Saturday, January 29, 2011

Metal shares a number of positive rumors denied

 Mita shares (000,782) to clarify the announcement released today, denied funding on a major shareholder, the company products will significantly raise prices and other favorable rumors.

rumors of the three good overview

Do panic! The main force is still diving? Stuck with the stock is likely to have saved! March the stock market changes are likely to occur? Tug of war hidden behind the movement of funds !
notice that recently appeared on the network it shares related to rumors about the company, many investors to inquire, mainly related matters are summarized as follows: (1) a majority shareholder will soon decorate the city into the Pan-assets, inject new Industrial Co., Ltd. will be twisted silk factory; (2) products will be significantly raise prices, gross margin will be increased substantially; (3) Mita owned subsidiary of Guangdong Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. Universal Digital Hornsey holds 3% of the pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical business Hornsey Listed, significant impact on the company.

shareholder injection rumor

to shareholder assets into the rumors, Mita said shares, the written consultation, the major shareholder Tianjian Group Re: purely on shareholder assets into market rumors, the company never discussed the Tianjian decorated the city, twisted silk factory in Xinhui Industry Co., Ltd. into shares of the matters Metroplex. At least the next 6 months will not discuss the Tianjian decorated the city, twisted silk factory in Xinhui Industry Co., Ltd. into shares of the matters Metroplex. Please Do investors believe the rumors, to avoid unnecessary losses.

Mita shares that the company controlling shareholders and actual controllers and commitment to at least the next 6 months, the company is not planning a major asset restructuring, acquisition, issue shares or share transfer and other important matters.

products will significantly raise prices is not true

will significantly raise prices for our products, Mita shares, said by the relevant factors, a substantial product price increases is an effective way.

Mita shares explained that since the second half of 2010, oil, cotton and chemical fiber products to a larger increase and volatility in the company of raw materials caprolactam prices have increased about 20%, although slightly during the company's products adjustment, but nylon industry is a fully competitive industry, combined with the current prices at record highs of caprolactam, and increased risk management, the company will take a prudent business strategy to accelerate the marketing and production of docking, the product is clearly not good way to raise prices substantially.

In addition, the Ministry of Commerce, This year, according to the company announcement on January 25, January 24, the Ministry of Commerce released the dumping, the Chinese industry has been substantial damage caprolactam dumping and material injury and causal relationship. Under these provisions, decided to adopt a deposit in the form of the provisional anti-dumping measures. Since January 25, 2011 from imports originating in the import business operators in the EU and U.S. imports of caprolactam, the decision should be based on the preliminary identified in the company's dumping margin to the corresponding margin of Customs.

Mita shares, said the ruling will be the company imported raw materials have a relatively large negative impact, in addition to direct imports of raw materials procurement channels to reduce the company, product quality and stability of the adverse external; if the company originated in the European Union and the United States to imports of caprolactam, the amount of purchases must be paid to the Customs (4.3% -25.5%), the corresponding anti-dumping margin, directly increase the cost of procurement of raw materials companies, affect the company's profits. On the other hand, in 2009 China's dependence on imports of caprolactam was 64.6%, incremental domestic supply is very limited, short-term significant increase in the proportion of domestic procurement is not realistic. Company more difficult, is expected in the future a certain period, a fundamental improvement in corporate performance is very difficult.

Hornsey good pharmaceutical market limited

on 324 million shares held by the pharmaceutical Hornsey, accounting for 2.63%. Guangdong General Digital Corporation holds a 40% stake in Investment Consulting Co., Ltd., accounted for 60% of the other shareholders, there is no other shareholder relationship with the company. Company Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. of Guangdong is not universal digital controlling position, Hornsey pharmaceutical listed on GEM, the company has no effect on 2010 operating results, the company does not have a significant impact.

2010 net profit surge of non-price increases lead to

Mita shares, said the company had published notice of 2010 annual results announcement, expected in 2010 full year net profit of about 90 million yuan (an increase of about 990%). The main reason is the significant increase in performance of the company to seize the domestic chemical fiber industry in 2010 to gradually restore the timing, structural adjustment, increase output, increase profits by selling incremental, not a company product price increases, product gross margin increased.

the secondary market, Mita shares closed at 6.22 yuan yesterday, up 1.47%.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

U.S. sentenced a Chinese prison for 97 months called smuggling military goods to China

Xinhua reports the World Wide Web, according to Reuters news January 26, the U.S. Justice Department said a U.S. federal court sentenced a Chinese citizen, 26 and 97 months in prison, saying the illegal export of U.S. military equipment to China.

It is reported that Chinese citizens are sentenced in Shenzhen, China Wuzhen Zhou Chi, chairman of record. Boston federal court jury instructions that Wuzhen Zhou suspected of using his business visa to China's export of a series of military equipment, including for electronic warfare, military radar, fire, military and satellite communications director of electronic components, electronic components and these buyers, including some Chinese arsenals and military research institutions.

participate in the trial of a U.S. law officials, the case mainly in order to judge the results of

Wuzhen Zhou the United States in December 2008 CEO summit, attended Yale University, was arrested at Chicago airport, and then been held in U.S. detention center. U.S. prosecutors said it suspected

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Female students in class with a stroke-victim father to school to sit the last two (Figure)

 In Xu Dahui view, as a poor students should learn to be strong, learn self-confidence, because only the strong can we raised his head and the other students to survive, only self-confidence, self-advantage in the display can be recognized and respect of others.

Xu Dahui network space group photo with her parents.

the benefit of the Poor

encountered hardships intact 

class in order not to affect other students, Xu Dahui sum of his father sitting in the classroom last - row.

Xuda Hui, from Anhui Province, Lu'an an ordinary peasant family, is the Wuhan Institute of Biological Engineering Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, 08, a student. Because of her strong, filial piety, optimism and courage, the original gray in life but to live a beautiful color.

her remember the famous words of Nietzsche, Wuhan to study the strange, because his family was poor, when they reported a month living expenses are even enough people, let alone school fees. She clearly remembers the day registration, in addition to clothing and bedding, for his lack of points, into the school door, heart intertwined with joy and concern. But she remember Nietzsche's famous quote,

adversity is a temper, is another life. She was born, parents have several of the forty. Mother is a mentally retarded patients with intermittent, his father farm to feed a family of three hard work, spirit and soul is the only daughter of dependence. Xu Dahui like a baby more than once: Although poor, the family was contented.

in the school's help, Xu Dahui through the Into the school the next day, she began to earn money to support themselves. Help in the school cafeteria every day at noon, the afternoon after school in a student dormitory building to sell bottled water and telephone cards, earning 300 yuan a month to sustain life. She never having put on comparisons with others, thrift, clean, plain dress, living carefully, grants and work-study program earned her the money, all for the support their family and the return of student loans. Arrogant since the semester, Xu Dahui not once again home to the money. The thin girl, with the backbone straight, day after day, living this life, others seem impoverished poor, she was very calm and open-minded, and always with a smile of every infection approached her.

but dull life and turmoil. February 2010 mid-day, 68-year-old father, Xu Dahui sudden stroke, resulting in his left hand and left foot paralysis. She immediately leave home, to borrow money to send his father to the hospital for treatment. In order to better take care of his father last year by the end of March, Xu Dahui entrusted to the mother after relatives and neighbors, the father of mobility due to stroke into the school, hoping to take into account the rehabilitation of school and my father. The school know her situation, she offers free apartment Liangshiliangting hardcover teachers, and equipped with basic furniture and household items, tuition waiver, living subsidy and grants, school leaders sent condolences to King, to help her through.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Friends broke the Tour Chinese Bank called on compatriots to save money is to beware of buying insurance

 Xinhua BEIJING, Jan. 21 According to Spain, CAIXA bank staff bullying the Chinese language barrier, access to money in the process of entrainment of Chinese life insurance policies allow customers to sign, has caught the Chinese children, and afterwards only to find fraud.

According to network called CAIXA save money, a female staff member wear glasses, he received the money after a good save, the other took out two lists so that he signed. He intended to sign, because the apples have to sign, which is routine workflow. However, with the usual sense of this list are not the same deposit, and he generally looked and found that read LA CAIXA VIDA. So he asked the female staff is not wrong, the other found that fraud be detected, directly to the two lists to get back to tear up, and did not make any reply.

A month later, a friend of his friends also go to the same bank money, the result was deceived with a female staff member, signed a life insurance policy, find a friend to check afterwards discovered cheated. Experienced by users of the anti-hope readers Duojia Ti, without knowing when to refrain from signing any written document. (Purple Long)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yuki forced to accompany the rice anti-reported exposure and claims 40 million club

 Yuki (data map)

Jinyang - New Express reported on January 16 Yuki by owner the second trial to the court, the two sides only lawyer. Said the appointment of counsel Wengrui Lin Xu,

Yuki learned in March last year, and Court days, Xu said through his lawyer, the company said the work should be introduced to her to socialize, take her to the people did not drink, but she always drink unconscious, there is the feeling of playing, but also that it was not her work, three business dinner in Taiwan.

wine, the current manager Zhou Yantong angry and said: will claim. The Fan Xu challenged in the network

each side

200 million of credit impairment of goodwill, plus took over the mainland has been the implementation of commercial speech is not 300 million, and signed with Yuki calculated 5-year management contract income may be 600 million. And Yuki lawyers March 23 contracts have been suspended, and Wengrui Lin said the motive in exchange for signing, the dragon must be performed to help Yuki with a brokerage firm resolve to enjoy David's contract disputes, but suspension of contracts and exchange phone only argument, the judge required proof before the end of December last year, another court in mid-January of this year .

(This article Source: Jinyang - New Express)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil suffered a flood into the former resort now sadly

 Te Leisuo Indianapolis, originally known as a tourist resort, now touched by the disaster and tragedy.

He said: 

Few meters away, Qiaodelima 59 years old, holding a doll, feeling very depressed: Mary Margaret Dalai Na woman recalled, she was asleep when the floods hit, we panic for higher ground to escape, no time to take away property. Moment she saw the streets became rivers, flooding into houses, neighbor's house collapsed in the floods, many people Paode Man, with the floods disappeared ... ...

Temporary parking downtown police station for bodies. Several staff members wearing purple overalls, holding a thick stack of photographs remains forward to claim the family of each show.

North of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil floods and landslides triggered by heavy rains the past few days, as of at least 548 people were killed the evening of 14; one of the hardest hit city of Te Leisuo at least 238 people were killed, Indiana.

14 early in the morning, many victims go home, rummaging in the ruins of clothes ... ...

Ed Malda Rosa looked at a loss, is difficult to get rid of the pain of lost loved ones. He is aged 44, originally with his wife, three children and a grandson live a simple brick house. Two days ago, a wall suddenly collapsed, his wife and grandson were killed and three children seriously injured.

Magda Carolina woman 30 years old house back to living. Almost all the flood washed away homes, leaving the cupboard and clothes covered with mud bowl. The rain wash her clothes.

Te Leisuo a gym in Indianapolis influx of hundreds of homeless.

Manu Elda Silva's home is now just like the ruins of a year ago but it was his own use all their savings to buy a new house. He took his family to find usable materials, ready to help themselves.

A woman holding a baby, about experience: One man said he was now nothing, all their belongings were swept away, but life goes on, we must look ahead, because no choice.

One woman said that in the temporary shelters, victims have adequate food and water, just too crowded. She hoped that the Government fix the housing disaster victims as soon as possible, early return home.

Some people on the wall to find the list of victims relatives; some of the staff looked at the hands of the pile of photos, uneasy; some wiping tears in the corner; embracing some people cry ... ...

Da Silva, 51, with her husband and daughter to climb the roof to escape. She said that many people have houses built on the river, because there is no money, only to houses built in that place at risk.

Some people hold out from the ruins of the few possessions, some people looked sluggish, not out of fear.

Rita Davila is a nursing school teacher, several students at the police station to find the body.

Fire department estimated that about 150 houses in a residential area of damage, debris flow more than 3 m thick, were no survivors who may be buried.

In Te Leisuo Indianapolis, and the search has been slow.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jang Dong-gun endorsement couples earning up to 15 milk reward money won (Figure)

 Jang couple speak

Netease Entertainment January 8 reports (text / Xiao Yi), according to Taiwan media reports, South Korean won (about 8.85 million yuan).

Jang couple speak Commercials, the high-Su Rong was pregnant with son goes, The two men into battle together, rewards as high as 1.5 billion won (about 8.85 million yuan).

In addition, the other Han couples do not show weakness, with absorption of gold into battle. Extension of five years of marriage is Hoon, Han Ga couple jointly endorse a certain brand of washing machines for the first time, there are 500 million won (about 2.95 million yuan) richer. Both in the studio sun loving, feeding each other ice cream in bed, or even can not help but go pro. Korean

(This article Source: Netease Entertainment)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Credit target geometry

 2011 goal of the credit money into what is? This is the media continue to explore the issue recently.

people are keen to talk about the subject, nature, and in recent years, put on a lot of credit funds. In fact, in the past for a long period of time, how much credit each year seems to have been forgotten. However, new RMB loans in 2009 reached 9.6 trillion yuan of the giant, the media began to focus on how to set goals each year of credit, specifically how to operate, and ultimately how much.

, of course, credit the rhythm, volume, flow, and is closely related to the operation of the entire economy, but also an important reference for people to invest in behavior, attention to the trend of the natural requirements of a market economy . But the market should be clear, setting goals is an expectation of credit, loans for commercial banks is not only the number of market behavior, but also need to consider the overall trend of economic growth and inflation, such as a combination of factors.

Here, we might recall the end of 1997 introduced a major reform initiatives. This year, December 24, the PBC issued for the guidance program, the proportion of assets and liabilities in the progressive implementation of management and risk management, based on the implementation of

If people are not forgetful, this reform effectively abolished the Target regulation of the road. In this new financial macro-control mode, the commercial banks as the financial capacity, in accordance with the principles and the national credit policies, independent review and issuance of loans. Over the years the practice has proven that, in this management system, the behavior of commercial bank credit continued to move closer to the market, social and economic development to meet the demand for funds made many achievements.

We recall the past this process, is not to We want to remind people that can not be released because of credit funds was massive to easily go back to the idea of the past. After all, money supply control by means of market lot, and if so rely more on administrative measures to limit credit lines, it is difficult to get rid of

So, how to set a reasonable credit scale it? Increasing growth in the capital markets and the increased proportion of direct financing today, social financing bank credit is only an important part of the total. From this perspective, bank credit growth to achieve social and economic development with the main objective is consistent, in particular, to consider the economic growth target and inflation control target, a reasonable moderate forward speed.

Therefore, we believe that its target interest credit lines, as more attention to a variety of conventional and unconventional monetary policy tools, both use more attention to the use of market means to make money and credit and adjust the total amount of liquidity management, more respect for the autonomy of commercial banks behavior. Only this, credit to avoid big ups and downs.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Super guess the ultimate champion winner, sorrows and joys are two different worlds

 This week, the China Football Super League resumption of fighting for the final four games. If the game before the victory are laying the foundation for the ultimate, the last four games is a sprint, the winner to face tough battle Who can finally get super champion, to see who the final four better prepared, who's more powerful sprint.
see from the current standings, the top three Changchun Yatai, Beijing Guoan, Shandong 49,48,47 Luneng plot points, respectively, who won the largest popular is undoubtedly the end of the league title is likely to arise between them; league teams ranked 4-6 Shanghai Shenhua, Tianjin Master Kong, Dalian Shide 43,42,39, respectively, plot points, and the top three point gap between the hopes of winning makes them only theoretically possible, but keep winning line of hope they will not give up, certainly in the rest of the game in the best impact theory, the champion.
Since the title of this is conjecture, now we come to a gossip guess, what makes up with Changchun Yatai, Shandong Luneng Beijing Guoan or after winning the wild celebration of their frustration with opponents decline scenario, victory and defeat, joy and sorrow are two different worlds.
guess I: Changchun Yatai win.
joy: Changchun Yatai as usual like, ultimately, the league championship. as a year in the last Champions Shenhua celebrate the championship final round as in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Yatai people are crazy people watched the club's history to celebrate the first Super League title. in celebration of the crowd, the boys high Yatai coach Gao will Bo toss, mid-season all disappear at this moment are not happy, hugging, sky and shouts and Changchun vent players in various ways with their own inner excitement, and excitement of the club officials said after the game, the celebration will be bigger after we returned to Changchun, the Yatai coach Gao Hongbo's press conference after the game exciting, said: thank the support of the club to lead a season, thanks to the efforts of the players a season, thanks to my family behind the scenes support, thanks ......celebrate their victory, the final round to win the national security, but also no choice but to accept the season without a championship. from the beginning of the Chinese football league, national security has never been as close to winning, and the failure of seed in October 4, 0-1 home loss to a direct competitor Changchun Yatai had planted; is precisely at this moment, the Fengtai Sports Center, no one will mention the Beijing fans standard - nothing, Shandong, tears, sweat will not use the sympathy for the fans, not this year, we do not do well next year?
conjecture II: Yankees win
joy: For every year, calling for always first fight, The night sky is even more beautiful. won the first league champion Beijing Guoan players, fans in the capital, cries of happiness, in the resounding drums, in the South Korea coach Li Zhang players will toss height of high excitement to celebrate their first league championship trophy, no one would remember Oct. 4 home loss to Yatai, leaving only the players happy smile .11 14, Beijing Guoan in their own home Fengtai Sports Center, with the first league championship title has been 13 years waiting for the Yankees fans, send a gift, looking forward to the Beijing round of the 13-year dream. < br> grief: Changchun Yatai - final whistle recall the solemn face top club Changchun Yatai coach Gao Hongbo will be among the first buried in his hands deep in thought, standing helpless Yatai players in the game center, not to encourage , no cheers, no excitement, the biggest winner yesterday was hot, yesterday also discuss how to celebrate after winning the Asia and Thailand, yesterday I was still looking forward to champion the Yatai, but today through the ice fall into the helpless, sorrows and joys Two days to the pain of failure is so suddenly.
Shandong Luneng - sorry, really sorry. If their safety can be victorious on the road, if their ability to be stronger in this opportunity, if they can match in the previous lost in a few, perhaps in the Fengtai will celebrate their own, but ......< br> Conjecture III: Shandong Luneng won
joy: the referee's whistle sounded the end of the game when the audience , also did not realize the ultimate champion Shandong Luneng attributable to their own players, with a question to ask the fourth official: wild celebration, but also reminded the fourth official had just excited the Luneng player, watching the Beijing Fengtai Sports Center Qiangyanuhuo the fans, had to force myself to calm down, the CPC Central Committee under the general direction of building a harmonious society just hold tight fists, hugged each other, celebration and awards ceremony hastily.
grief: Changchun Yatai - Ibid.
Beijing Guoan - the fight for first league championship team, when If the home loss to a direct competitor Changchun Yatai is inexcusable, then, the final round, but also directly in the home loss to rival Shandong Luneng actually true, it is unforgivable mistake, not only makes losing the league title trophy, more cruel to their own home, for the ultimate champion Shandong Luneng applaud frustration, helplessness, weakness, red-eye in the national security soldiers to kill only the Fengtai Sports Center vented his anger on the lawn, and The only way they feel comfort is still the capital of the enthusiasm of the fans, although from time to time came the understand the performance of their season completely conquered the capital demanding fans, the hearts of fans in the capital, they have the league's uncrowned king in China.
guess guess is, after all, in the Super League title race into the white-hot moment, We look forward to. not too long, the Year November 14, 2007, Super League this season, the curtain will fall, armored cavalry, fight to the death of a season of flame super powers want the championship trophy with a super- , praise yourself for a season of flame, but after the league champion will be only one team can only be used to compliment an outstanding performance last season, ultimately Changchun Yatai, Beijing Guoan champion for the first time, or Shandong Lu to three times won the first prize, winner, we will wait and see.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Canadian auto sales in 2010 increased 7% to 1.5 million

 The authority of the Canadian Automotive Consulting (DesRosiers) recently said that the Canadian auto market in 2010 sales increased by 6.6% year on year, more than 150 million.

It is understood that, in December 2010 the Canadian market slowdown in car sales, monthly sales of 112,000 and approximately the same time last year.

reported that in 2010 over 2009, the Canadian auto sales rebounded, but still below the 2005-2008 level.

Ford in 2010 a good performance in the Canadian market, sales reached 268,000, an increase of 19.1%; while GM sales fell 2.1% to 24.7 million units, sales of Ford, the highest in Canada car prices.

In addition, in December 2010 in the Canadian market, Toyota's car sales plunged nearly half, down 46.3% year on year to 8842. 2010 annual sales from 189,000 in 2009 fell to 158,000, the annual sales volume was more than Chrysler and become the fourth.

2010 Canadian vehicle sales for Chrysler to increase by 25.7% to 20.4 million.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Like chocolate reasons ~ ~ Chocolate Coconut Cheesecake

 Unique for its mellow rich chocolate taste, has become the daily life of the most popular snack foods. Chocolate, but it is still a healthy food, it can be for your daily diet to provide adequate nutrition, and given the unique charm of chocolate ingredients derived from naturally in cocoa beans of the plant compounds - polyphenols. polyphenols are present in tea, chocolate, wine and fruits and other foods of plant compounds, is a common free radical scavenger. it can better protect the body from oxidative damage. So eat chocolate in moderation is extremely useful to humans.
I like the taste of sweet chocolate, sweet tooth would have to have for a long time Pig did not eat chocolate, and today greedy self cook a chocolate cake to satisfy myself. happen to have the remaining coconut on the inside I put together, and a good thick head that I opened the cake Square cake will be at a loss!!
see a layer of chocolate Layer cheese and cold, but also on the coconut stuttering mouth, how can such a delicious miss!! blame this damn hot to death too easy of a chocolate!!
really good, really fun!! later I do eat the chocolate!!
1. chocolate chiffon cake (one point two standby)
2. cheese 250g
3. Cream 200ml
4. fish powder 12g
5. Chocolate Sauce 200ml
6. sugar 20g
7. Coconut amount
1. cheese with sugar water kill smooth insulation
2. butter sent milkshake-like into the cheese to the mix
3. Add coconut and mix well to melt the glue fish
4. mold was first placed in a chocolate cake, pour a layer of cheese paste, as analogy
5. to mold into the refrigerator for several hours
6. chocolate, butter and fish glue the cake mixture into the freezing cold to continue after the cold, freezing the surface can be

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shengsi Tour

 And sisters, I came back from the beach Shengsi. Burning upper body is still burning, the air conditioner to 24 degrees did not effect the sun back out there is still wearing the white bathing suit cross, the face is estimated to be shed. This morning a look in the mirror, this Heishou girls coming from? loss I painted a layer of index of 130 N sunscreen, but fortunately, I also know my family rabbit, or bitten to death by her to be.
slow boat the first day of Benedict long period of open Shengsi moved 3 hours, our family hotel taxi carrying 4 people along the mountain top into the base side of the lake beach hotel, wash the shower down to eat seafood, because it is the landlord to help buy a burning, can also taste some shellfish and fish are all, each person paid only 50 yuan. After dinner very late, and I heard the beach at the base lake as long as 10 yuan tickets, we rolled into the dark, ah bao Do not say that the locals go to the beach wow money, but unfortunately we all grow enough soil. Good night, good bright stars, said the waves took us a little bit of red in the Luanhan aloud, listening to local talk can dig stammered crab, let me shining flashlight, digging in the sand at least 40 N cm wide diameter pit, in addition to sporadic shell, but did not find a living thing, from time to time visitors came to ask us what did not dig, there was a Shanghai is also squatting on the side of the women looked for a long time, in order to avoid attracting the crowd again, stammered decided to break. Then we moved the steps carefully, fearing accidentally fell into a pit dug their own. Finally, the temptation could not help but the sea, we left something behind in a Kengbian, tread water into the sea, the sand is very fine, water is also cold, our scream mixed with the sound waves come and go. Although black lacquered Ma Han did not see the scenery , chest resonance'd get a lot of exercise, I even felt once Biao to Fdo, recommended bel canto school friends can always go to the beach around. In addition, we also found that every time the foot touch the ground, you can see the shiny bits and pieces light surrounded his feet, stepping like a nebula, which is to be found at harvest. detestable is hard to find things that we put the pit, we dug the shells found was stolen, put shells soda bottle attached together took a pain, we would have dug it a live shellfish.
back to hotel comrades still very excited, MS everyone came back with a volume of sand, made a profit of. washing went downstairs to the courtyard to wash bath coat Muddy sand and found that several leading there is no water, the confused, the outside shade of the shop owner (later known as the father) told us to stop the National Water evening, we used he kept the water during the day, and then excitedly took me to see him and ah treasure dug wells for water in large and I ah treasure at the man that he described as However, a similar 50 cm in Shanghai Yin Jing of the hole uncovered, are embarrassed with a smile of appreciation to the two against one, did not think dad moved immediately, when he learned the next morning we took a taxi, about 100 Six wells Lake to see the sunrise, he immediately made available for free for 20 minutes to take us to another spot nearby to watch the sunrise. and then we moved; time, stammered came, she said, had put all our clothes wash dry up, and touched me and ah a treasure. on the front of the building. father has repeatedly told us to call to the driver immediately, or tomorrow morning, we do not know the six wells in the courtyard Lake curse ...
next morning all three girls were niao secret stumbled arousal, is often said, block during the encounter numerous plants and flowers in the central mountain, ah treasure chest and asked: ; ... will afford a dad dug their own way ... Sure enough, a white ship hillside tourist pavilion, above dense black ink message is indeed confirmed here where people stay. In our sound of a grateful Haha father said he did not care for the sunrise on the downhill. The four of us in the mountains Shadeng, Po was relatively weak, ah questioned whether there will be the day the sun for an hour she finally could not withstand the drowsiness and her pig go back to sleep, they did down the mountain, the sun came out, stammered a while shout slogans against the foot of the mountain, then ah bao insisted that we simply do not have the mountains, because she can see the sunrise at the foot of the mountain. even more exasperating is not know why the camera to shoot out of the sun is not red, with Shanghai at noon the sun is almost as unhappy, and I stammered very bt down when mining the sun some wild flowers to take pictures in an attempt to create a mountain stream chick playing effect, but also molested a little street dog.
back to the hotel, ah treasure about her and the pig went to six wells and Linying Lake Temple, the temple has always been my passion for small, stammered is always read thought to dig for crabs, we decided to divided the afternoon, go to the town and one of my classmates Shengsi meet some shopping. Dad said that morning, the lake beach is not the money base, and stammered excitedly asked to borrow the old whine tools and buckets, discarded 5 yuan standard free breakfast, Pidianpidian Ben went to the beach. hate and hate only night we went to 10 minutes, all the way to see two middle-aged women are an administrator scolded back, then this people wake up the sleeping and ferocious security. Guang Bangzi security deal we still do not accommodate for a while, he insisted that we open the door come 7:30, I stuffed some money to the security signal stammered, looked back and Security has been back into the house, I just ecstasy second to see the lovely stammered into the house to give him even with the money, then I want to die of heart has a ... now I recall, or think that security is deliberately back to the house to let us horse.
that time was 6:15, so wait until 7:30 that stupid big, we casually catch the villagers asked how the South long beach walk, get the exact description of walking after free of charge to the legendary beaches. finally found the beach, and a dark stout old man lay in front of us, first I thought he was Hermitage Forest to the results of his words and I stammered crazy broken beat heart. This went so far as charges, but cheaper, 25 yuan, stammered the very alert, she suspected the old man himself took the nearby village of small wooden bench to sit here at home want to blackmail us, but could come up with Invoice . can be said that, sweep away the clouds finally see clear, ah, then may all good luck friends. rent a yacht owner to know we have to dig for crabs, next to a young boy pointing, said: dig. also cropped up from the base to go out the door to the lake beach stimulates the impulse to the idea that security. In the morning people are really on the beach less to the three of us, I can not find the waves riding stammered for a moment, the end of found her sitting on the beach, umbrella cover your head and keep the crabs dig dig it, suddenly she looked up and said earnestly: . stammered really like the sea, crazy run, but also holding the top beach umbrella, bodyguards and said sadly: The talk about? glanced up and saw a man riding a beach far from galloping, bodyguards said it was another opening a few people wherever he goes, horse 198 3 hours ... I started also when there is a Idol photo shoot it.
bodyguard curious how we do not swim, when informed that we are landlubbers, he laugh and said: are valid, we hit the back to the hotel to get bathing suits, but also hit back from Mount Mercy ah bao and pigs, 4 people crazy rushed destination. This driver is contained in the sea of our main entrance of the Gulf, I am stammered again, dumbfounded, stammered the old man again began to suspect that the ticket was moved from his home over the stool, then proved that the old man is the difference between the main entrance ticket to the side door, white in a tense, after a few ordinary sand sculpture When I asked na like it or not? na irritably: was. We do not ignore the boss cries, without using their beach umbrella .20 blocks an hour, stealing money ah. end boss ran down the intense summer heat and plug away the umbrella on the beach not far from us. If so, Our collective water it. ah bao Huanhaoyifu also rented a boat and two life jackets gas, due to no avail, the sea waves and large, we have doubled Zaifan gas boat, there are times I just quilt in turn Here come the air boat, air boat plus a better grasp doom wearing a life jacket before and rise to the nail has therefore pulled out of the blood, ear nose city water, stammered on the contrary, she drank a lot of water. next 5 a Shanghai boy ran to help us, but who also refused on the air boat, a boy took my hand, I took I Realize pulled ah bao, a bunch of crab boat into the sea around the gas go straight on the head of a big wave came, I sink into the water, straining the boy pulled me out of the water back to the beach because when I only knew that he desperately to survive and face was flushed, stammered and ah look Po is also the look of panic increases the expression of surprise. ah bao and pigs was successfully advanced the sea air boat, and I want them to come take a look of envy me, but the wave is too large, they do not return short-lived fad, Then I saw guards came down on us eat rice, and I tentatively asked him to two life jackets, he is very funny to a larger gas drag boat, known as a beach lifeguard, but with his skinny look stammered very confidence in his strength. I'm trembling on the air boat, air boat bodyguards to push away into the sea, stammered something back to the beach let me hear the call she quickly ran into fierce climbs the air sea the edge of the boat, but she firmly refused on the boat, flopping about in the sea petition, estimated that she saw ah treasure from the boat turned into the air like the sea, I did not see because I was also turned over in the sea air boat buckle So ignorant and wise on the boat. to the middle of the sea, waves indeed much smaller, and occasionally to a still feel particularly good, says her feet suddenly stammered a little cramp, cramps than she is my heart, bodyguards boat tightly clasp her hand, and I am nervous, but then, even more frightening is that we found the sea waves will we infer middle of the sea has always been, and we also paddle to stay in the shore, I fear that they will stay in this Shengsi, and then tread water for relying on the same motor stammered, bodyguard touched the safety net of the rope, intended to drag this boat when the straw back, the result was the rope stopped stammered back, she is more afraid of the bottom The network will haunt her, I really admire the brave stammered, and if I soak so long anxious to cry long ago, because people in the sea, when your feet touching the ground, lower body will naturally hold up close to the bottom of buoyancy , the relative trends and face will be more parallel to the surface, resulting in fear. until at last survived on the land, we forget the good and the pain of scars in the water surfing. because too happy to play, we were tan dark dark skin life and life's pain, but very happy to play, take a shower after I came out feeling good: topographic survey, Kanjia active and frail also insisted play 2 days.
recognition stammered energetic mobilization of emotions.
we met in a spirit of praise bodyguard play with the mentality to help us dig for crabs, play air boat, and not care about the money that we most care about us.
recognition of my own camera active, as we left a beautiful and embarrassing memories.
recognition of pig ... We drank a bottle of Coke, please , also the back of the 5 boxes of instant noodles, and MS in momentum played a protective role.
Shengsi Tips
1 when you can do to slow boat to see landscapes and endless East China Sea Bridge, but also in look at the scenery on the deck, the stern chase seagulls often waiting to be tossed out of the motor fish.
2 can book hotels in Shanghai, to enable them to send someone to free terminal connected to the hotel. hostel is also very inexpensive clean, air-conditioned with shower. but also allows them to buy the seafood and cook, buy local is better to speak.
3 Shengsi travel mostly to the people of Shanghai, the same as a stranger in a foreign land, we are happy to help each other .
4 locals usually hang honest, like I said, Dad, bodyguards, and some villagers will take the initiative to help you.
5 base lake beach during the day 7:30 to open the door, tickets are 40 yuan, 10 pm element, you can spend the night but not a tent, if you want to go to the beach as the morning went to sea bay, of course, so if you do not like me back to when the person in charge of security has been criticized wake up, the base is to go in the lake beach. Base Lake Bay beach to the sea you can walk for 20 minutes, you can spend 10 dollars to play.
6 Great Mercy Temple, and six trees shade well a place in the same lake, but separate charges, the lake beach from the base back and forth at least the past dozen 100. (where I did not go, the scenery was asked how ah bao and pigs)
7 dig for crabs on the beach is still very cola thing, where small with a small crab spider, climb up and Temin Jie, you look crab wanton N distance in the same car on the beach to open to open, but immediately saw people casually looking into the flash to understand. you have spotted the big guy's (also matchbox size) got into the hole and excavation, crab holes have bent, but the urban dead end, usually four or five centimeters deep dig will be able to touch. One time stammered for a long time did not dig dug, dug-go also, and finally have her own could not help saying: blocking implementation, and also step on his legs without more ado, though I know it will eventually climb out, but also a bit of effort, such a thought, I balance.
8 local arts and crafts I'm not sure whether the shells is true, fruit'd very expensive, I think the town or cheap dry goods, such as 250 grams of dried squid price is 10 yuan, ah, Shanghai Bao said she can buy so cheap, I can not find hum hum meeting times had memorized the 4 big packs back. well dried cuttlefish big man, only 68 yuan, but it looks too much like specimens, no dare to buy.
9 during the day and the sun is very fierce, I am very diligent James ran back and forth a few times 130 index of sunscreen, or black out of shape, of course, I had already been in our count the pile of white people. speedboat back to Shanghai, I did not see a white, are the same as the fishermen color, because the squid with black and carrying a large bag, travel by bus, also with a strange look at people and see what see, I'm not a fishmonger!)
10 oral transactions there are not a taxi device to open registration form, the cost of the basic attractions are fixed, you can ask the locals to avoid slaughtered.
11 noon, the beach is hot, I and bodyguards when the boat ashore still further and further hot gas, Tuo Lexie bodyguards wearing my son, but also a few steps, he has too much, and ran back to shore off the beach slippers stammered back with me to change, even once a temperature of sea water are.
12 to go with the best 2 one with the camera and like taking pictures of people, otherwise you take someone else, they have to mark the occasion but inconvenient. If you want to spend their leisure time playing cards at least over a table to take care, do not like me, you do not like playing cards which led to missing a 3, Entertainment comrades seriously affected the mood ... wash only sleep at night.
13 is where the characteristics of fishing fun project, given that we all think of catching a few fish will not get seasick, no play , price 50 yuan per person, to catch their own fish can be taken away.
14 tickets out under the bridge pier, 1588 Nanpu hungry Huangpu District tourism center, back when I heard to move to South station. from Shanghai to Shengsi The ticket usually 95-110 or so, do first and then the bus to the pier by boat, slow boat 3 hours, 1 hour speedboat. Shengsi return tickets only to sell, can the landlord purchasing.
15 sea occasionally wash up on shore, sea lice sting, pains and oxygen, but when it went over the sea swept over the foot where there is no sea lice bite out.
16 dry goods sold in the town have generally not counter-offer. buy Shell boss said when bargaining Shanghai people are very fine, and a Shanghai girl that you speak these words to be careful, oh, are to travel around Shanghai, carefully ong Oh ... we hit you up bunch of people died laughing ...
PS Why do I write so detailed Niger? because I intend to live while still going, but at least the next 4 days to go, stammered insist next time bring a few strong boys, so are more secure. but I doubt his memory, so a note to a reference, by the way the benefit of mankind. it was great!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Hao Junmin praised the performance of Schalke won the German victory in leading the official website called

 Reporter Pei Doha reported although no direct goals and assists, but still the second half, Hao Junmin most obvious manifestation of the Chinese team player. After the bench, Hao Junmin continuous use of their own personal breakthrough ability to create scoring opportunities for the Chinese team. With the first game in the Asian Cup performance, Hao Junmin again proved his value in the national team, and received recognition from Germany. After the match with Germany's scoring chance from his breakthrough on the right. In addition to the FIFA official website also concerned about the performance of the Hao Junmin, and its evaluation as the

despite previous surgery for appendicitis, did not participate in the race for a long time, but Hao Junmin to keep the personal status is still quite good. Join the national team in Guangzhou and then returned, Hao Junmin has been very low key, but he did not give up the location for the main competition. Prior to the Chinese team and the Iraqi team's warm-up match, Hao Junmin off the bench, also had a very outstanding performance and scored the first goal of the Chinese team. Within the national team, many players think that, Hao Junmin came back from Germany, the body was a lot stronger, but also in terms of personal breakthrough, it is very confident. Arrived in Doha later in the training, Gao Hongbo avant-garde for the right location on the main staff also conducted several trials, they repeatedly test he and Qu Bo competitive state, due to the recent competitive state curvelet quite good, and long-term follow national training teams, technical and tactical coordination of the team is more skilled, or arranged Qu Bo Gao Hongbo starting the final decision.

but did not affect the starting Qu Bo Hao Junmin flash in the race. Qu Bo, a gradual decline in the physical situation, Gao Hongbo put Hao Junmin, attacking each other left defense, and soon achieved good results. Although the individual does not have to score, but scored in the corner Zhang Lin, Hao Junmin from the right was created after the break, and Deng Zhuoxiang free kick score, but also a breakthrough after the ball Hao Junmin obtained by the other trip. Hao Junmin also have had another very good foot free kick, but unfortunately the other goalkeeper on the near corner Hao Junmin been psychologically prepared to fight.

despite doing well, but after the game was always very calm and Hao Junmin performance, the play he is a hero, but the field has not been under the small Artemisia is a very good interview with the object, he could not journalism Need to rhetoric, he believes he did was right thing to do. told reporters:

comes within the team competition, Hao Junmin think that this is not the most important thing.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Son to the morning exercises on the collar

collar son to the son of the winter holiday abroad a year to come back. In the happy and look forward to at the same time, we are more concerned about the children come back learning and living arrangements. Because the son of one month at home, we can not leave, and is the busiest time of the year. accustomed to student life, children, suddenly at home, no supervision, and will definitely become Lanlansansan, a life without rules. This is not conducive to learning, and not conducive to the body. Therefore, we decided to discuss again the first to mobilize the children come back with us his morning exercise.
son home to rest two days after the third morning they agreed to accompany us up the mountain in accordance with the.
the morning we went out less than six, few pedestrians on the road. from what we usually go to the foot of the mountain biking son. But now three of the two vehicles, how do? At first we ride, the children running. Later, in front of us who ride, it will the car parked on the roadside, their running, the children went to parking, the car will ride forward to recover.
started out too early to blame the child occasionally, the weather is too cold. but later in the mountains on the way, when He saw so many people climbing the mountain, and most of them six or seven-year-old old man, his emotions get better. And when we come halfway up the mountain and see the stars shining over the top of the mountain at dawn, sunny deep, fill the fields to hear loud and clear voice, hearty laughter, and those unrestrained, rough, bold cries when all of a sudden to the spirit. He no longer complained of cold call is called tired, but was applauded constantly, constantly be feeling . emotion Morning's will and perseverance, the stars of the vast universe, feeling, emotion, nature and broad mind. Gradually, the children heard the singing, laughter, cries hh
a week later, the child has become our Morning a member of the team.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Western dining etiquette

 Eat Western food, the first of the six M
is as the restaurant's facade, the boss has always attached great importance, with the best fabrics to do the cover of the menu, and some even marked with a soft sheepskin variety of beautiful patterns.
how the point of good food, there is a trick to open the menu, see Which dish is named after the hotel, will be able to take the, you know, Which chefs do not put their name to a joke, so they work hard to make the dish, and will definitely delicious, a certain point.
looking at the menu, ordering to eat Western food has become an essential process, the kind of lifestyle. a band, play some soft music, generally a small restaurant also play some wonderful music. However, here the emphasis is on music of the to the level br> Western attention to the environment elegant, harmonious atmosphere. must be accompanied by music, with white tablecloths, fresh flowers placed, all utensils must clean. In case of dinner, lights dim, the table should have a red candle, creating a romantic , charming, elegant atmosphere.
fourth one is the Western food is mainly a feel for the very few to do business in the Western table. Therefore, Western Chamber, little red in the face of the scenes appear.
fifth is the ; eat with knife, left hand fork, the food cut into small pieces, then sent to the entrance of the knife and fork. Generally speaking, Europeans do not change hands when using the knife and fork, has been using the fork in the left entrance of the food delivery. Americans After a cut, the knife down, right hand fork of food into the mouth. But whenever the knife is a must not send materials imported. Western banquet, the host will sit adjacent to the arrangements of men and women, pay attention to ; the Western gentleman, will show the attentions of the ladies.
sixth is United States, we eat Western food, is the nose, so we very nose; only the Chinese people know your great dinner with his tongue. taste of Chinese food that is not the same par.
qualifying position of Western and Chinese dishes are arranged in a large difference between Chinese food and more use of the Round Table, and Western food is generally used long table. If you go to the restaurant with two men , men should be invited to his own right hand lady, have to be careful not to let her sit on the aisle side of people coming and going. If only one position against the wall, should be invited to President seated man sitting opposite her. If it is two couples dining, ladies should sit against the wall position, Mr. Lady was sitting across from each. If the two men, accompanied by a lady eating, while women should sit in the middle of the two men. If two same-sex meal , then the wall should give them the location of the elderly. Western also a custom, that is: each person seated or left their seats, should be left out from the seat. held a formal dinner, the seating arrangement in accordance with international practice : The level of the table meeting location according to the distance from the main table and the right high left low, should be put on the table times tables times more than a license. the same table is also in accordance with the level of seat-seat distance from the master may be. Western customs arrangements for men and women cross- Even if a couple is also true.

banquet dining etiquette formal dinner if you attend if the hostess to dinner napkins shop in the legs is a sign of the beginning. napkins implies the beginning and end of the banquet, the West about Ladies first principles, Western banquet hostess is the first order, the hostess does not sit, others can not sit, the hostess in the legs to spread his napkin that we can start. Instead, the hostess put napkins on the table on, is a sign of end of the banquet.
started eating, the dishes do not get too much Sheng, plate after eating the food if not, you can then take, meals are advised to open a shop in the lap napkin , folded after the meal on a plate on the right, not on a chair, folded square and should not be mistaken for not used. Cazui can not wipe the napkin.
as the attendant at the food, to be added again when the waiter brought the time taken. In case I can not eat or not eat the food, serving as a waiter, the owner of their food, do not gesture, not to reject, it is desirable on a small plate and said , enough. a time, not to rush to get their own second. not around the food table, take the left end, so that someone else feeding. the other is the master, we as a party should not be invited to take the initiative to Levin. to be polite to eat , chew with their mouth closed, do not sip the soup, eat, do not make a sound. If soup is too hot, cool before eating can wait, do not mouth blown. the mouth of the fish bone, bones do not directly outside the spit, with Yanzui napkins, hand out, or Qingtu the fork, on the food tray. eat the food use of food to mouth, not the mouth of opinions on the food. elbows can not be stretched far apart. Do not have food in the mouth speak. Tiya, cover mouth with hand or napkin, do not walk and teeth. leftovers, used utensils, toothpicks, should be placed on the tray, not to put on the table.
Ms. meals location
handbags in Europe and America, women seated, it is common on the feet directly to the bag on the floor. because of their handling of the bag is so, so, give the bag placed on the table for them, is very rude behavior.
Therefore, in addition to evening wear, small hand bag, other bags can not be on the table.
then, handbags should be placed there? may have a lot of people are not used to give the bag on the floor on time, you can give the bag on the back or between the thighs and the chair (under the napkin).
If no one sitting next to him, but also can be placed in a chair, or hung on the bag rack.
on Western food in order
arrangements with the lunch menu is very different. to organize the banquet, for example, nearly 10 kinds of Chinese food dinner cold dishes in addition, they also have 6-8 kinds of hot dishes, plus dessert sweets and fruits, it is extremely rich. and looked at a 6,7 Although Western Road, it seems very complicated, but generally only one each, for many people, the point is still relatively unknown Western food. The following is serving the Western order, ready to eat Western food for friends as a la carte reference.
head, also known as appetizer plate, generally cold and hot appetizers of the points, the common varieties of caviar, foie gras , smoked salmon, cocktail cup, butter chicken cakes boxes, Bureau of snails.
can be divided into broth soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup 4 categories. oxtail soup varieties, each style cream soup, seafood soup, clam soup, American, Italian-style vegetable soup, Russian borscht. French onion soup.
side dish fish dishes and often eggs, bread, cake boxes dishes are known as side dish. Western eating fish dishes with special attention to sauces, varieties Tartar sauce, hollandaise sauce, hotels juice, white cream sauce, Archbishop of juice, juice and the United States sailors fish sauce.
4 . entrees
meat, poultry dishes are the main course. One of the most representative is the beef or steak, meat dishes flavored with terms used in the main Spanish sauce, thick sauce fine, mushroom sauce, white Agnes juice. poultry dishes of raw materials from the chicken. ducks, geese; poultry is the most chicken dishes, can be boiled, can be fried, can be grilled, can Jiong, the main sauce with curry sauce, cream sauce.
vegetable dishes can be arranged in meat dishes, the same can also be served with meat dishes, vegetable dishes called in the Western salad. and the main course with salad also known as raw vegetable salad , usually with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, asparagus and other produce. There is a class of fish, meat, eggs produced, and generally do not add sauce.
6. dessert
Western desserts are eaten after the main course can be counted as the sixth dish. from the true sense, it includes all the food after the main course, such as pudding, ice cream, cheese, fruit, etc..
drink coffee with sugar and coffee are generally light cream.
not necessary all-point, but eat too much instead of rude. a little restaurant level are welcome to guests only point appetizer. appetizer, main course (fish or meat, choose one) plus dessert the most appropriate combination. a la carte dishes from the previous starting point is not, but most want to eat first, as the main course selection, matched for the main course soup.
use cutlery to eat with knife and fork when
should be fixed on the left fork, cut with a knife the size of a small mouth, dipping sauce into the mouth.
American way of eating all the food is first cut into small pieces, and back to right hand fork to eat slowly. But if eating meat is juicy dishes, gravy will flow pond plate, and unsightly. So it is best to cut a bite.
how to use knife and fork
1. meal, plate in the middle , then the knife and spoon placed in the right side of the plate, fork on the left. general right of literate people, drinking Western, it is natural to use the right hand with a knife or spoon, take the left fork, cup, also used his right hand side.
2. placed on the table knife and fork, not more than three at most. more than three course set menu, must be placed after use with the serving knife and fork and then place the new knife and fork.
3. knife and fork from the outside to the inside in order to use (that is, pre-order from outside to inside by using the order of display).
4. Meals are generally right-hand co-ordination, that knife into a fork in pairs of use. there are some exceptions, the soup, then just spoon on the right with his right hand holding a spoon mm. eating raw oysters are generally eaten with the right hand fork oysters.
5. forks have different specifications, according to different purposes decide the size of its dimensions are different. eat meat, regardless of whether to cut, have to use large knife. eat salads, desserts, or some appetizers, use your knife in the number. Cutter with a fork or spoon general The size of the change. soup, use your large spoon, and drink coffee and eat ice cream, then with the trumpet is appropriate.
6. taboo for others with their own utensils to dish cloth.
7 . can not be wearing a fork food imports, but should scoop up the food import. Of course, now the rule has become not so strict. Britons take the left fork, fork tip down, tied up the meat, into the mouth, if is the burning rotten vegetables to eat vegetables appropriated fork knife on into the mouth, the same way Americans meat, and then right down the knife, fork for fork tip up, into the meat Here, no knife, scoop up the meat, into the mouth, eat the same way burning rotten scoop up the vegetables to eat.
8. such as eating a dish does not need a knife, fork right hand can also be used, for example, Italian eating noodles, use only a fork, no other dishes, then with his right hand to grip the fork'd simple and convenient. no chunks of meat to cut it, such as vegetarian dish, but do not cut the vegetables and staple food, then, reasonably can also be used right hand fork to eat.
9. To be safe, not to find fault when holding a knife and fork. speech or conversation should be on the knife and fork on the plate before decency. It is also next to the A person respect.
10. fork and spoon can be imported, but the knife can not put in the mouth, regardless of whether there is food on it. In addition to the requirements of ceremony, the entrance is dangerous knife.
Western knife display meaning
fork in the Western, the knife and fork the placing is also a meaning, your meal may wish to convey through the placing of a knife and fork:
1. I have not finished eating: the dish did not empty, if you want to continue eating, the knife and fork open-minded about a triangle, then the waiter would not take your plate taken away.
2. I have run out of food: You can place your knife and fork parallel the same side of the plate. At this time, even if there is something your plate, the waiter will know you have finished eating, will in due course your tray.
3. Please give me added food: plates is empty, but you want to eat, the knife and fork open-minded, was about eight shape, then the waiter will give you added food.
Note: Only add meal at a banquet permit, or may be added in the consumption of that dish when applicable. If only one of each dish, you do not need to put the dishes in this way.
seasoning sauce using

with Ma Luobu sauce, mint gum, raisins gum, mustard, apple sauce, cranberry dill sauce, the first with a spoon to scoop into the plate. and then wipe the meat with a fork oil consumption. liquid sauce, such as mint, cherry or apricot duck sauce, to be poured directly into the meat above.'s best to water less, this will not affect the parent's overall taste of the meat. eat egg rolls and biscuits with the pectin, jams and preserves to use spoon to scoop the butter on the side of the plate, and then wipe the knife flat small piece of bread or egg rolls on. If there is no spoon, a knife before taking pectin, first rub the edge of the plate. eat curry, you can put peanut, coconut, chutneys and other condiments on the plate after mixing with curry consumption. chutney can be eaten as a side dish, do not mix.
salt and pepper to taste food
first, then add salt and pepper. first chef salt or pepper is impolite performance. If the salt shaker on the table, the use of salt inside the key, if not, use a clean tip access. the food to be dipped in salt and butter on their plate or tray in the side. If you provide a hand salt shaker, you can Yong Shounie take.
then according to tradition, use a fork to eat salad, but if you block too much salad, it should be cut so as not to fall from the fork. before eating salad and fruit with the blades and rust and black. Now the use of stainless steel knife to change this situation. eat iceberg lettuce usually want to use a knife and fork. When the colors as a staple food to eat, do not put it on the plate in the . to put your own butter plate, leaning next to the main dish. usually a piece of bread or omelets to salad on the fork to push the plate.

to the bread and butter, egg rolls, biscuits or toast on To butter knife, and wipe a small piece of bread and butter only. Do not rubbed butter into vegetables. because it is considered an insult to the cook.
1, when the toppings on your front, taking part of the meal spoon butter into your pan. If there is no butter dish, a staple food in front of her plate. Be careful not to put toppings directly into the mouth. If you want salt on top, in Next sprinkle plate ingredients. dip ingredients with your hands to eat.
2, olive into his mouth when eating, spit into the concave of nuclear first hand tight, then put the plate.
3, pickled pickles with sandwiches eaten by hand, with a knife and fork when the meat.
4, dill, parsley and cress, as part of the meal is to use fork to eat. If the above is not covered with salad ingredients or the sauce, then they can eat with your hands.
5, a thin slice of lemon is used for decoration; lemon wedge or lemon half to squeeze juice. thorn in lightly with a fork meat. the juice squeeze into the needs of the food seasoning, (generally are made of cheese cloth covering the lemon half to prevent the juices scattered).
how to use the finished dish napkins
points after the first period before the food sent time to open the napkin, fold one third of the inward, so that two-thirds of tile in the legs, cover your legs above the knee part. best not to put napkins stuffed collar.
back even half a meal Then eat, napkin should be placed on the surface of your chair seat, it means the signal is to tell the presence of other people, especially waiters, you are out a little something back to still continue to eat. napkins to put on the table, that is, mean the end of dinner.
the napkin it can rub anything? mouth it can be complacent. eat Western food, if people keep up to talk, be sure to use a napkin stained mouth stick first, then talk to others speak . napkins can Cazui, but can not wipe a knife and fork, it can not wipe.
eat salads and soups in the Western liturgical
eat soup tableware is generally used
soup plate or bowl. soup bowls, with the children both with and without the children. to use the spoon to drink soup. hold tablespoon writing pen similar approach with grip, not too tight nor too loose. hold the position should be appropriate to handle the in the upper part of the ideal, elegant and natural look.
position into the soup, to keep the body upright, head do not get too close to the soup plate, the woman with long hair should be careful not to fall into the hair in the soup plate, so that is unsanitary nor attractive. send soup with a spoon to his mouth, and not bow to go with soup plate. Be careful not to make soup or to flow out from the mouth drops in the soup plate soup outside.
voice into the soup in the food , do avoid sending the sound to the mouth Xiliu, if the soup is boiling, you can wait a while longer to enjoy, not the mouth, leaned in soup plate fierce blow. Even if only a little soup soup plate, and do not give the soup back plate mouth. soup plate can be tilted outward so that the last few drops with a spoon scoop. If the soup, then the last few drops can be poured into the mouth.

eat salad as appetizer salad plate is ideal to do the first choice, both refreshing and appetizers, salad orthodox Western General acidic juice, that is trying to achieve this effect. westerners not used to eat before a meal of salad with sweet.
eating utensils Sheng salad salad salad plate for general use, flat plate can be deep-dish. generally nice restaurant to put on the knife and fork, even if some people used to just use a fork without a knife. As with the staple food during the meal with salad, salad plate on the left side of main course dish, then generally put a fork.
large leafy vegetables to meet the time, first with a knife and fork, folded, and then use a fork entry.

fish eat the fish very tender and fragile, so the restaurant equipment often do not prepare special knife and spoon. This soup spoon with a larger than normal and relatively flat, not only splitting dishes, but also to scoop up food and eat with sauce. To a mixture of vegetables to eat other foods, or use a fork as well. For the fish bones, fish gills in the vicinity of the first stab a knife in a straight line, the tip will not pierce, piercing half can be. will pick the fish open, upper body, from the beginning, under the knife on the bone, cut open to the tail direction. tick off the bone and moved to the corner of the plate. Finally, then tail cut off.
mm eat meat, Western etiquette
(1) cut from the left.
French cuisine in the meat used in cattle, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, etc., are much more, but also by way of conditioning divided into the burning, baking, steaming, boiling and so varied. opened the menu, grilled lamb chops, roast duck, braised beef, and so the name of every dazzling array of meat dishes arranged together, and eat like a hundred thousand odd , mouth-watering.
must remember that the first row of dinner meal method. steak dishes can be said that since ancient times, representatives of the meat dishes, steak dishes of eating naturally for other meat dishes basic form, so the best effort of the next point. point with the steak, the first thing the waiter asks barbecue degree, Ke Yi way you like food supply.
degree of raw and cooked steak in the Western said mature (MEDIUM): the central section of cut steak, 50% see as red meat, with a small amount of bloody water, is the best tasting steak into several.
7 mature to the fully cooked (WELLDONE): cut steak see only one section of the central narrow red, bloody meat nearly dry, is the percentage of public choice.
XXXXX mature: no blood, juice, cut out after the incision was pink, is new to the people's choice steaks. < br> Well done: cut a small amount of clear exudate after the gravy, meat becomes slightly harder, is generally not recommended option, but religious people right.
all white: is fully cooked even further on the basis of layer after cut of white meat, individual needs and is not recommended.
Westerners eat more raw taste of the steak, because of this oil is moderate and slightly bloody steak, taste is very delicious.
Asians 7 prefer mature, because the fear of seeing blood in the meat, so that the bloody little as possible.
meals to fork the meat fork from the left to live, and then with a knife along the right side of the meat fork cut, such as a cut of meat can not eat, can be directly cut with a knife and then smaller, bite-sized meat, just cut, and then give it away directly to the mouth of a fork.
(2) press and hold the key is to use the knife the intensity of meat.
to easily cut the meat, we must first loose shoulders, and, indeed, to live with a fork meat fork. and then with a knife gently and slowly move back and forth. force the knife point is stretched in went out, not when the knife back.
+ (3) will be made sauce on a plate inside.
point row meal would be with a cup of sauce. in formal occasions, sauce should be a self-access, the service was not the trouble.
bowl first to get the plate next to the sauce to spoon when taking care not to drip sauce tablecloth. can not be directly poured in the sauce steak, we should take the appropriate amount on the plate inside, and then feed the meat into bite size dipping sauce to eat.
sauce with two tablespoons of about the most appropriate. get finished sauce, will be Tom spoon sauce on the side of the bowl, and pass the next person.
(4) not all of the start into a piece of meat, or all the delicious juices will flow out. If live meat fork to the right of the left never started cutting meat; be difficult to cut the meat. because of his left hand fork, so the cut is basically starting from the left.
Do not cut from the right. If you cut too hard, will result in the cutting plate collision with a great sound. lean forward position is difficult to use a knife.
(5) have dotted all of the vegetables eaten on the steak side vegetables not only for decoration, but also based on balanced considerations added. countrymen cress leave the city, if not really do not like, it is best not to rest. to take advantage of the sauce and soup on the menu plate inside, placed next to each other alternately with vegetables and meat eating.
how food
bird feeding bone: first the wings and legs cut off, and then using a knife and fork to eat body parts. You can put wings and legs eaten with the fingers, but can not take part of the body.
chicken: chicken first half. the chicken legs and wings with a knife and fork action from the link to open. and then use a fork to hold chicken (chicken breast or chicken wings), with a knife the size of the meat cut into appropriate pieces. twenty-three a time cut. If the occasion is formal, not so accessible, and knife and fork, simply do not move. If you are in an informal setting, you can small hand-pick the bones, but can be used in a hand.
Steak: with a fork or knife into the beef, pork or lamb row center. If the ribs have a paper sleeve, you can hand to seize, to Cut the meat on the bones, and so as not to make the hands greasy. in a formal setting or dining in a restaurant even if packets have paper sleeves can not eat with your hands and gnawing bones. These things basically used the extra for decoration , and did not let you eat a meaning sharp. In addition, in an informal setting, only the bones, not soup to eat when you can get up and gnawing.
fish: first with a knife and fork to cut the head and tail down on the plate edges. and then with the tip along the fish bone the fish split from start to finish. Then you have three options: 1, fish bones slide
2, the separation of flat fish, remove fish bone
3, thrown off the top piece, then finished eating boneless If the small bones of the mouth, with the thumb and index finger Niechu, people would not even like fish eat small fish head, and eat fish cheeks are very fortunate.
eat bread, torn into small pieces
first with both hands, then the principle of the left hand for eating.
eat hard bread, not only laborious but also with Shredded Montreal will be out of bread crumbs, this time can be cut in half with a knife first, and then torn to pieces and eat by hand.
avoid the cut with a saw-like bread knife should penetrate the central part of the first, to close their body parts cut off, and then turn off the other half of bread. cut the bread available at the time fixed, to avoid audible.
earliest form of the wine table manners in the West, is now increasingly common for the international community .
early into the restaurant, wait in the waiting area should be led desk staff with a bit, can not find their sole discretion think fit into the seat at the table. If you do so in Europe, there may be requested from the restaurant.
When the collar desk staff to the seat, the President should be allowed to be seated, and give the best view of the seat, Ms.. because the Europeans think that the right is large, so as far as possible the right of men sitting President.
When you need to call attendant, do not clap or play the finger by the way, just slightly raise your hands to. This can also test it in the restaurant service. Shigeyanse usually as long as the customer, a good waiter will He served notice that you need.
drinking is generally the order of: first drink liquor, after red wine; to drink young wine, the year after drinking old wine; to drink a light wine, strong drink alcohol after ; first drink it wine, after drinking wine. Of course this is just a general rule, not absolute.
wine, you can browse the wine list first, consider their own interests, budget and wine list, whether there is a pleasant surprise of discovery.'m not sure if you short, you can turn to waiter, tell him what you have ordered a dish, what kind of drink or like to drink wine and asked him to recommend or advice. If you want to happen to wine The wine list is not in, ask more careful, including producing, year, especially the price, so as not to exceed your budget.
points over the wine, the wine waiter will take over, to let you confirm, inspection Ming is behind the open bottle in your side. open a bottle, the waiter should first check the cork to you, you sniff the cork to see if there is odor, and whether the exception. If everything you try to start a nod wine.
waiter will pour some wine in your cup. now show you the time tasting skill. in accordance with tasting trilogy, look at the news after the last sample. When you try the wine, unless the wine has obvious deterioration, or not any requirement for wine, but can not, need to touch the glass by hand, to indicate do not want to drink a can.
open a bottle of red wine etiquette
: sealed cut with a knife, remove the top part. then taper gradually align center will spiral into the cork screw , and then fasten the bottle, and then slowly pull the handle will steady, pull the cork.
wine waiter: Do not open the bottle immediately after drinking, but to dry for a while, the smell of wine, more alcohol . mature red wine only half an hour early enough, old wine is often the structure is relatively weak, for as soon as the drink bottle to the residue.
pour: The best bottle wrapped with a napkin, so as not to hand temperature the wine warm up. Cup for the degree of one-third of capacity, so that wine can be at the fragrant cup.
Wine Tasting: the first concept of color, and then shaking, then smell the wine. Finally, of course, is . Generally speaking it is sip wine in the mouth to stay a while. goods over the wine is best to give time to look back at.
drinking small details
(a) the general order will be pouring wine waiter, the waiter will come pouring, then, do not get hands-on glass, but should put the glass on the table by the waiter to pour. If you do not want to give you a waiter pouring
, then use your fingertips would touch the edge of the glass to do not want it shown.
(b) to avoid hand-made wine temperature increased the temperature, the correct posture is to hold cup with three fingers Qingwo cup feet, the thumb and middle finger and index finger holding the cup feet, put the little finger stationary in the bottom of the cup.
(c) must not suck when you drink alcohol, you should tilt the glass, as is like drinking wine on the tongue. You can gently shake the cup to the wine in contact with air increase the alcohol's mellow, but do not
violent shaking the cup.
(d) when the non-toast and drink by the glass or drinking and Man, holding a wine glass side talk will be printed on the glass along the upper lipstick, are rude behavior.

eat ice cream dessert: ice cream scoop general use. When and eat cake or pie or as part of the main meal, To use a dessert fork and a dessert spoon.
pie: eat fruit pie usually use a fork. But if the owner provides you with a fork and a dessert spoon, then to a fixed pie with a fork , digging with a spoon to eat. is to use a fork to eat pie, except pie with ice cream, in which case, forks, spoons are used. If you eat the cream pie with a fork and not the best hand. to prevent the leakage of filling from the other end.
cooked pear: Use the spoon and fork. fixed the pear with a fork upright, with a spoon to eat pears cut into convenient pieces. fork rotation can also be used to cook pears so dug fresh pear flesh. If only a spoon to hand rotate the plate, the pear-core left on a tray, with a spoon to scoop out the juice.
sorbet: If you eat meals as meat can be used fork, if it is eaten as a dessert, using a spoon.
stewed fruit: eat stewed fruit to use a spoon, but you can use a fork to hold large pieces of fruit. the cherries, prunes, candied Li nuclear decent spit to the spoon, on the plate edges.
orthodox diet afternoon
Traditionally, afternoon tea is served at home, the hostess of the gathering of female friends, receive visitors in the afternoon the most important moment. in the party for women only , the table is always covered with white lace or twill cloth towel, put the silver branched candlestick, and a bouquet of flowers stuck in vases.
addition, the table should also be put:
1. side of the silver platter , put on top of sterling silver tea set. including, teapots, and under the light can be coupled with alcohol lamp kettle, milk, sugar bowl with tongs or a teaspoon, put artificial sweeteners agent containers, filters, and a bowl and pour tea leaves install a small dish of thin slices of lemon, with a small fork.
2. each with a silver cup and teaspoon of porcelain saucer.
3. mounted a small plate of food.
4. eat pastry fork.
5. eating strawberry jelly or silver teaspoon.
6. strawberry jelly cup or bowl
7. mounted silver cream container
8. can be costumes, small sandwiches, cookies, and hot buttered round biscuits, fruit cake, dried fruit chocolate, or any small dessert dishes.
9. exquisite white tea napkins.
perfect elegant Western
no details do not like the perfect dinner ladies, but do not forget: the details of the decision of perfection!
A. glass side of the lip print
ladies with drinks before, remember the first swab his mouth with a napkin and lipstick oil, so as not to leave unsightly lipstick Cup side.
way to get the glass when the glass to take care not to lean your elbows on the desktop, but to pick up floating. Use tall champagne drink should be gracefully to the bottom half of the fingers holding a cup feet.
knife and fork meal complete meal finished, the plate side by side on its side on a plate. Cross has placed that Last finished eating, and not to the tableware used on the table, it will stain tablecloths, unsightly.
D. or elbow!
soup, the same should not be leaning on elbow table, or give people the impression that hard at hard drinking.
E to deal with large
eating salad vegetables, often encounter a larger slice of the leaves, when leaves do not cut with a knife, but should the knife and fork to fold up and then fork food.
hands to eat the main course the embarrassment, in order to avoid embarrassment, as little more than election bone, shell food. must not even eat chicken hand-picked to eat. eat shrimp, crab, the waiter will be a cup of water, wash bowl, wash your hands before you can safely post to the address

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mirtillo children in China to force the development of children

 China's largest network of children people need to fashion, when the children need. Sleepless nights in the pursuit of children's clothing business, a. a large number of foreign children's invasion of China, the Chinese children's clothing companies probably have upset the sense of proportion. fashion clothes is no simple geometric drawing a few lines, or clothes on a few simple letters.
Imagine While many real international brands to enter China when they are in advance what kind of gesture raise his flag, but also what kind of concept is gaining ground in China?
Gymboree, GAP, OLD NAVY, OSHKOSH, benetton, mirtillo , Folli Follie, etc., each brand has its own unique characteristics.
fact, this is Mirtillo can not standing back in fashion the ultimate principle, is Mirtillo founded 50 years of creative approach. No wonder some depressed domestic designer, said the past five years, Mirtillo has been the godfather of their design. It bears the number of words the shortcomings of Chinese design and helplessness.
indeed, can only create their own fashion, not follow the trend of imitation.
China has 380 million children, with nearly 400,000 children's clothing business, with proximity and easier market advantage, which may be why the final market also exotic in the Chinese market is difficult to find a full taste of the children in China.
root of the problem here, when the Chinese children's wear companies in the bitter struggle of whether the thought of the time: to bring children blindly imitate foreign The consequence is that the characteristics of a no brand self-confidence, or that Chinese culture itself is not bright?
According to reports, June 3, 2010 Huang Ting prove that Chinese culture has great commercial value and the market.
definitely not on the Chinese culture embodied in the clothing impaired.
Chinese children start later than in the West, it is true. Perhaps because children's wear brand of western philosophy which leads to mature Chinese children rush, rush to imitate. but not just for fashion: , undue haste in establishing foreign brands are not appropriate, then no and then, this is a serious problem faced by many Chinese children.
Indeed, the growth of the brand takes a long time, but the test of time and market experience will undoubtedly be the last of the brand winner. that many foreign companies have set up to study in China, Chinese culture and the integration of children. This course can not help but worry about: Chinese children, wake up in the where! Mirtillo Greater China chairman Poon said: Once reduced to the pursuit of fashion and fashion, then the brand began to fall out.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


 I want to open a theater, to seek the survey report
I like movies, do not know what the public liked the movie. To open a theater, first look at the public taste, how to write the survey report it?
Given film love letters.
written report if the investigation to establish the first theme, such as: movies play in our lives in the end so what kind of role.
Second, do the questionnaire. In general, the survey several issues before the questionnaire respondents were individual variables on the problem, such as age, income and see their social status. then can ask you to investigate issues related to the theme.
do questionnaires, the statistics of survey The data situation, you can write a report.
general, the survey report consists of the following sections:
1. Introduction. will you write the theme, and now the importance of the film to be hundreds of such elaboration and description of the word.
2. survey design and implementation of the instructions. a brief description of the object under investigation, the purpose, method of investigation.
3. indicating the basic situation of respondents data, and is best listed in a chart . so to facilitate their understanding of the market.
4. Category Description and Analysis. through the data for the film's attitude is now a detailed study.
5. Category Description and Analysis. Write a summary of the survey experience and .
this, can not just build a house so simple, but also to buy equipment, the most important is to add theaters, you can go to google look up, mainly in China Paradise Cinema, Warner (some time ago passed it out of the Chinese market, do not know really), once joined the cinema, broadcasting rights is not a problem.
and friends raised 60W 3 million to open the cinema, and some struggle to understand the small problem before the theater opened
In my friend's town.
struggle in the process of thought of many problems, such as space, equipment, audience tastes, and so on and so on.
everything in our vision.
but the plan never catch up change, a big problem now before us, but the video chip
sources come from. copyright issues,
ability of these issues can not be done if individuals can only join one of the big movie companies. we can solution.
Although I and my friends going to a cinema to work half a year, the specific information. but still want to know in advance that this aspect.
films come from new sources, copyright provisions whether the film can be large, like other movie theaters simultaneous release. and some of the specific process of opening the cinema.
simple answer I do not perfunctory.
thank you all.
give me a complete answer, Baidu searched, the information is too small.
Do not tell me to open the cinema difficult difficult difficult answers to these questions, do not want to hear. We just believe that dreams can be achieved. as long as we fight, not impossible.
questions added: answer the following, Cultural Affairs Bureau have approved of course, but the Department of Cultural Affairs grant, if not to the widely approved, as is copyright infringement, so the film where he comes from formal sources, where to get the latest and best sources for this is that we now thought. may have to join. to protect the
now the movie is divided into two distribution companies: one is the Film, Huaxia
is now a copy of the film are issued by the two distribution companies. I I suggest you add a little better brand of cinema, this film you do not have to worry about the source. But your position is the county seat market. as some you will not import a large urban secondary cities and a class of simultaneous release, but 60W is not enough , you know the price of a projector? Now I know the projector has the Songhua River and east of the machine the machine; Shanghai is also home audio equipment to do (about a 10W processor to the amplifier into the left bass LL, Left Treble LH, bass CL, alt CH, right-Bass RL, the right treble RH, Left Surround LS, right surround RS, rear surround, sub-bass SW, so that at least 7 units down the amplifier); Hebei have to do a professional audience Office chairs (price ranging from 300 million to 8,9 million) of the manufacturers; screen I suggest you use the screen import Huck Rees; projector lens (about 1W to 2W a, a theater takes 4 shots) the most important I know that the best fidelity in Germany Schneider lens; there ticketing system, you have to send to the Central Motion Picture Corporation empty packets 7 to 10 days, the normal approval before they can open the other I use
think, what is the problem you ask for it
answer the evaluation questions are:
better you know which theaters it? joined the case, whether the initial fee it? high price to join? Yes do not have much difficulty?
join theaters, according to county location you choose the right cinema, but as the county is concerned, also belong to two markets, if there is no fixed audience, it would be difficult. ..
professional experience to those looking for theater work, to find Bureau of Cultural Affairs to policy interpretation!! want to start running more!!
not promoted. is necessary, do not you join you'll get new sources. join is not necessary costs. ~ but conditional
1: 500 seating position must have a place,
2: complete the task (5-30 million per film ranging from a minimum of 5 million, that is before you put a film most pay 5 million, 5 million is the general of the film, called tasks, able to fulfill their advance, complete the excess is your profit, what does the film to 30 million, such as director Zhang Yi Mou.)
3: into the box office You have 50% of the cinema with You 50% (100 fare, in fact, mean that you only 50, the state has drawn you a 3% tax)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Housing levy and compensation should not be walking leg

 Housing levy and compensation should not be collective land on the housing levy and compensation, when formulating laws and regulations currently no timetable. In fact, for the housing levy and compensation, if only consider the expense of collective land state-owned land, it is like the how far can a leg to walk?
life in the real economy, housing and compensation for the collection of more land in the collective. This is because even demolition of public interest in the possible demolition of programming in the Demonstration is an indispensable part, and an important component of feasibility is the cost-benefit analysis, after a cost-benefit analysis is not difficult to know, the houses on the collective land requisition and compensation, often more feasible.
cost-benefit analysis, is by comparing all the different options and all the expected benefits of the expected costs to evaluate options for the investment decisions on how to minimize the cost to gain the most. costs are generally divided into two aspects: First Direct cost, and second, indirect costs; benefits can be divided into two aspects: First, direct benefits; Second, indirect benefits.
established when the public interest project, its expected benefits should also be established directly, and can not be determined can only be indirect, intangible benefits; Therefore, the focus of government investment decisions, is concerned about the indirect, intangible benefits, as well as direct and indirect costs.
China adopted the socialist public ownership of land, public ownership of two basic forms, namely, the whole people, and collectively by working people. Therefore, the public interest to implement a project involving the demolition of the land when, nothing more than state-owned land or collective land.
Under the Constitution, the city's land belongs to the State all. rural and suburban areas of land, except by law other than those owned by the state, are collectively owned. Therefore, the layout of the land in the city, the average city's downtown area, central area, without exception, almost all state-owned land, In the city outskirts is the collective land is often more. The most typical representative of that village, the history of the rural villages, but with the extensional development of the city, was eventually surrounded the city, but still belongs to collective land ownership on all.
general points of foreign public and private land, without which the urban-rural dual system of. urban-rural dual system of land structure, one of the consequences of separation between urban and rural areas. Now the village infrastructure, widespread Public facilities are not complete, low land use, construction quality is not high, the environment dirty and messy, fire safety problems, and that social ills highlighted security problems.
transformation with the construction of these years, and now the city downtown area, the center lots of buildings, many of which are new, supporting facilities are complete, if you choose to demolition, not only direct, tangible costs high, and indirect, intangible costs are also high, such as urban construction ; issues advocated by the current low-carbon economy, contrary to low-carbon life. And if you choose in the Outskirts of demolition, not only the cost of housing is relatively low compensation for expropriation, but also bring additional indirect benefits, the city is complete Nakamura transformation. Therefore, the city housing levy and compensation, and more is happening on the collective land above.
Not long ago, the media have been reported. some media reports that the introduction of the process is 11 mm 2009 年 13, Jinniu days back to the town of Jinhua Tang Fuzhen villagers in the demolition, the fire burning gasoline; December 7, five professors of Beijing University letter to the NPC, proposed to amend the discussion; January 29, the State Council Legislative Affairs Office on the exactly as reported in the media as. In fact, five professors at the university to amend the recommendations, the NPC Standing Committee, the relevant departments to actively promote the changes to the Ordinance, and where in the building housing the Ministry of the Ordinance amendment is more than two years before making, but, Tang Fuzhen self-immolation cases demolition and the media widely reported the state-owned land on the housing levy and Compensation Ordinance amendments in time no doubt played a catalytic role.
However, worth noting that demolition of burning Tang Fuzhen case, the demolition occurred in the urban planning area of collectively owned land. Coincidentally, this year March 27, 92, Donghai County, Jiangsu, Chuan Zhen Huang and his son Tao Tao Xingyao Hui villagers to resist the demolition of West common self-immolation case also occurred in the collective land.
both theoretical analysis, investigation or practical level, the rural collective land, demolition of houses, much higher than the state-owned land, housing demolition, the probability is much greater, but In the legislation, only state-owned land on the housing levy and Compensation Ordinance be amended, while the imposition of collective land, housing and compensation, there is no timetable in the legislation to say that this is a shortcoming.
with the city The collection of state-owned land and compensation than the rural collective land on the housing levy and compensation, the key is more of a land acquisition compensation. now the Land Management Law which, for rural collective land acquisition, although some provisions of the principle of , but mainly focused on agricultural land, especially farmland areas, and for rural collective construction land acquisition compensation, almost did not make any specific provisions. compensation, land acquisition and resettlement caused by mass of contradictions and conflicts, the past few years has been the focus of the society and hot spots.
, however, not the way to avoiding problems is always proved to bypass the problems sometimes tends to exacerbate conflicts. seventh session Third Plenary Session should be made to gradually establish a unified construction land market, and now, the Ministry has been in supporting major policy breakthroughs. March 2, Ministry of Land, interests of the notice unified construction land market is emerging, This article has been sent April 8, 2010,