Thursday, March 31, 2011

Complement to the foot of the diet from scratch recipe

 The saying goes: for what we eat. But you know that the brain, heart, lungs, hair and so what kind of food nutrition? Body is to provide you with a

Protecting the brain: Spinach

For the brain, not all foods are beneficial, such as fried foods and fat-rich food lipids peroxidation, can lead to brain ischemia, and because it has carotene and superoxide dismutase enzyme component of the , can prevent cerebral vascular disease and protect the brain.

which are Expert studies that bear the brunt of spinach. Followed by the leeks, onions, peas angle, tomatoes, carrots, green cabbage, beans, garlic leaves and other vegetables, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts, almonds and other foods shell, and brown rice, and so worthy of Zhugan Tang Bunao when you choose.

Eye: sweet potato

Vitamin A is known as on the night blindness. Vitamin A is formed by the carotenoid shift. In addition to carrots, the sweet potato is also rich in carotene-rich, can provide a wealth of vitamin A, can improve vision, but also often eat sweet potatoes good for the skin.

Hair: kelp

Speaking of hair in the food, maybe you know a lot, for example, black hair, black sesame seeds make; make ginger hair growth; or make hair shiny walnut. But you know the food's all-around champion hair is? It is the kelp, nutrition experts believe that regular consumption of seaweed iodine in the body not only to add elements, but also for hair growth, moisturize, shine also has a special effect.

Pulmonary Care: Tomato

Britain's latest study found that eating tomatoes 3 times a week can prevent respiratory disease than to protect the lung from bacterial infection. However, with the tomato lycopene content of soluble sugar content is inversely proportional, that is, the more non-sweet tomatoes, where the higher the lycopene content.

Leggings: Banana

Potassium rich foods rich bananas are the number one Second of the

Heart Care: deep-sea fish

German experts have released a set of experiments had proved that: Stick to 50 grams of fish per day can reduce the incidence of heart disease 40%, especially in deep-sea fish to eat better. Fish contained in the unsaturated fatty acids, are commonly known as

And kidney: Black

Since ancient times, black beans to as the Not only are they sweet nature, Chinese medicine, it also has kidney physical, Blood and water, detoxification, soothing effect, especially for kidney deficiency.

Huwei: cabbage broccoli

Cabbage and broccoli is recommended by World Health Organization, one of the best vegetables, known as natural Suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, doctors will recommend eating cabbage. Every day you can eat cabbage mixed with honey, this method can promote ulcer healing. In addition, British researchers found that people who eat garlic may lower risk of stomach problems.

Armor: Egg

Healthy nails are pink, because there is sufficient blood supply. If the abnormal nail changes, often the symptoms of nutritional deficiency or other potential caused. The high-protein diet is necessary to maintain healthy nails, eggs are a good source of protein. However, if your blood cholesterol levels in the normal range does not belong, you may consider to add grains, legumes, nuts, etc. to get the protein supplement.

Skin: broccoli

Time It is not only nutritious, taste great, or the famous It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and carotenoids, can enhance the ability of the skin against damage to help maintain skin elasticity.

Pass this way

 Last night, waiting for the N or unsuccessful long after the car home , patience finally to the limit , so the aisle , a taxi , went straight to the gate flew leather Shiling car.
on the front of the car , catch a glimpse of the roadside stand selling pineapples , and suddenly remembered a good friend of the family , not the fruit of the cold on me, subconsciously bought One , got to sit down , eat and think she once said : I especially love to eat pineapple , every time I encounter will take to the streets to buy ... ... So, the mouth of the taste of pineapple for my thoughts , as if With the past differently.
simply gave little girls sent a message and she said: eat pineapple to me, do I like the pineapple it? This is logical thinking , too ... ...
car playing with the Olympic-related news , I was thinking the other in Shanghai at noon Dolls serious Get together with them to see where the torch . True Come on, flash is a Pentium III that we have the people, and a flash seven years have passed, I kept thinking to your station .
go along with the dog Mala Tang , Eva would just sit down to call and asked if I want to go to tomorrow units ( Baiyun International) to see the torch , and it can take months for me Work permits inside. God! Said that before ! Waiting for the bus so long , Zaozhidaojiu to units of accommodation mixed with that of several sisters, one night , and am just waiting to see what can be close to pass the torch at the launching ceremony in Guangzhou . But when she called very late , and certainly no car out , and even if I get up early the next day and no car can go over there , the road must have been sealed , and thus, pass ... ...
think about it, or do not upset it! Go home and watch TV is not the same?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Feelings of the people who write so thoroughly !

 Life, there are many fleeting, like a farewell at the station, just hugged each other also had gone their own horizon. In many cases, you do not know, I do not know, it is so, she spoke to has changed, she listens to tired, tired of watching it on, follow along on the slow, walked on scattered, love love to light, and I kept thinking even if the.

2. At the time, I'm tired, I used to pretend to be strong, a man accustomed to the face of all, I do not know in the end go nuts. Sometimes I can be very happy to speak with everyone, can be very presumptuous, but no one knows, but that is disguised, it is deliberately disguise; I can make yourself very happy very happy, but can not find the source of happiness just giggle.

3. sometimes inexplicable bad mood, do not want to speak to anyone, just a man quietly in a daze. Sometimes, late at night, I suddenly felt not sleep, but stubbornly sleepy. Sometimes, I heard a song, you will suddenly think of a person. Sometimes, someone suddenly said to you, I think you have changed, and then he started with mixed feelings. ------ Lost his own, only to retrieve slowly.

4. No one has the patience to hear you finished your story, because everyone has their own things to say; no one likes to hear you complain about life, because everyone has their own pain; most lonely world , the world will listen, who used to silence, a rare few. ------ I do not want to bring their past to others, those who struggle in the nightmare of the lonely, deserted, or over time, gradually indifferent.

5. If love can be explained, vows can be modified. If you met me, you can re-arrangement. Well, life would be easier. If one day, I finally can you forget. However, this is not just the story of the legend. Nor is it staged the drama to be tomorrow. I can not find the original, then, will you make it okay.

6. Someone told me the memory of the fish is only 7 seconds, 7 seconds after the things it does not remember the past, things had become new. So, in a small aquarium fish that will never get bored. I prefer a fish, 7 seconds off to forget everything, have encountered people who have done, can vanish. I'm not a fish, can not forget the people I love, can not forget the plight of care, can not forget the pain of Acacia.

7 is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Finally, you will find that things had pains really want to forget so forget.

8. The so-called practice smiling, not mechanically move your face, but hard to change your mind, regulate your mood. Learn to quietly accept the reality and learn to say to myself let it go and learn to peace with fate and learn to look at life positively, and learn the good in everything. This will flow into the heart to the sun to drive away fear, drive away the darkness, to drive away all

9. Psychologists recommended things make you happy: Daily 拍几张照片; look happy film; in the early morning weekend daydreaming; to a friend Send cards; the waterside walk; occasionally eat a big meal; sticking to a training week; while driving, while loudly singing; while drinking coffee and reading novels ; side of the phone, while doodles; side of the bath, while singing.

10. you see, or see me, I'll be there, not sad not happy; you read, or do not read me, love is there, not to go; you love, or do not love me love is there, not to rise; you with, or do not follow me, my hands in your hands, having left not abandon. ------ Come to my arms, or let me live in your heart, love silence, silence joy.

11. was at a certain moment, we think we grew up, one day, we finally found the meaning of growing up in addition to the desire to have the courage and strength, as well as a necessary sacrifice. ------ In the face of life we ​​are all children, in fact, we never grow up do not know how to love and be loved.

11. because of love, so compassionate; as to understand, so tolerant.

12. life, at least one time, you forget yourself for someone, no result, no company, no ownership, nor love, but only in my most beautiful , the face you.

13. Some of the wound, and over time will gradually grow well; some grievances, received a figured out also relieved; some pain, and tolerance through the pain for a long time has also become used to it ... ... yet in many lonely moments, once again my heart. ------ In fact, some hidden in the bottom of my heart, then, is not intentionally going to hide, but, not all of the pain, you can cry.

14. The best revenge is not hatred, but given the cold at heart, why spend energy to hate an irrelevant person.

15. encountered one thing, if you ------ enjoy it, enjoy it; do not like, then avoid it; avoid them, then change it; not change, then accept the it; to accept no less than, then deal with it; difficult to handle, then put it down. ------ In fact, the people hardest is Put down to ease.

16. can a person sing, a drink of coffee, a graffiti, a person traveling, the roots of a person, a person walking in the rain, a man listening to music, one person talking to himself, a people in a daze, a man dancing, a person watching television, a man turned magazine ...... only love, is himself a person can not do.

17. were a simple pleasure, a sophisticated to grow old.

18. feelings too deep, gratitude, and then concentrated friends, distant horizon, friendship and loyalty, and finally slowly Shudan. ------ Not to say that our hearts have changed, nor that when the other party is no longer friends, but, far in the horizon, emotions can not be shared. ------ Original, we are far away leaving only the greeting, the greeting is still good, at least we did not think of each other forget.

19. the world's most Qijue distance is two people have been very far away, strangers, suddenly one day they met, love, distance becomes very close. Then one day, no longer love, two people have been very close, became very far, even farther than before.

20. If you see the shadow in front, do not be afraid, it is because the sun behind you.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


 All do for so many years . Or not a message , or a lot of bad news followed.
not a kid, there is not a like an adult , the total time does not make me worry .
said that it has not really troubled times , it is peace and prosperity , life is very difficult . Now people, ah, nothing like life with no money backing the grass , dead not so easy, like life, is not so simple. Want to give them something to rely on it, he still can not afford . A man floated trouble, also always worried that they have also kept pressure on me , really annoyed.
God did not give me the opportunity to choose relatives , people carrying the cross till the end to bypass the past , I carry the cross, do not expect to have several bypass Time , but for the other died on the road .
melancholy !

Reprinted Encyclopedia of women (girls must see )

 Wikipedia girls! 】 (Save for his future wife, right, afraid of the future can not find it)

1. 1 erythromycin ointment, face open or closed treatment of acne comparison works. Because antibiotics, quick, but not long-term use
2. 2 cod liver oil in the eyelash roots can stimulate the growth of eyelashes wipe
3. 3 wash your face with sugar on the black pox and India to be very effective
4. 4 Ann effect of a good face cream ... ... I Yingfengliulei ah 5.5 + banana yogurt can shrink pores attaining, super useful
6. 6 Chloramphenicol injection rub face can make skin smooth
7. 7 wash the hair with water Huoxiangzhengqi get better. Anti-dry beer shampoo off
8. 8 lashes with a cotton swab dipped in VE Tu Tu before going to bed and then sleep under the effect is obvious
9. 9 ~ ginger eyebrows shaved thin and light pen-like concentration every day, painted a president
10. 10 when the first bubble tea bags, finished side of the eyes, apply a 20-minute one, you can eliminate eye bags and dark circles. The large bags under the eyes of the people are very effective, best time to get up to do, and, preferably green tea or black tea.
11. 11 smashed attaining a cactus, with anti-inflammatory effect of rejuvenation. However, there are many cactus, to the kind of smashed sticky
12. 12 there is a
13. 13 damaged hair dyed hot: wash with vinegar. Method: Rinse your hair with shampoo, watered with vinegar (1:5 or so) poured hair and wash away over 5 minutes, then rinse with some conditioner. Very good results, the hair is not as firewood, and it will be black. End of dyed red hair and very useful, dyed red and finally yellow marking, if that method above, but will not take off into the yellow and brown, hair color more natural.
14. 14 Mask: The U.S. Lijia Fen home yogurt mask is very easy to use, although the 99 bag of expensive, but very much by the use, you can use more than six months (three times a week touching it). If very little sleep the previous day stay up all night, before wiping the sleep point, the skin would be better the next day on the makeup, makeup will not float. Persist in the skin can be changed for the better, more tender.
15. Calian Oil: Yu Mei Jing cream for children, I grew up with, very very very very easy to use, skin and tender, irritating little (I have sensitive skin time to use it comfortably home .) But the summer with a little oil, suitable for addition to the summer after the season. When the towels oil better.
16. chapped lips: the oil before going to bed wipe the lipstick that is the morning wake up just fine ~ ~
17. washing the face is not dry, rub noses with a thin salt, you can go to Black
18. winter bath, while the body is coated with wet paint on baby oil and then use the towel dry, tender skin like a good slide ~!
19. a man named aureomycin special cheap ophthalmic ointment, applied to the fat granule can eliminate fat granule
20. L'Oreal slimming the day and night. two bottles of that, and use of particularly useful in the lower leg. I used last year to now, when the lower leg in addition to edema, usually very soft with it. Thighs are fine effect.
21. mask, I recommend a huge network of extremely red wine mask, which soap to wash the house red wine is simply very moist, I had to go look at fame, and later with the true good, brand is a natural beauty. . . - - Popular, but good results
22. Acne cream treatment acne smooth fine lines eye invincible. Hemorrhoids ointment principle is the same composition as the composition and cream, just a different technology and sophistication
23. Vitamin E coated eyelashes, eyelashes would get rough and long
24. Usually made nutrition mask, in addition to honey, lemon Aloe juice, essential, but would like to increase the Hydra whitening to milk; want to add the strained crease egg. VC is not directly applied to the face is best, although the whitening effect is extremely fast, but once the disabled, Huang would be worse than before.
25. lash line with liquid eyeliner is not good master, you can draw about the first look with eyeliner, and then describe what the hard heads of the liner, will be very handy!
26. face with small pox pox TX, wipe a little olive oil before going to bed up, acne will be deflated
27. eat more tomatoes can cure dark circles, eating habits and then stay up all night working hard a matter is not never met a black eye There dishes. I do not know VC or other elements at work.
28. chlortetracycline eye ointment rubbed pox, pus came out very quickly, squeeze it, the world's peace and quiet of the
29. remover baby oil can be used to good effect and money
30. Temporary hair dyes : diluted lemon juice to spray evenly on hair, hair dryer hot air drying, hair was slightly red wine, like a dyed the same Oh
31. more abdomen tall people taller
32. flat acne can be used pearl powder, pure water or with a little pearl powder and the toner into a paste, point in acne, the next day like a lot, and do not smallpox in India
33. nail polish on the nails after soaking in cold water, will dry very quickly
34. mascaras did not quite Toner alcohol or baby oil or eye drops
35. finished first rush to the hair with a towel wrapped the blow, dry faster
36. sunburn to mask a small fridge in the ice deposited will be a chance to cool.
37. water: vinegar: salt = 9:3:1, the evening paper mask soak for 15 minutes with a skin face, white with excellent results.
38. drying mascara brush to brush the eyebrow point can be fixed pale eyebrow
39. remover with no foam cleanser foam massage and then wash to wipe clean and
40. to acne Peas of the. attaining a cucumber with vinegar for 10 minutes at home. three times a day., just the right proportion of your own. I also just add a little vinegar cucumber smash it down and apply. I only apply once. that effect was quite good. that 15 days of posts that went to radical
41. loofah water (I have bought thousands of Taobao grass fiber, ten pieces 500ml) bubble Zhimo attaining super oil control ~ ~ I finished this second day of the big oil dressing the morning was not all oil
42. skin is thin, sensitive and dry winter, students can use Garnier weather moisturizer, my face dry roasted in air-conditioned room, the pain, with a lot of big, expensive follow-mask every two days for a skin care no use, Garnier with the useful.
43. with strawberries painted white teeth can make teeth
44. 3m Post acne acne pus that have been long very very very useful
45. painted a variety of lash growth medium Ye Hao oil Ye Hao, in the coating after 10 pm is more effective because it is the strong growth of eyelashes. In addition, only applied to the upper half on it, not painted eyelashes root, or easy long Zhifang Li Oh. Upper half of the liquid can be coated to flow along the eyelash roots, but not much to long fat granule Oh!
46. perfect aloe vera gel, how to use can, because it is promoting new skin, so similar to cut his hand. . . Face speckle ah. . . . Acne Indian ah. . . Good use is very effective, and now this evening after washing face to rub, the skin will feel tender, the effect is obvious. By insect bites can go to redness, sun damage that can calm the skin, acne acne that can help mature, and then squeeze the acne, and then coated with aloe vera gel, acne quickly enough.
my words: too much ~ too ~ handy ~
47. labeled the tomato paste, tomato juice with a paper mask suction, first apply a layer of mud in the face, Paste in the paper mask, half an hour so, wash your face ~ ~ found that skin is very white, very small
48. plus pearl powder, egg white and honey. And with the mask to do, the next morning you will find that your face is very white very white ~ ~ ~
49. Glycerine per bird Ling Phoenix when I used Cleansing Oil, if not super-waterproof cosmetics, can be unloaded very clean! And do not hurt the skin, in particular, to discharge the soft mascara!
50. that Ann cucumber cleanser super easy to use, washed, not tight, very comfortable, but also shares light cucumber flavor, price 4.5 yuan a bottle of 200ML
51. If it is not certain to go out, 10 o'clock in the morning to avoid the 2 pm to go out, because at this time the sun's strongest ultraviolet rays, skin damage and most powerful.
52. with olive oil hair care, the effect is very good, attention must be 100% olive oil, can not wipe the scalp, and then of course, is appropriate, the tail part of the wiping point a little more, what if the cap can send, better.
53. blackheads on the nose of the protein to rub with Baizhu Dan, will slowly rub a very small tender, can replace dead skin cream,
54. long acne best not to eat honey, because honey stimulates the growth of acne, MM Mianyoucaise dim yellow skin and hold to 3 months to sleep at 11 pm each day. Spare time from 8 am waist with both hands, rub adhere to 2 months, I guarantee you after 2 months of translucent rosy skin supple
55. Wrists MM want to take a long thick bracelet smaller to not hard with, should put a plastic bag on the handle and then put on bracelets, very good band, and will not hand hurting, but also in the same way off
56. as long as the jewelry box put a little chalk, you can make jewelry to keep you shiny
57. his play do mung bean powder milk facial mask, super whitening ... ...
58. honey vinegar mask, very good whitening effect
; 59. want to face up immediately Hydra, you can buy online natural seaweed particles make their own mask, a packet of ten blocks can be done two months, the effect is immediate Oh ~ ~!
60. Ann acne gel. 3 6 a bottle, or glass bottles. Acne just came out of a night a rub disappeared, leaving no trace. Three days have already come out of a certain good. I stay up late to acne, use this simply wonders, no pock. * Ann is amazing ~ Ann ~ Recommended Recommended I have used a lot of things have a voice drops ~ ~ *
61. I MAXAM Tremella Pearl Cream. . . Every night rub a thick layer of felt a little bit of oil but the next morning it felt good smooth skin and I always feel good white slip a
62. I recommend a homemade mask: mung bean powder, peanut powder + cucumber juice + + milk into a paste, applied to the face, paste with plastic wrap, half an hour wash, do not feel that their skin was how good the next day that the smoothness of it, I feel that any mask can not match . Sometimes I also add some salt, I heard that this disinfection, and white, or add some honey, at home anyway, they have
63. Will be very light blue green onions inside taken out of that layer of film attached to the acne, about 15 minutes , to anti-acne India.
64. Removing Black: Add half a teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of brown sugar nose grinding one to two minutes, not too long, then wash. Twice a week seems to be serious, really useful
65. Night with VE painted lips, the lips will be pink next morning toot `` ```` is the kind of good with a very cheap VE `` `MS over three money box it
66. get rid of freckles: vc film smashed the blisters with a clean face and then coated paper film to open before putting on the line
67. Tibet Yang ice fill safflower Water mask, cheap, ah, ah easy to use! General emergency replenishment, very, very easy to use
68. Zi Rong UFA pill treatment of early white hair; Rongrun Sheng-fat pill, hair loss treatment, the effects were very good
69. That a roll recipe eyelashes it. Ha ha. lighters seconds aligned eyelash curler iron parts. folder is then coated with mascara eyelashes. the effect is not generally Ay. and natural and curly and Alice!
70. there are like sleepy mask fear will get deposited in the quilt pillow, then wrap well in after the cut piece of plastic wrap (two eyes and nose lip at the left out) is very easy to stick to the face will not sad, would not be left on the pillow and the effect is very good (because it has been forced to stay on your skin, to where seepage)
71. Taobao bought cucumber extract, 5 dollars a support, effective acne treatment, gone the next day at wiping ..
72. cut off the end, so long another cut, will be thick and dense eyelashes and long.
73. If Eve washed her face with facial cleanser, do not reuse the next morning, because the skin will secrete a kind of grease, this thing can protect the skin with the Cream-like, wash it off the skin easy to get into ash. But the premise is washed the night before the face, only to take some toner on it, do not rub skin care products. Not used and the skin, bad skin, TX adhere to a few days will be significantly changed Ay
74. It is said that apple will rule with a stick in the eye of the fat granule ; that I tried, dark circles effectively ~ ~ ~
75. myopic eyes due to outstanding RGP glasses can be used to contain, in conjunction with a simple massage, a year, you can restore your eyes to the normal situation.
This is the four fingers and massage it, so in front of the general homogeneous, and then close your eyes, in the position of the eye and orbital convergence Press down gently, press down for 5 seconds after, and then repeated. On a day by half an hour. Effect is obvious.
76. hands easily become dry and rough hands with vinegar and soak for ten minutes to skin care
77.. every morning with a friction face tofu a few minutes for a month, face will become very moist
78 . in the history of the most cost-effective foam cleanser Levin】 【Xue Fu series, 4.9 yuan 120G. Wal-Mart has deep cherry and olive oil control clean.
79. the first two with the rice washing water, wash your face, morning and night. to ensure that 5 days after you learn the white skin is white drop, and drop it supple and hydrated
80. teeth yellow, can peanuts chew and then use it to brush your teeth to 3 minutes to be effective for a week ~ I brush, the effect is obvious.
81. health class domestic cleaning eating and drinking class
82. Anti-dry: wash your face at night After coating their skin with orange water Dangdang ah really comfortable
83. If the hair after shampooing did not do sleep, the next day will be a headache, but you can before going to bed with a dry towel or something head wrap, will be very warm, the next morning head does not hurt, for not like to use a hair dryer or when conditions were not the case

------------------ ------------------------< br> This article is reproduced from: sincere girl: Encyclopedia of women (girls must see)
reading space with QQ-mail subscription What really is the girl
reading space?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jinshan former deputy business, hollowed out game talent Jinshan

 May 21 news, former vice president of Jinshan Wang Feng has a new re- start the news , there are two game channels Jinshan Gan Wang Feng to join startups . According to sources , in addition to the original game defected Hong Liao Ming Wang Feng , director of channels , the Jinshan game channels in South China Region Manager for a coke , Northern Region Manager , and Wang Feng Zhang Yanbo also with the business ; and Wang Feng had received $ 15,000,000 transmission investment is not quite accurate , the actual amount may be $ 12,000,000 .
Prior to news that Wang Feng has received IDG 1500 million U.S. dollars investment , and won the South Korean company T3 casual online games, Message. According to the latest news, Jinshan game marketing, business cooperation department has joined the staff of Wang Feng left the new company after another .
Wang Feng influential in the games industry , Jinshan Wang Feng channel system and inseparable ; and Group Comment on the matter has never been outside .
investment for $ 15,000,000 , IDG partner had said earlier that the macro is not accurate. This amount may be $ 12,000,000 .
game industry is a channel for the king of the industry. Shi Yuzhu Is bound to cause some impact on its channel system . It is learned that Kingsoft has selected a new person in charge of the game channel .
Wang Feng left on the topic, some time ago heard that NC will become South Korea 's head of corporate .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vertical and horizontal web fun web games world

 WEB boutique is ruminate game , Leading the three strategic culture, > Browser to battle the three countries have taken steps ! Let us use strategies and hands, the three countries to create their own world !
rich game content , a huge clan honor system, and the development of an orderly line of the army , the absolute energy Three strategies to all your favorite war game fans a pleasant surprise ! chaos mill hero, game -style taste of the Three Kingdoms , Fill the blank web game Computer configuration requirements , just an ordinary browser, you can step the pace of battle . allowing the player to use strategy and hands , from a city 's development and construction began to create their own Features : Three Strategies
Development Company : Shanda
operators : Shanda
official website :
Come play with me !

Thursday, March 3, 2011

First effect and the recency effect of the specific application in the real world! (Original)

 One of the important branches of psychology mm there is an important social psychology called social content of perception, it is formed by a variety of social information perception, social perception is a basic social and psychological activities. In the concept of social perception , impression formation has several effects, including first effect and the recency effect on the work and life of great practical significance.
the saying goes, Three fire, the impact of information obtained larger phenomenon. Generally speaking, people who are not familiar or rare prone between the first effect. how to use the first effect made a good impression, to help it succeed? one, when we first visited each other When the dress should be formal, as an appointment in advance, do not do to break in a good mood when to choose each other talk, try to adapt to each other, the first call to talk time not too long; Second, as respondents, do not be visitors The first performance of the interference, blind to the conclusion must be an objective analysis, make the right judgments, is the so-called , the latest available information of the information available than the original phenomenon of greater impact. In general, familiar people, such as friends, classmates, colleagues, especially between close prone to recency effect. For example, better understanding has been at the same time, or partner, suddenly offended his own, will be angry inside, ranging from difficult to happy, emotional, heavy fought back against each other, even cry and shout, fight. This is the last impression of a serious impact on impression formation, to As a good impression of the original depleted or non-existent. encounter such problems, the best approach is: force yourself to control strong emotions, he could find a piece of paper, vertical fold, the left has been to write a good communication, right written communication is not good since. As long as the left less than the right, there is no need for excitement. In specific conditions, often written written, emotional, almost out of control. From another perspective, since the recency effect in impression formation in this character, it is necessary colleagues, friends, classmates and other acquaintances as saying try not to make between doing things never die, leaving a good impression from time to time to change to improve the original image, increase the social lubricant.
should be clear that, whether or recency effect first effect, are short-term effect, whereby decision-making has a certain one-sidedness. That being the case, as long as its applications will be good to improve our relationships, and then made the success and life happiness.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wang Hui, the event may be triggered to read the New Left and the neo-liberal ...

 Made a sharp comment, so that the already calm down, ; and out. He said, recognition and knowledge map is quite different today. However, for various reasons, that argument did not last, unfortunately. Mr. Lin Yusheng this intervention is Jiuhuachongti, re some past ideas and theories of conflict on the agenda However, today's China and the world have undergone significant changes, the actual conflict and the opposition have been thinking of a new historical content, therefore, in theory and thought if there is a lot of people to launch a more extensive participation of great debate great controversy, it is no better, and hope that this time not give up. I am concerned about this, Yu Ying-shih is also very concerned about this. We are a large number of suspected plagiarism Wang Hui was shocked.
Lin severe end of the interview said, academic standards. If this is not just a slogan, I think the school is responsible for supervision of academic development, maintenance of academic order, Tsinghua University and Tsinghua University Dean of Arts, political and moral responsibility to set up as soon as possible, Committee get the opportunity to restructure, which is also not correct style of study can get corrected. the end for the Chinese academic community can move toward a virtuous circle. If the President of Tsinghua University, unwilling to make the appointment of Dean of Arts, Obviously enough, they failed to take responsibility for their own should step down. What is the difference?
is generally believed that 90 years in the 20th century, with China's reform and opening up to the second stage, the Chinese mainland began to appear in the New Left academic thinking and the new liberalism of the dispute. representative of a new left Gan Yang, Wang Hui, Cui Zhiyuan, etc., and in the main camp of neo-liberalism Li Shenzhi, Qin Hui, Liu Junning, Xu Youyu, Zhu Xueqin et al. New Left and the liberal factions debate the scope, duration, level of deep, are unprecedented, from the freedom, democracy, equality, justice, efficiency, none of the various values given a statement to the style of study.
Interestingly, the they are both liberal scholars from China's internal division. New Left was the main representative or liberal believers, or was in the 80's liberal environment of strong growth trend, with the neo-liberal split and disputes 90 from the 20th century, domestic and international political and economic environment changes. For example, that since the late 90s of the 20th century, China's economic growth model has undergone major changes, from the whole and losers reflect the value of its original concept, the New Left and the resulting differences in liberalism. differences after the election, both times controversial, but different opinions, believe he is the embodiment of truth, the special interests of each other as is service tools, such differences can not develop so far has reached the degree of dialogue.
Zhu Xueqin has summed up the > First, determine the basic national conditions. The new leftist friends believe that China, rolled into the globalization of capitalism in China has been flooded, the main object should be to resist foreign invasion of the capitalist multinational corporations, whether economic or cultural . modern Western left-wing critique of capitalist theory has become the ugly reality portrayed to be critical of this reality. The Liberal Party believes that China does not have access to post-modern, capitalist society does not enter the stage, no further Research into the globalization and hinder the progress of Chinese society is not outside of capitalism, multinational corporations, but the old system and the inherent ideology, we must unswervingly expand the opening and deepening of opening up.
Second, the community ills of the judge. New Left that today's social ills in the Western capitalist stage of development has occurred, is the Western disease setback in the ideological field of reform, and further amplification of these factors; The ills of contemporary Chinese society, but can not be simply analogy for the exotic coexist, the former parasitic on the latter, distorted the latter, even to suppress the latter produced by the earlier questions; in understanding the root causes, they also dig deeper, pointing out that this problem existed in the Mao era, such as when the privileged class of the looting of private property without compensation, to occupy the public wealth, as well as different views of political pressure, all this system has produced in the early days of injustice, but only the illusion of egalitarian ideology of Mao Zedong, obscured; the introduction of market mechanism, the power mechanism has not changed, but by the market mechanism to enlarge the privileges , to find space for a wider range of rent-seeking, the resulting structural corruption in the society, and social justice issues in an unprecedented sharp. We can not count the loss of power mechanism to the head of the market mechanism, but can not be theoretically cover real life unfair injustice.
Third, how to solve social ills? new friends left that to the modern history of the French Revolution as a great democracy represented by the mass is not wrong, and even some of the practices of Mao Zedong during the Cultural Revolution also not wrong, should tap one of the culminated in the Cultural Revolution practice, this is a fork of history, in this fork, the sacrifice is precisely the most original people in the bottom of society to be mobilized. reforms proposed to completely negate the Cultural Revolution, the introduction of market mechanisms, is tough toward the return of the world's major civilizations. Only extend to the political system reform, in the construction of various power system level monitoring mechanisms, constitutional rule, can only solve the social justice, but also try to avoid the vicious cycle of Chinese history. The above are side, the key is to promote critical new friends left the market mechanism, called for political reform liberalism, other differences are thus probably derived.
one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine since mid-May, the events, so that a more liberal discourse on negative space, or even become dangerous once. I personally hope that both sides respect each other, in the debate as an invaluable, do not change with the changing political winds, adhere to the spirit of free thought and independence, to safeguard the seriousness of theoretical discussions.
not on some domestic experienced the Cultural Revolution, the new leftist friends, I think the reasoning discussed in the same time, their experiences should be limited to a sympathetic understanding. Cultural Revolution was to be negative, but must not be closed immediately after the denial, not allowed to study, not allowed to reflect on . Now the situation is that the reform in order to deny the Cultural Revolution started on the surface, but every step encounter the specter of the fetters of the Cultural Revolution. Today, the emergence of New Left thought, is the simple negation of the Cultural Revolution, retribution, or even punishment.
some young The New Left friends did not really have experienced the Cultural Revolution Cultural Revolution Quedui do not intend to thoroughly reflect on their own in the black box behavior, this nation will not grow in the nation. its own path of development will continue on the various leftist trend was the impact of the New Left today, tomorrow much younger friends might become the within the dark of the nation has adopted the same closed with the Japanese attitude. In the new century, China's GDP is indeed possible into the world, but its contribution to world civilization, it may be worrying imponderables .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New experience and lessons about the game

 Large dog house
transferred from the lack of experience of the rapid metabolism of the machine age, the same token, an industry already had to maintain the flow if only the final result will be the level of degradation and the impetuous atmosphere. No matter OEM or original, Only allow more new stars, to the new to create a better environment for the growth of China's game industry can continue to move forward.
Unfortunately, in our industry, the couple are the least concerned about a crowd. Compared with the elderly, despite their tender, but more aggressive; although the lack of experience, but it has more fresh ideas. newcomers always be the elderly, the elderly is it not from ignorance of the new start? in the path of growth, Who has not made mistakes? who has done something funny? we interviewed the four new plans, both complete newcomers, but also worked for ten years whiteboard to know new people, but also an understanding of game production has been the opportunities. hope that these lessons and experiences for other just to get new tickets for the game industry can be helped.
First, recruits the legendary
Hu Zhe
While the game industry recruits, Hu Zhe has 10 years of experience, this from his smiling face and calm conversation can feel In 1996, just graduated from East China University of Technology, Hu Zhe Biochemistry candidates who designed the Shanghai Ubisoft game, when the Shanghai Ubisoft has just set up, because there is no game industry experience he was turned away. This failure to Hu Zhe left an impression: the game industry is a very exclusive circle, like the finished product, do not welcome newcomers.
but Hu Zhe has never given up their dream game. Last February, Hu Zhe Shanghai East Star got his wish to become a planning software. The Japanese game software OEM East Star has a resounding brand industry, twenty years it focused on the generation of Public Market, known as the certainly require a lot of courage. Now he is involved in the planning independently developed by the Eastern Star a street soccer online game until the final operation, the way for future accumulation of a complete game experience.
I learned
a French game company in the development of a horror game, they want to play the role in some of the NPC, mainly pedestrian way, outsourcing the production. They gave us some material, ready-made models and textures, textures are based on real photo shoot, we just help them repair on it.
the requirements of the other sounds clear, very simple, it is in the ordinary NPC, can not do them very surprising and overwhelming. So we spent a lot of time-consuming and labor-intensive ways to modify the hope that wherever possible a more realistic number, but the final effect is not obvious, do not see is the result of too much effort to beautify, and even we ourselves are not satisfied, customers will naturally be more satisfied with the project so yellow out. Although there is no financial penalty, but I am feeling very guilty, who are I do this project with colleagues in the morale certainly affected. then I guess, the other to the real truth may be another, such as the effect they may feel that not enough pictures of nature, want us to hand out the real results. < br> As a production coordinator with the customer base, I did not actively seek to understand and customer-depth discussion to understand the specific needs of each other, resulting in what we do out of place in the direction of deviation. This is partly because it was their own do not know how the production will encounter difficulties, no way to describe our confusion to the other; the other hand, feel that even such a simple question to ask each other, will appear that you are not professional. will no longer be encountered a similar situation, I will be made aware of the difficulties ahead, be more proactive in communicating with each other. meet the demand is not clear, we must ask, for example, to provide some reference to each other, or tell each other our specific approach.
fact, Check in the middle of (Middle-Check), I had to do the content we've sent each other to see. but the other party's response is vague, but an the direction of our work, and later learned that this may be some other formulaic response. After this happened, the boss told me that you can not think what customers want, we must obtain court testimony as to the accuracy of the other replies. < br> Comment: Communication is the basic skills, is one of the most lacking in new capacity. External communication with customers, whether or internal communication with the art and procedures, can not take it for granted instead of with their thinking to other people's ideas. Be sure to the other party to find out every detail, but also be sure to let each other understand their every word.

new insights into my company better start from the most basic things, so you have the opportunity to learn the game all aspects of production, these aspects of what issues may arise, what are the solutions. skipped the learning process, such as direct producers do, you will be ill-judged, it is impossible to convince others. a project from the initial idea to the final shape will be very, very much the middle of the Crossroads, believe it will go in the wrong direction, not only costs time-consuming work, but it is easy to make things and finally found a completely different mind. If you do not Any project experience, you will not know when to make a decision what factors need to be considered, such adjustments can not predict what will produce results. The thought alone is not out of mind, only by experience. In the ideas, help us to make judgments.
just to do the planning, your mind may still self-centered, because it is not familiar with the process and art work, we had to do from the perspective of process and art to check their own ideas. Therefore, as a new planning process should, do more art of communication, you will learn a lot from the experience and knowledge. the first question may be just a few minute details, but in the process, your way of thinking subtle changes will occur.
Comment: some of the country due to the overall low level of game companies, new entrants after the direct entrusted with the task or a lack of experienced people in the guidelines, the couple is not necessarily a good thing, not only missed a lot of learning opportunities, but also prone to emotional complacency. Moreover, game development is an emphasis on team work, individuals of ability, without the cooperation of the team, it is difficult to play a role, and sometimes even counterproductive.
a Nan Zhu Nan is a
all a new career in the game, actually a half-circle . He usually collected from a variety of game development-related information on his personal website mm Through this platform, he knew a lot of people in the industry, but also the impact on a certain understanding of game development.
study at Tongji University, he began to use the summer to the game company employees, sophomore in Gameloft, junior When any of the tester in Shanghai Ubisoft .2005 1 month, he officially joined Ubisoft Shanghai to become a level designer. all of a child home to his Nan that very strict control, in order to prevent him from playing computer games, parents to put into his computer a box, not let him out. As a result, he trained for a minute the computer from a turned state's ability to change back to boxing. I hope future children will have more opportunities to play the game, to playing the game I do. interest, no interest in technical things, and even rejection. I saw a technical problem, it will jump. but the level design is a combination of planning and technical work, not to say that the design of light on the brain to think about how can, and should also consider how to achieve. Strictly speaking, the level design is more biased in favor of the realization and implementation of technology, but relatively few design elements. You need to use editing tools to take out points in the process, technology there will be many problems. you have to write a script to control NPC concrete action, these are not lost what commands can be achieved, but there are a lot of procedural work, sometimes need to write code line by line, using the code control of the process logic.
level designers, as Ubisoft, you have to see a lot of code to study the function of the code which contains all what role, so the design level, you can call more functions, more implementation. I new to this work, comparing exclusion technique, let me have any technical problems to solve my colleagues, myself not to study. such as what to write the script, I always let other people help me do or turn to our Team Leader. Although he did not the consequences, gave people the trouble increases, the time delay of others. Remind me later Team Leader, to increase their independence, their own problems themselves, I aware of the problem, began to pay attention to learn some technical stuff.
but I still think, though planning is necessary to understand the technology, but should not be without a lot of creative energy to a number of technical issues. In my work, many problems are caused by engine limitations and imperfections caused by the editor, I can only solution to beat around the bush. should be the focus of the work plan of play, things should be technically very good program support, high efficiency to complete, can not account for some meaningless live energy of your work 80%.
Comments: any piece of knowledge may restrict short-board planning for development. each and every plan Comparative aspects of its own good, some are good at creating, and some are good at achieving, in addition to good things to play themselves, but for the newcomer, more importantly, their knowledge as soon as they fill up on the short board.
My experience
Ubisoft is focusing on internal knowledge sharing, here is like a knowledge base, scattered with a large number of valuable documents and information, as long as you are interested, can always find what you need. and many elderly people here are involved in the development of world-class game, the elderly and very equal relationship between the new, old people are very willing to help newcomers, as long as you are willing to ask, they are willing to answer. So Ubisoft, you must be a heart, to see more listen more to ask, do not just do their own thing even if the hand over. a good at learning new here can understand the idea of playing games all kinds, such as how to operate large projects, how to do the transplant, how to analysis of a game, such as lens (Camera), role (Character), control (Control) of the rules, such as air wall is not allowed, when the players think that something is available when it must be available.
couple, the only drawback is the lack of such enterprises Ubisoft the opportunity to try and space, each person has a fixed and concrete work. In such circumstances, new thinking can not be complacent and give up power, should strengthen the ability to think independently.
Comments: new first task is to sponge camel learn new knowledge, on the one hand, when a project can gain experience, we must also be off, take full advantage of the company's resources to find tools that can help improve their own. In no case affect their own jobs, but also can try to do some things themselves, to keep their minds active.

25-year-old Guo Guo but an out of new, biological education, he graduated from high school should have been standing in a classroom to teach students from single-cell organisms to mammals and Evolution. holding the love of the game, and to Shanghai, look for opportunities to enter the gaming industry .2005 December, Ubisoft made in Shanghai, testers 5 months later, Guo joined the Eastern Star, a colleague Zhe Hu.
Guo long hair , wearing a loose T-shirt, looked youthful and assertive. to Shanghai, he thought the game companies should have a very nice creative environment, the morning work late at night will work until very late, nothing on the outside for inspiration With inspiration and colleagues together to brain storm field. In short, very casual, very free and full of creativity. education base in the GA game received training in planning, he knew the game was originally a very rigorous work, process and has a fixed, not a want to do on how to do. but really in the game until the company began work, he discovered that not only can not be arbitrarily planned, have everywhere for others. such as documents, written before the documents are to own view, as long as they understand on the line, but now it is to write to anyone, let others know what you think.
my lesson and I
James (Leung Chun-ho) had a fierce between the mouth . At that time I was to catch a program, the afternoon will finish to the customer, that was the last day. James is kind to read my proposal to take over again and found a lot of problems, and then tell me these places need to be modified . was my first feeling is negative, very negative, I think these problems can not be resolved before the program today to pay, has no time to go to make any changes to the. James that such things can not be read to the customer, but I insist on nothing big problem, but those issues in his eyes because he just did not understand my case. At that time I have with the offensive tone, the mood is very excited and also a great voice. James's face looks a little frustrated, he may feel own some good intentions, but was rejected and I had to.
calm down, I re-read your writing again, James found some of the problems that do exist, they still changed at his request, eventually distributed to customers on time. Then the two of us to sit down and analyze why such a quarrel, why my emotions would be so excited, it will say something offensive words. James is my teacher, I respect him and hope to hear his opinion, but I was a lot of pressure, time is very nervous, a nervous man, a stretch up, it will not control their emotions.
The lesson I learned two things: first, work attitude, recurrence of similar situations in the future, I have to stand up to listen to an objective point of view of others, as far as possible without personal subjective feelings, and if I was able to objectively look at our own things, there would be such a big response, but also the views of James to have a fair understanding. The second is to learn to work under pressure, the more you worry, the more error-prone, the pressure can not be a perfunctory excuse.
Comments: need to be carefully planned to actively listen to others comments and suggestions, we must first recognize each other's views and recommendations of value, even if you do not agree with them. Second, we must try to objectively look at each other's behavior words, to avoid the improper comments of others. planning need to learn under pressure work, even in a state of high tension, we must keep a clear head.

my experience the main business of the company to outsource, planning is relatively small, so I now have the opportunity to do an independent project. I no similar experience, do not know where to start, do not know, and proceedings commenced prior art, planning what needs to be done. My approach is from the beginning to ask, first, consult others around me with veteran project development, such as James ; more direct approach is to ask the art and procedures, I first tell them my ideas, then ask them what I need to provide something for you, your workflow is how, you first need to what, what is required after priority How right. We have a great program of art and experience, they usually start working before the plan will first receive a planning case, so the content of the work plan very well. I was new to his work in order to familiarize themselves with the process to more experienced people around to ask, can not be afraid to open.
for the newcomer, eager to learn humility the most important and creative passion can be put off. new passion should be reflected in the diligent, the initiative to ask take the initiative to do things to others. Do not give you the task to others, you are done, others do not give you a task, you do nothing. You do not work hard, do not keep this enthusiasm can not be faster grow up. new people is certainly more bitter, not familiar with the work content and the environment, often overtime, treatment is relatively low. But I think as a rookie, in the first two years, to learn and gain experience is the most important So I am most worried about is the speed of their growth.
Comments: The company's job description and the exact same way, as soon as possible to adapt to new environments, familiar with the work flow. first came to the company, all the work for you are strange, when the loss should be more to colleagues for advice. even if there have been some experience, still have to maintain the mentality from scratch, which requires both studious spirit of humility, but also have a proactive attitude.
Yu Xiaoqi
22-year-old Yu Xiaoqi is secondary education, this degree so that he shut out by many game companies. His first job was a grand GM, 2002, when years have not been so well-known grand to the game as the industry seems like a lot of people now so confidently. made a GM 4 months after the father's request and arrangements, Yu Xiaoqi into the center of the Shanghai Postal Bureau. Post Office is a iron rice bowl, salary and welfare Yes, colleagues get along very harmonious. where he is responsible for sorting registered letter work, one to do that for two years.
Yu Xiaoqi childhood growing up in single-parent family, his family was poor, the son of his father's greatest wish is that a good job. So in 2004, when Yu Xiaoqi own decisions to resign from the post office, switched to digital Zarva, he even dared to tell his father the first time. In Zarva Commissioner digital products made after one year, the company closed down, he was in up to six months unemployment. those days are tough, Yu Xiaoqi every day under tremendous pressure, anxious father to help him contact some other way, taxi drivers, crane drivers were his hh can not refuse. He has a 6,7 candidates planning firm position, but repeated test failures, education became a major obstacle. Although constantly under attack, Yu Xiaoqi, or refused to give up, he sat every day for nearly an hour car to the GA game education base, continue to listen to the class instructor, GA all the activities he will participate, always quietly there in the industry in a variety of occasions.
February of this year, Yu Xiaoqi finally to do so to be a plan, is responsible for rice crackers in the game interface and chat system. He knew the basis of good, so be prepared to spend two years to complete the entry phase.
I learned
day at noon, we all to eat, and the office no one else, just me and Big Po (Lai Jieting game producer of rice crackers) at. I passed our art computer and saw the computer screen with a woman he painted the original painting. I think this woman style and not the same as I imagined, to jokingly say that the sentence: told I have to respect each member of the team.
fact, I have no malice, and I very good relationship between the original painting, and usually also play games with the same number. but then I reflect on their mistakes, If it were me, I do not interface, after reading other people, said: sentence would undermine the morale and team cohesion.
another occasion, when the lunch break, I played with Art to him and a voice shouting others.
Comments: wanting to learn to respect the other members of the team. because it is not familiar with the environment, or lack of experience in dealing with people, new people will often make mistakes on people doing things. more empathy, more standing look at other people's point of view of their words, only respect for others, then others will respect you.

I interviewed my experience many companies have failed, these companies, I am most impressed by InterServ, because it not too much care about my qualifications. InterServ Chief Operating Officer Tom Yu Jen encouraged me to say that new people into this line, a lot of things we are all the same, very few people truly outstanding, the key to perseverance. I do not how to various aspects of capacity , play the game not many, only by devotion. was because of my low starting point, so to study harder than others. In doing their own work, if there is time, I will help other people not doing anything, such as to help to change my music format, to help art Gogo path, or to help do some other planning documents.
I think honesty is very important to the couple can not pretend to understand. new vanity may be strong at times , never played the game, played himself to say, do not understand something, and would not admit that they do not understand. because there is no experience, when the new easy to make mistakes at work, if for fear of being scolded and to cover up their mistakes, Even now, was to conceal the past, the future still will be found, that time will delay the progress of the whole team, a small mistake will turn into a big mistake.
Comments: by helping colleagues to do some supplementary work will not only give new hard working people to leave the impression, and colleagues more easily integrate into the group, promoting mutual understanding. Honesty is one of the important qualities of new people, do not worry about exposing their lack of, or progress difficult.
II veterans Manual < br> Liang Zhen Hao
in the eyes of her students, Liang Zhen Hao is a passionate and a good teacher, willing to put their knowledge and experience to share with others without reservation; in the eyes of colleagues, he is a good listener good partner, never mind any objection to any person; in the boss's eyes, he is a good dedicated staff, although only a few days away from his wife's production, he were still crazy overtime. But for these evaluations, Liang Zhen Hao I and do not care, he cares about is the player's eyes, he is not a good plan.
reporter saw Liang Zhen Hao, most of the time, he is thinking about, or ask questions. for the first time to the Eastern Star, he asked a reporter why the beat him by 7 points a game, he said that some publishers only gave 5 points, and then he asked this 3 buckle in what place. the second time to the Eastern Star, he paced alone in the room until reporter to leave, he walked out to say goodbye to the reporter thanking the recommendations raised in the letter.
Liang Zhen Hao regarded recruits in South Korea earlier in the experience, he entered a small studio only 4,5 people. At that time he has to do more than just planning, but also wash dishes, clean up the room like chores. The small company gave him a lenient environment, we have no experience, all things can only rely on their own way, and he therefore tried a lot of ideas freely. the company's programs and art is outsourced to other companies do with those experienced in the procedures and fine arts exchange process, he mastered the game development knowledge and experience of many.
year later, Liang Zhen Hao joined JCE company, JCE two years, he has served as a The main planning and gain a lot of valuable lessons In 2003, after the failure of job the United States Blizzard, Liang Zhen Hao came to China, China has a much larger than the Korean gaming market, which means that a successful game in China will more people to play, for a game plan, this sense of achievement is clearly unmatched .2005, Leung Chun Ho joined the Shanghai East Star Software Development Network for East Star Game, continue to practice the way of his plans. < br> Advice one: that they do not know what
just joined the JCE, we group the lack of experienced people, as the main plan is no large-scale online games and game development experience, even for single games and online games the difference between big game and small game are ignorant of the difference, only the strength to move forward relying on break. I was also served as project manager, but I do not have any project management experience. So when CEO asked me When the game you can test, I put the game out the function of the column, said: They do not know what they do not know. If they do not know what they know, can ask, to study; but if they do not know to trouble.
advice II: primary and secondary, regardless of prioritizing
is one of the most common problems new. They often take their mind to write down everything, including some very fine things, such as what cut a strange kind of reaction. details in the development process will be changing , planning the first thing to do is the main concept (Concept) determined, this is the most important. For example, we set implementation, these implementations in the future development process can be changed, but the concept can not be changed. If you start to focus on specific methods, the future is very easy to lose direction.
This is my development The biggest mistake made, no definite concept of the beginning, not to plan around the concept of the game features the choice, resulting in the game even though I added many features, these features are fragmented and not related to each other, there is no uniform the concept of mixing them up. Thus, although the game has lots of features exist, but players still feel this game was not playable.
Advice Three: Learn to communicate with people who do not understand the game such as boss
communication. bosses usually do not understand the game more, they do not have the time and effort to further play your game. You want them to understand your ideas, do not be too detailed a number of things can tell them, but to grasp the concept of to tell them the concept. For example, when the JCE, the company's CEO Ms. King asked me how the battle system the game, if I told her what the enemy in the game, what race, what career, she is unlikely to understand . So when she always would say to me: , but the structure is complicated. br> When I was new, when Ms. King taught me a lot. In the JCE two years, she keeps telling me: Please put the concept of good, no concept, your ideas will not be clear, no one can understand your game. but then I was still young, do not want to open to her suggestions, I always said to her, shouting: I do not have time, I want to quickly complete the detailed documentation to finalize all the details, instead of what the concept. then I do not want to admit that the idea of always wrong, always instinctively thought to the exclusion of others. development which direction I will jump. So for Ms. King's tolerance, I have been very grateful, she gave me a free room for development.
in the development of , but went to the other extreme, into a hard ball. because group. Although the test reflects the game down a lot of players play too hard, and in addition to PK, feel no more, but I still stick to their own opinion, refused to amend the design direction of the game.
open to other team members proposal, listened carefully to the views of players, these two points is the quality of planning must have.
Advice Friday: learn to persevere and to give up
new interview or to students in class, I often reflect on what is good planning, what is bad planning? programmers can come up with their own code, you can come up with their own art works, planning it? nothing to prove their ability to plan things. if that is the ;, then what is the lack of bigger picture, can not be generalized.
ability to plan how the game is reflected in where? I think not only design, is more important is choice. Very often the choice faced by the planning is not the right answer, the planning done is set from the initial concept, stick to their choice of direction, and to convince partners to move in this direction. If you swing in the selection of not only the game will be hell broke loose, the other members of the team will feel confused. So, a Good planning should know when to give up, when to insist. this point, I was still learning now. Based on this consideration, the new plan, I do not think they should be given too many rules, and do not use your will to instead of their thoughts.
advice VI: passion, curiosity, positive
planning for the new run, some of the character is very important. The first is passion, I do not want and lack of enthusiasm, just as a planning people who work to work together. game development is sometimes smooth, sometimes extremely difficult, the lack of enthusiasm in most of the time may be competent, but it aggravated the situation, they are likely to give up.
be followed by a stars curious mind, curious about new things. Some people realize they took the wrong train, will be very depressed, sighed, went to sleep; some people may be very excited because he felt that his past is not through this route, you can use observed around this opportunity. the game is ...