it shown.
(b) to avoid hand-made wine temperature increased the temperature, the correct posture is to hold cup with three fingers Qingwo cup feet, the thumb and middle finger and index finger holding the cup feet, put the little finger stationary in the bottom of the cup.
(c) must not suck when you drink alcohol, you should tilt the glass, as is like drinking wine on the tongue. You can gently shake the cup to the wine in contact with air increase the alcohol's mellow, but do not
violent shaking the cup.
(d) when the non-toast and drink by the glass or drinking and Man, holding a wine glass side talk will be printed on the glass along the upper lipstick, are rude behavior.

eat ice cream dessert: ice cream scoop general use. When and eat cake or pie or as part of the main meal, To use a dessert fork and a dessert spoon.
pie: eat fruit pie usually use a fork. But if the owner provides you with a fork and a dessert spoon, then to a fixed pie with a fork , digging with a spoon to eat. is to use a fork to eat pie, except pie with ice cream, in which case, forks, spoons are used. If you eat the cream pie with a fork and not the best hand. to prevent the leakage of filling from the other end.
cooked pear: Use the spoon and fork. fixed the pear with a fork upright, with a spoon to eat pears cut into convenient pieces. fork rotation can also be used to cook pears so dug fresh pear flesh. If only a spoon to hand rotate the plate, the pear-core left on a tray, with a spoon to scoop out the juice.
sorbet: If you eat meals as meat can be used fork, if it is eaten as a dessert, using a spoon.
stewed fruit: eat stewed fruit to use a spoon, but you can use a fork to hold large pieces of fruit. the cherries, prunes, candied Li nuclear decent spit to the spoon, on the plate edges.
orthodox diet afternoon
Traditionally, afternoon tea is served at home, the hostess of the gathering of female friends, receive visitors in the afternoon the most important moment. in the party for women only , the table is always covered with white lace or twill cloth towel, put the silver branched candlestick, and a bouquet of flowers stuck in vases.
addition, the table should also be put:
1. side of the silver platter , put on top of sterling silver tea set. including, teapots, and under the light can be coupled with alcohol lamp kettle, milk, sugar bowl with tongs or a teaspoon, put artificial sweeteners agent containers, filters, and a bowl and pour tea leaves install a small dish of thin slices of lemon, with a small fork.
2. each with a silver cup and teaspoon of porcelain saucer.
3. mounted a small plate of food.
4. eat pastry fork.
5. eating strawberry jelly or silver teaspoon.
6. strawberry jelly cup or bowl
7. mounted silver cream container
8. can be costumes, small sandwiches, cookies, and hot buttered round biscuits, fruit cake, dried fruit chocolate, or any small dessert dishes.
9. exquisite white tea napkins.
perfect elegant Western
no details do not like the perfect dinner ladies, but do not forget: the details of the decision of perfection!
A. glass side of the lip print
ladies with drinks before, remember the first swab his mouth with a napkin and lipstick oil, so as not to leave unsightly lipstick Cup side.
way to get the glass when the glass to take care not to lean your elbows on the desktop, but to pick up floating. Use tall champagne drink should be gracefully to the bottom half of the fingers holding a cup feet.
knife and fork meal complete meal finished, the plate side by side on its side on a plate. Cross has placed that Last finished eating, and not to the tableware used on the table, it will stain tablecloths, unsightly.
D. or elbow!
soup, the same should not be leaning on elbow table, or give people the impression that hard at hard drinking.
E to deal with large
eating salad vegetables, often encounter a larger slice of the leaves, when leaves do not cut with a knife, but should the knife and fork to fold up and then fork food.
hands to eat the main course the embarrassment, in order to avoid embarrassment, as little more than election bone, shell food. must not even eat chicken hand-picked to eat. eat shrimp, crab, the waiter will be a cup of water, wash bowl, wash your hands before you can safely post to the address

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