Saturday, January 29, 2011

Metal shares a number of positive rumors denied

 Mita shares (000,782) to clarify the announcement released today, denied funding on a major shareholder, the company products will significantly raise prices and other favorable rumors.

rumors of the three good overview

Do panic! The main force is still diving? Stuck with the stock is likely to have saved! March the stock market changes are likely to occur? Tug of war hidden behind the movement of funds !
notice that recently appeared on the network it shares related to rumors about the company, many investors to inquire, mainly related matters are summarized as follows: (1) a majority shareholder will soon decorate the city into the Pan-assets, inject new Industrial Co., Ltd. will be twisted silk factory; (2) products will be significantly raise prices, gross margin will be increased substantially; (3) Mita owned subsidiary of Guangdong Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. Universal Digital Hornsey holds 3% of the pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical business Hornsey Listed, significant impact on the company.

shareholder injection rumor

to shareholder assets into the rumors, Mita said shares, the written consultation, the major shareholder Tianjian Group Re: purely on shareholder assets into market rumors, the company never discussed the Tianjian decorated the city, twisted silk factory in Xinhui Industry Co., Ltd. into shares of the matters Metroplex. At least the next 6 months will not discuss the Tianjian decorated the city, twisted silk factory in Xinhui Industry Co., Ltd. into shares of the matters Metroplex. Please Do investors believe the rumors, to avoid unnecessary losses.

Mita shares that the company controlling shareholders and actual controllers and commitment to at least the next 6 months, the company is not planning a major asset restructuring, acquisition, issue shares or share transfer and other important matters.

products will significantly raise prices is not true

will significantly raise prices for our products, Mita shares, said by the relevant factors, a substantial product price increases is an effective way.

Mita shares explained that since the second half of 2010, oil, cotton and chemical fiber products to a larger increase and volatility in the company of raw materials caprolactam prices have increased about 20%, although slightly during the company's products adjustment, but nylon industry is a fully competitive industry, combined with the current prices at record highs of caprolactam, and increased risk management, the company will take a prudent business strategy to accelerate the marketing and production of docking, the product is clearly not good way to raise prices substantially.

In addition, the Ministry of Commerce, This year, according to the company announcement on January 25, January 24, the Ministry of Commerce released the dumping, the Chinese industry has been substantial damage caprolactam dumping and material injury and causal relationship. Under these provisions, decided to adopt a deposit in the form of the provisional anti-dumping measures. Since January 25, 2011 from imports originating in the import business operators in the EU and U.S. imports of caprolactam, the decision should be based on the preliminary identified in the company's dumping margin to the corresponding margin of Customs.

Mita shares, said the ruling will be the company imported raw materials have a relatively large negative impact, in addition to direct imports of raw materials procurement channels to reduce the company, product quality and stability of the adverse external; if the company originated in the European Union and the United States to imports of caprolactam, the amount of purchases must be paid to the Customs (4.3% -25.5%), the corresponding anti-dumping margin, directly increase the cost of procurement of raw materials companies, affect the company's profits. On the other hand, in 2009 China's dependence on imports of caprolactam was 64.6%, incremental domestic supply is very limited, short-term significant increase in the proportion of domestic procurement is not realistic. Company more difficult, is expected in the future a certain period, a fundamental improvement in corporate performance is very difficult.

Hornsey good pharmaceutical market limited

on 324 million shares held by the pharmaceutical Hornsey, accounting for 2.63%. Guangdong General Digital Corporation holds a 40% stake in Investment Consulting Co., Ltd., accounted for 60% of the other shareholders, there is no other shareholder relationship with the company. Company Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. of Guangdong is not universal digital controlling position, Hornsey pharmaceutical listed on GEM, the company has no effect on 2010 operating results, the company does not have a significant impact.

2010 net profit surge of non-price increases lead to

Mita shares, said the company had published notice of 2010 annual results announcement, expected in 2010 full year net profit of about 90 million yuan (an increase of about 990%). The main reason is the significant increase in performance of the company to seize the domestic chemical fiber industry in 2010 to gradually restore the timing, structural adjustment, increase output, increase profits by selling incremental, not a company product price increases, product gross margin increased.

the secondary market, Mita shares closed at 6.22 yuan yesterday, up 1.47%.

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