Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wang Hui, the event may be triggered to read the New Left and the neo-liberal ...

 Made a sharp comment, so that the already calm down, ; and out. He said, recognition and knowledge map is quite different today. However, for various reasons, that argument did not last, unfortunately. Mr. Lin Yusheng this intervention is Jiuhuachongti, re some past ideas and theories of conflict on the agenda However, today's China and the world have undergone significant changes, the actual conflict and the opposition have been thinking of a new historical content, therefore, in theory and thought if there is a lot of people to launch a more extensive participation of great debate great controversy, it is no better, and hope that this time not give up. I am concerned about this, Yu Ying-shih is also very concerned about this. We are a large number of suspected plagiarism Wang Hui was shocked.
Lin severe end of the interview said, academic standards. If this is not just a slogan, I think the school is responsible for supervision of academic development, maintenance of academic order, Tsinghua University and Tsinghua University Dean of Arts, political and moral responsibility to set up as soon as possible, Committee get the opportunity to restructure, which is also not correct style of study can get corrected. the end for the Chinese academic community can move toward a virtuous circle. If the President of Tsinghua University, unwilling to make the appointment of Dean of Arts, Obviously enough, they failed to take responsibility for their own should step down. What is the difference?
is generally believed that 90 years in the 20th century, with China's reform and opening up to the second stage, the Chinese mainland began to appear in the New Left academic thinking and the new liberalism of the dispute. representative of a new left Gan Yang, Wang Hui, Cui Zhiyuan, etc., and in the main camp of neo-liberalism Li Shenzhi, Qin Hui, Liu Junning, Xu Youyu, Zhu Xueqin et al. New Left and the liberal factions debate the scope, duration, level of deep, are unprecedented, from the freedom, democracy, equality, justice, efficiency, none of the various values given a statement to the style of study.
Interestingly, the they are both liberal scholars from China's internal division. New Left was the main representative or liberal believers, or was in the 80's liberal environment of strong growth trend, with the neo-liberal split and disputes 90 from the 20th century, domestic and international political and economic environment changes. For example, that since the late 90s of the 20th century, China's economic growth model has undergone major changes, from the whole and losers reflect the value of its original concept, the New Left and the resulting differences in liberalism. differences after the election, both times controversial, but different opinions, believe he is the embodiment of truth, the special interests of each other as is service tools, such differences can not develop so far has reached the degree of dialogue.
Zhu Xueqin has summed up the > First, determine the basic national conditions. The new leftist friends believe that China, rolled into the globalization of capitalism in China has been flooded, the main object should be to resist foreign invasion of the capitalist multinational corporations, whether economic or cultural . modern Western left-wing critique of capitalist theory has become the ugly reality portrayed to be critical of this reality. The Liberal Party believes that China does not have access to post-modern, capitalist society does not enter the stage, no further Research into the globalization and hinder the progress of Chinese society is not outside of capitalism, multinational corporations, but the old system and the inherent ideology, we must unswervingly expand the opening and deepening of opening up.
Second, the community ills of the judge. New Left that today's social ills in the Western capitalist stage of development has occurred, is the Western disease setback in the ideological field of reform, and further amplification of these factors; The ills of contemporary Chinese society, but can not be simply analogy for the exotic coexist, the former parasitic on the latter, distorted the latter, even to suppress the latter produced by the earlier questions; in understanding the root causes, they also dig deeper, pointing out that this problem existed in the Mao era, such as when the privileged class of the looting of private property without compensation, to occupy the public wealth, as well as different views of political pressure, all this system has produced in the early days of injustice, but only the illusion of egalitarian ideology of Mao Zedong, obscured; the introduction of market mechanism, the power mechanism has not changed, but by the market mechanism to enlarge the privileges , to find space for a wider range of rent-seeking, the resulting structural corruption in the society, and social justice issues in an unprecedented sharp. We can not count the loss of power mechanism to the head of the market mechanism, but can not be theoretically cover real life unfair injustice.
Third, how to solve social ills? new friends left that to the modern history of the French Revolution as a great democracy represented by the mass is not wrong, and even some of the practices of Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution also not wrong, should tap one of the culminated in the Cultural Revolution practice, this is a fork of history, in this fork, the sacrifice is precisely the most original people in the bottom of society to be mobilized. reforms proposed to completely negate the Cultural Revolution, the introduction of market mechanisms, is tough toward the return of the world's major civilizations. Only extend to the political system reform, in the construction of various power system level monitoring mechanisms, constitutional rule, can only solve the social justice, but also try to avoid the vicious cycle of Chinese history. The above are side, the key is to promote critical new friends left the market mechanism, called for political reform liberalism, other differences are thus probably derived.
one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine since mid-May, the events, so that a more liberal discourse on negative space, or even become dangerous once. I personally hope that both sides respect each other, in the debate as an invaluable, do not change with the changing political winds, adhere to the spirit of free thought and independence, to safeguard the seriousness of theoretical discussions.
not on some domestic experienced the Cultural Revolution, the new leftist friends, I think the reasoning discussed in the same time, their experiences should be limited to a sympathetic understanding. Cultural Revolution was to be negative, but must not be closed immediately after the denial, not allowed to study, not allowed to reflect on . Now the situation is that the reform in order to deny the Cultural Revolution started on the surface, but every step encounter the specter of the fetters of the Cultural Revolution. Today, the emergence of New Left thought, is the simple negation of the Cultural Revolution, retribution, or even punishment.
some young The New Left friends did not really have experienced the Cultural Revolution Cultural Revolution Quedui do not intend to thoroughly reflect on their own in the black box behavior, this nation will not grow in the nation. its own path of development will continue on the various leftist trend was the impact of the New Left today, tomorrow much younger friends might become the within the dark of the nation has adopted the same closed with the Japanese attitude. In the new century, China's GDP is indeed possible into the world, but its contribution to world civilization, it may be worrying imponderables .

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