Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Like chocolate reasons ~ ~ Chocolate Coconut Cheesecake

 Unique for its mellow rich chocolate taste, has become the daily life of the most popular snack foods. Chocolate, but it is still a healthy food, it can be for your daily diet to provide adequate nutrition, and given the unique charm of chocolate ingredients derived from naturally in cocoa beans of the plant compounds - polyphenols. polyphenols are present in tea, chocolate, wine and fruits and other foods of plant compounds, is a common free radical scavenger. it can better protect the body from oxidative damage. So eat chocolate in moderation is extremely useful to humans.
I like the taste of sweet chocolate, sweet tooth would have to have for a long time Pig did not eat chocolate, and today greedy self cook a chocolate cake to satisfy myself. happen to have the remaining coconut on the inside I put together, and a good thick head that I opened the cake Square cake will be at a loss!!
see a layer of chocolate Layer cheese and cold, but also on the coconut stuttering mouth, how can such a delicious miss!! blame this damn hot to death too easy of a chocolate!!
really good, really fun!! later I do eat the chocolate!!
1. chocolate chiffon cake (one point two standby)
2. cheese 250g
3. Cream 200ml
4. fish powder 12g
5. Chocolate Sauce 200ml
6. sugar 20g
7. Coconut amount
1. cheese with sugar water kill smooth insulation
2. butter sent milkshake-like into the cheese to the mix
3. Add coconut and mix well to melt the glue fish
4. mold was first placed in a chocolate cake, pour a layer of cheese paste, as analogy
5. to mold into the refrigerator for several hours
6. chocolate, butter and fish glue the cake mixture into the freezing cold to continue after the cold, freezing the surface can be

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