Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cut a long burst his secrets nine strokes

The following are my hair was cut research support to the top of his secrets about
first one: a pair of scissors ------ burst comb all my hair to the eyebrows together a pair of scissors can be simple, slide cut and made
second measure: the two burst ----- scissors around the hair into two equal parts, take a comb to the tip of the nose where the fingers are not parallel to the trim, left with the right
third measure: Three pair of scissors to hair burst ------ divided into three areas, development zones and the post-offset distribution around the two areas to enhance the 180-degree angle, fingers uneven
line trim, fixed design lines, each haircut is hair zone offset to the Central line, the final cut for the broken slide
fourth trick: ----- burst equalization correct head position, no partition, were vertical, vertical ground distribution, increase the angle of 180 degree level
line finger position, activity design line
fifth trick: increasing burst ---- correct head position, the partition no, horizontal copies, distribution of the vertical surface to enhance the angle of 180, not your fingers repair
parallel shear, the fixed design line
sixth trick: V Word Central Division ---- burst, were vertical, vertical ground distribution, increase the angle of 180 degrees, activities of finger position is not parallel to the cut set < br> meter line, now take out the CD to do eyebrow design of the middle line, and then left and rear edge of incremental burst seventh stroke
--- Central District, the left plot design according to customer requirements the top line length, sub- were diagonal, the distribution of the vertical lines were high school
low lift, finger is not parallel to the trim, the design lines fixed, the right area with the left zone, perpendicular to the ground to enhance the development zone after 180, before the standard length of the development zone,
can mark pruning, cut the last slide to do texture
eighth trick: cut it burst offset --- Central District to enhance the angle of 180, offset distribution, finger position is not parallel to the cut, fixed design lines, such as: < br> offset comb all the hair of a district in the area to the line, with the available trim marks, the second district the same area, cut back to two areas in the District the vertex offset by the long hair of a district
increasing degree of pruning level Finally, slip shear cut strips of surface texture, smooth cut is the tail haircut large incision interrupted the benefits of migration is to retain the length of the hair

ninth trick: hybrid burst --- Zoning: inner ring , bone beam area, outer, inner ring to the area for radiation vertex points, cut the length of equal level to customer care will be
bone cutting edge of the beam area level, increasing levels of shear the outer ring, the last to do three connection shear zone tip, deal with the teeth cut surface texture


Installation of satellite reception in rural areas the size of the lid friends, teach you decipher the encryption, watching good TV

home satellite dish (commonly known as pot) and friends, you still is not received by the central five or six other fine central channel and trouble? Encryption program for those who the Now this desire can achieve! The touch of your fingers, a few remote control and you're done!
steps are as follows: first find in the menu to the central five or six and so on.
want more channels? The downlink frequency is set to 04061, 27500 symbol rate changes, the polarity can be received into the vertical
more channels, please read on. Now, I press the I said in the Star VI satellite.
CAUTION: different brands of pot does not necessarily follow my steps, I hope you will work (I have seen a kind of remote control at the bottom if your home has four color key, press the red can be found) Some friends worried about losing the original channel, I will tell you that this can only add not less!
friend told me this, and now my family to receive the central station 33, a total of 95 units it! Write to share this post, please be reproduced! Please respect my fruits of labor, transfer, please shout!

small satellite pot upgrade crack
currently circulating online a lot about the cottage has been cracked pot method to upgrade the satellite, the following users to give us a few have been successful practice of the method? Hope it'll help.
crack Method One: manual search
since September 9 in the Star satellite boot after the upgrade part of the cottage could not be completed automatically upgraded. Power to 39% after the auto search will appear after the Dead phenomenon, this time remote failure can not quit. Attention! This is not a crash.
Solution: unplug the signal cable will be completed automatically search, because no signal search, search after search to 0 sets of TV shows, but this time the receiver is still remote, but can not program state. Then draw a line on the signal line, enter the Levin single, four transponders will manually search. Attention! Must be manually, automatically search for crash again. Manual search is completed, the receiver return to normal work, we can try!
Crack Method Two: Restore factory settings
tried it today, the upgrade process does enter the receiver, but you upgrade satellite crack pot
currently circulating online a lot about the cottage has been cracked pot method to upgrade the satellite, the following users to give us a few have been successful practice of the method? Hope it'll help.
crack Method One: manual search
since September 9 in the Star satellite boot after the upgrade part of the cottage could not be completed automatically upgraded. Power to 39% after the auto search will appear after the Dead phenomenon, this time remote failure can not quit. Attention! This is not a crash.
Solution: unplug the signal cable will be completed automatically search, because no signal search, search after search to 0 sets of TV shows, but this time the receiver is still remote, but can not program state. Then draw a line on the signal line, enter the Levin single, four transponders will manually search. Attention! Must be manually, automatically search for crash again. Manual search is completed, the receiver return to normal work, we can try!
Crack Method Two: Restore factory settings
tried it today, the upgrade process does enter the receiver, but if you start the upgrade process, only serial number from the change to the 06,10001,004 01,1001,004, Upgrading does not change. Then automatically enter the auto search, to 39% after the progress bar does not move. But the frequency has been increasing in the change. You break out. A program has not retained. You do not interrupt launch frequency has been increasing. Crashed the same as the outside. Solution is to enter the settings, return to factory state, password 9999 or 0000. And then into the hand search, did not show a frequency into the frequency 2, the search will have a program, there are three or four frequency programs, 2,3,4 the three have a frequency of 54 programs. The same as before.
crack Method three: cottage upgrade
nine of the machine to machine upgrades, machine tools, one Taiwan. In fact, can now see the machine. Serial line. Only one sub-machine can not upgrade or continue to show the current state of the few sub-update. Step 1 Connect the serial cable to the back of the machine. 2. Machine tools under power --- by three-F4 key. 3. OK. At this point machine tools panel display ON. 4, sub-machine power opens up panel display for the chaos. 5, the upgrade started TOOLS panel display 001-099 in EP finally turned into 001. Upgrade success!
learned that the The upgrade process lasts about 20 days. Each upgrade will have a number of The software upgrade at the same time, Prior to participating in the Star 9 Haier upgrade of software development, national movements, China and Asia, Ali, closed development 3 weeks, cracking programs already exist at present, due to pressure from the Administration, the program can crack the introduction of, or in what introduction-to-market kind of way is not yet determined.

If you start the upgrade process, only the serial number from the change to the 06,10001,004 01,1001,004, Upgrading does not change. Then automatically enter the auto search, to 39% after the progress bar does not move. But the frequency has been increasing in the change. You break out. A program has not retained. You do not interrupt launch frequency has been increasing. Crashed the same as the outside. Solution is to enter the settings, return to factory state, password 9999 or 0000. And then into the hand search, did not show a frequency into the frequency 2, the search will have a program, there are three or four frequency programs, 2,3,4 the three have a frequency of 54 programs. The same as before.
crack Method three: cottage upgrade
nine of the machine to machine upgrades, machine tools, one Taiwan. In fact, can now see the machine. Serial line. Only one sub-machine can not upgrade or continue to show the current state of the few sub-update. Step 1 Connect the serial cable to the back of the machine. 2. Machine tools under power --- by three-F4 key. 3. OK. At this point machine tools panel display ON. 4, sub-machine power opens up panel display for the chaos. 5, the upgrade started TOOLS panel display 001-099 in EP finally turned into 001. Upgrade success!
learned that the The upgrade process lasts about 20 days. Each upgrade will have a number of The software upgrade at the same time, Prior to participating in the Star 9 Haier upgrade of software development, national movements, China and Asia, Ali, closed development 3 weeks, cracking programs already exist at present, due to pressure from the Administration, the program can crack the introduction of, or in what introduction-to-market kind of way is not yet determined.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thinking that way

There is a very good efficiency of large companies, to expand the operation scale, high-paying jobs, director of marketing decisions. Ad a dozen out of applicants gathered.
the face of numerous candidates, the head of recruitment, said: a way to sell as many monks Combs. This is not obvious Helenians making fun of it? So have walked away, the last only three candidates: A, B and C. Person in charge confessed: A responsible person asked: A burst of inspiration, and handed comb, monk full of joy after use, then buy one.
charge Q B: Should be the incense table in front of each temple put the comb, comb hair on the temples for the men and women. Ten temple hill, so bought the 10 comb.
charge Q C: C to the abbot said: I have a number of comb, your calligraphy superior, can be engraved with 'charitable comb' words can be gifts. Be
sell the comb monks, some of it sounds really incredible, but different ideas, different salesmanship, there are different results. Where others considered impossible to develop new markets, and that is the real marketing experts.

Si Yi

Remember me when I am leaving ,
I'm going to go there quiet far away land ;
then you can not take my hand ,
and I no longer want to go yet turning stay .

Remember me, when day after day ,
tell me you can no longer hopes for the future ;
as long as you still remember me ,
you understand , then Persuade or pray and then later carry on.

but if you temporarily forget and then I remember ,
do not grieve .

because of the darkness and corruption of the town ,
if I can stay a little thinking of the past ,
I'd rather you smile I can forget ,
far worth me sad To remember .

Dead fat man

dead fat man
dead now everyone called fat
not only looks ugly
And very foul temper
character and poor
dead fat man
we cast aside you
dead fat man
of us despise you
dead fat man
we curse you
survive the summer
people like you
how to live in the world
is simply an insult to the world
a destruction of human
a contempt for life
you set these people mean, shameless , indecent , filthy consultations , dirty, in one
does little good , with no advantage
Everyone and vocal
we wish you
water choke
eat choke
sleep Shuisi
car killed
walk killed
swimming drowned
to work on the Dead
step out feces
no good
without you
the world what peace
how peaceful the world
how good life
How happy days
go to hell
for all mankind
for the world
To Earth
consultations small-minded to go to hell
people like you have to do this to die
the next 36 layers of hell you
forever shall be able to bounce

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Give a person, easier said than done

. . . you have such a person in mindYou may have loved, you may also like each other, but to what can not you be with?
Maybe he's loyalty to friends, can not catch you.
may take into account the views of his family in order, not with you.
perhaps to study abroad, he does not want you to wait for him. -
Perhaps you Xiangyutaizao, not know how to cherish each other. -
Perhaps you met too late, you already have another person around. -
Maybe you go back too late, the other party is no longer to wait. -
Perhaps you each other fathom each other's hearts, so they could not taken the line. -
However, even if you did together, you still maintain a friend relationship. -
heart but you know, this person, you are more than friends is also a concern. -
perfectly justifiable, if not holding hands with his shopping, you can still do advantage of being friends. He likes people, and you promise to help him get, and my heart is not very clear, you really want to catch him. -
he is in trouble, you will do your best to help him, not caring who owes whom. -
male and female friends jealous, you will reassure them that you and he was just friends, but your heart will have a trace of uncertainty. Everyone in this life, have had in mind such a special friend. -
only the beginning of your friends can not be reconciled, but a long time, suddenly found the best. -
you would rather care about him, than with you and one day will break up. -
you would rather be his friend, will not be jealous with each other before they can really talk about anything. -
particular case, you still know that he will always care about you. -
can not make a male and female friends, when he was the special friend, what is wrong with that? -
your heart this special friend? Who is it? A lot of feelings, all because of wishful thinking, the last even when not become friends, and often feel sorry, but unfortunately a number of otherwise good friendship, but because the other side of a final like you, if you do not respond, it seems difficult to maintain a friendship go It is no wonder that some people will refuse to take this step. This is like a gamble because, after the confession was not into male and female friends, or even when not become friends. -
some things, not what you expected, perhaps the other side do not care, you can be friends, but it has good as before. Is a pity, but also a shame! But there is not likely to be another situation, you may never be reconciled to just be friends! -
miss a person, need to feel the impulse -.
miss a person, need a deep imprint. -
close to a person, require full of sincerity -.
fell in love with a person, full of courage needed -.
give a person, easy! -

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The laws of economics , Oh

The Butterfly Effect, the phenomenon of the frog, crocodile laws, catfish effect, herding, hedgehog rules, watch law, broken windows theory, twenty-eight law, bucket theory, which is something you understand? -

1, The Butterfly Effect:
70s of last century, an American meteorologist named in the Lorentz systems theory to explain the air, said that occasionally the Amazon rain forest a butterfly wing vibration, and perhaps two weeks can cause a tornado in Texas.
the butterfly effect is that the very small changes in initial conditions continued to enlarge after its future status will cause a very great difference. Some small things can be confusing, and some small things, such as amplified by the system, then an organization, a country is very important to not confused. -

2, frog phenomenon:
put a frog into a hot pot directly, because it was very bad environment sensitive, it will quickly jump out the pot outside. If you put a frog into a pot of cold water and slowly heated, the frog will not immediately jump out of the pot, the water temperature gradually increased the ultimate outcome is to be boiled frog died because the water temperature so high that the frog can not stand, it has been too late, or there is no ability to jump out the pot outside.
frog phenomenon tells us that a number of mutation events, they often cause people to alert, and prone to cause deadly is the situation in the feel-good Under the gradual deterioration of the actual situation, there is no clear detection.

3, crocodiles rule:
its intention is assumed that a crocodile bite your feet, if you hand to try to break free your feet, while crocodile will bite your feet and hands. The more you struggle, the more to be bitten. In the event crocodile bite your feet, your only way is to sacrifice one foot.
example, in the stock market, crocodiles rule is: when you find yourself trading in the direction away from the market, must immediately stop and shall not have any delay may not have any luck. -
4, Catfish Effect:
ago, sardines, low survival rate during transportation. After it was found that, if put a catfish in the sardines, the situation is somewhat improved, the survival rate will be greatly enhanced. This is why it? -
Had catfish in to a strange environment, will be quiet, a lot of sardines, it undoubtedly played a role in stirring; and sardines found in more than a This problem is solved hypoxia sardines, and sardines, will not die. - 1 F 5, herding:
sheep where to go, where to go behind the sheep to follow.
herding stock investment was first a term mainly refers to the investors in the transaction process in learning and imitation phenomenon, like -

6, hedgehog rules:
two sleepy hedgehog, as cold and owned together. May be because their body is long with spines, so they left some distance, but can not stand the cold, then get together. After a frustrating, two hedgehogs has finally found a suitable distance: both with each other to obtain the other's warm and was not subject to bar.
hedgehog law mainly refers to interpersonal relationships in the -

7, watch Law:
watch Law refers to a person with a table, you can know what time it is , and when he has two not being able to determine. Two tables and can not tell a person more accurate time, so they will watch the people lose confidence in accurate time.
watch law in business management gives us a very intuitive inspiration, is the same person or an organization can not be used with two different methods , can not set two different goals, and even each individual can not be two people to simultaneously command, or will the business or personal loss. 2010-02-11 20:13 2 F 8, the broken windows theory:
a house if the windows broke, no one to repair , separated soon, other windows will be broken somehow; a wall, if the graffiti is not some washed, and soon, on the wall covered with a mess of things unsightly; a very clean place, I'm sorry that people taking out the trash, but once litter on the ground appears, people will not hesitate to throw, did not feel ashamed.

9, twenty-eight law (Pareto's law):
19 century early 20th century Italian economist Pareto that In any group of things, the most important and only a small portion, about 20%, though the majority of the remaining 80%, but it is secondary. About 80% of social wealth is concentrated in the hands of 20%, while 80% of people with only 20% of the social wealth. This statistical imbalance in the social, economic and life everywhere, this is the twenty-eight law.
twenty-eight rules tell us, do not mean to analyze, process and look at the problem, business and management to seize the vital few; find out those who can provide a 80% profit, but only 20% of the total key customers to enhance services to achieve a multiplier effect; business leaders to work seriously on the classification analysis, it is necessary to solve the main effort on key issues grasp the major projects. -

10, bucket theory:
composed of a wooden barrel if the length of the missing, then the bucket of water Sheng It is not dependent on the longest piece of wood, but it depends on the shortest piece of wood.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Full dialogue between the fish and water

Fish said : you can not see my tears , because I am in the water.
Water says ; I can feel your tears because you are in my heart.
I am not a fish, you do not water . Can you see my lonely tears?
Fish said : I will never leave you, because without you, I can not survive.
Water says : I know , but if your heart is not it?
I am not a fish, you do not water . I do not leave you because I love you.
However, why can not you feel my love ? Me in your heart ?
Fish said : I am very lonely, because I can only stay in the water .
Water says : I know , because my mind, your loneliness.
I am not a fish, you do not water . I'm lonely because I miss you.
However, the fickle can you feel it?